How To Be Happy.

There is only on person in this world who can make you happy, and that person is you
-David Burns

So its time for us to smile. Mhmm. That’s right smile. Felt like you haven’t done that in ages? Feeling hopeless, broken, lonely, and lacking that laughter in your life? In this blog I will help you overcome those feelings of sadness and become a happier, stronger, more brighter human being!

Happiness” feeling or showing pleasure, contentment, or joy. Feeling satisfied that something is right or has been done right. --Encarta Dictionary

OOOOOO a definition you see? Lets throw away all those technical terms and get down to business!

Everyone in this entire world, every single person experiences problems or comes across sadness. Every 6,602,224,175 one of them! Don’t feel like you are the only one in the world not being able to smile, or constantly feeling down. Just because you are the only one who seems to show it, doesn’t mean that that girl you sit next to in period 4 isn’t feeling just as lost and hopeless as yourself. People show things in a different way. So the point I am getting at is: You’re not alone.

There is a estimated one suicide death every 16 minutes, which comes out to 88 per day. If that isn’t enough to scream to the world to stop what you are doing and pay attention than I don’t know what is. That number is totally outrageous to me. 88 suicide deaths per day. Some of those deaths are of people your grandfathers age, mothers age, sisters age, your age. Suicide is never and I mean NEVER the answer. There is only a one exception, in my mind, that puts up a good enough excuse for taking your life. And that is:

-Being in a situation where you dying and there is no escape whatsoever. Such as a terminal illness.

Yes. That’s right. One reason in my mind. Makes you think eh? But of course…who am I to say when a person should or should not put the gun to their head, right? But of course this is just my opinion.

What I really, really loose respect for are the people who sit around and complain. Be the change you want to see in the world. You are unhappy with how you look, you are overweight, than lose that weight! You don’t feel like you have any friends…get some! Fun isn’t something you experience…than make it so! Duhhh those things aren’t easy by any means and will take what seems like forever to do, but sitting around and feeling sick to your stomach with pain because you feel like you are totally helpless absolutely disgusts me. Get up and make yourself happy. What is it that you hate so much? Change it. Don’t rely on other people to fix things for you. No matter how much you believe that the world owes you for all your pain. Start thinking for yourself and stop being so selfish.

Gun to your head? You think that when you pull that trigger everything is going to be better? No more pain. No more suffering. No more life. But before you do that, set the gun down and think. Just because you are miserable doesn’t mean when you are gone, no one else will be effected. Yes, yes that does mean that suicide is selfish. Stop thinking just about yourself. Your family, your friends, community, and anyone else that ever held you dear to their heart are going to be effected by this, for the rest of their lives. I have heard people argue with this, saying that they have no friends and that their parents hate them. Well if that’s really true, than how are you in front of a computer right now, at this very instance, reading this. If your parents absolutely hated you, why would you still even be in their home? Why would you still be in their care if you were just so worthless to them…? And if you don’t have friends…or anyone who would care if you died…than you are meaning to tell me that you talk to no one at school. No one at all. No one smiles at you or asks how your day was. I have not heard of anyone who that really happens to, and I hardly believe anyone on GSB has to go through that.

Hey you 13 year old girls who think you have it so bad because a boy broke your heart! Get over it. oooo harsh, I know. I don’t care how much you think that you were in love, I don’t care that you thought he was just the best and that he meant so god damn much to you. If he really, really meant that much to you than you are meaning to tell me that you could go on for eternity without seeing him. That you could deal with the fact of never seeing his face again, versus at the very least seeing his face. Even though he doesn’t talk to you, or even look at you, you’d rather not even experience him in your presence. You can’t let just one boy do that, if you really break that easily than You need to go to a counselor. I don’t mean that in a bad way, from what I have heard they can sometimes help you to become a better person.

Oh so now you think you have nothing to live for..? That’s where you are wrong. Just because you are 16 and stuck in this god forsaken little town, with parents that don’t understand you, no boyfriend, friends who betray you, doesn’t mean that in 10 years from now you won’t be happier than ever. Ever had that childhood dream? Getting married? Having a family? Becoming wealthy? Famous? Doing what you love? Whatever it is…hold onto that dream. Just because you are in high school now, and all you experience is the dread that you feel when you wake up in the morning, doesn’t mean that those dreams you hold so dear to your heart won’t come true. Only you can make those things happen…so instead of sitting around thinking that if you just kill yourself now, you will save yourself from a future full of misery, wake up and smell the roses. Life isn’t that bad…no matter what you are encountering now.

Life has many, many great qualities. Learn to live with the fact that things will almost never go your way, that people will definitely hate you for no reason, that you will get your heartbroken, will make mistakes, will not always succeed, but if you truly believe in your heart that you are put on this earth for something, than those thoughts will subside and you will know deep down that you really truly are a happy person. And you better believe that. Think of it this way…no matter what your predicament is, there is always someone who has it worse. Sad to think, I know. But still…you aren’t the only one in the world going through this, and you aren’t the only one who can’t still make it through.

Lets see here…my fiancé who had talked me out of suicide (and yes I have had a gun pointed to my head) killed himself two weeks after the official engagement. I made a bad choice, and I have a kid aged 4. I am only 17. My father ran away when I was still in Elementary School. My younger sister died of a drug overdose at the age of 13. My older brother, the one who was their for me always and forever, has been missing for 3 months. And my mother is a alcoholic that won’t accept treatment from anyone. My grades have been effected dramatically by my lack of responsibility during previous high school years, and the chance of going to college is little to none. I won’t become that director I wanted to be, I don’t have the money or the grades to get into film school. That boy who I met when I was 5 years old and fell in love with, is gone now, forever, he left me so suddenly. I have been raped, physically and mentally abused, held at gun point by someone other than myself, have acquired a taste for very dangerous drugs, and have undergone treatment for a serious eating disorder. Guess what….I am still smiling! Right now at this very moment I am not sobbing in tears. I am sure people out their have it worse and they still get by. I manage to smile and laugh every single day of my life. In the years to go I have to look forwards to struggling with ever loving someone again, finding my brother, making contact with my son, and manage to get by living on my own. I have friends, sure, a boyfriend, yes. But those aren’t forever. I am on my own and I don’t depend on anyone else to make me happy. I know that other people do defiantly make a big impact on you, and they do of course make you happy, but only you can make yourself happy.

In the end it all comes down to you. You are the one who chooses to put that gun to your head. You are the one who chooses to dwell on the pain. You are the one who chooses to not seek the help that you think you need. And you are the one who can smile, laugh, feel that happiness you miss. You only live once…if you take it now, you are never gonna get it back. There is no redo, and the biggest regret is taking away something when its only just begun.

Posted on December 12th, 2007 at 02:48am


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