Mental and verbal abuse.


My mother has been verbally abusing me my entire life.

'she's just a bitch, Ignore her'

'Ugh, You look like you just climbed out of a dumpster'

'You look like a dog with that stupid necalce you made'

'I'm not taking 3 steps out of this house with you looking like a tramp-punk rocker'

'Sadly,makeup doesn't make you pretty hun.'

It goes on. She's said those things and way more to me, My entire life. My mother, The woman who raised me, Nurtured me, Fed me from her own breast.

Why? Why is it that she feels the need to cut me down? Ive always wanted her to love me unconditionally.. No matter how I look.

There is no excuse at all for my birth mother, to abuse me like this. I wish people could see the consecuenses of our actions.
Posted on June 19th, 2007 at 04:21am


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