[Insert abortion here]

Addison Dewitt
King For A Couple Of Days
Addison Dewitt
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March 7th, 2008 at 01:49am
Does anybody want to do the math, 4000 babies a day, 365 days a year...

Abortion is a difficult subject, and it all depends on the circumstances in which the baby would be born into, a 13 or 14 year old, I would say has the right to abort, but someone who aborts just because they don't want a baby is cruel, have the baby and do it a favor by putting it up for adoption.

Its a sad, sad, world when we are destroying the citizens of our future before they are even here.
Billie's Willie
Billie's Willie
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Mibba Blog
March 7th, 2008 at 04:06am
a 13 or 14 year old, I would say has the right to abort
Even 13 and 14 year olds should take responsibility for their actions. They shouldn't open their legs if they're not ready for all possible outcomes.
fancy pants
Post Whore
fancy pants
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March 7th, 2008 at 11:39am
I really like what Millie said in this thread. So I'm gonna quote it. ^_^

M. Jane:
I wish people would learn to control their sexual desires enough to take the time to use some form of birth control. That would save us all a lot of trouble.

But, I am highly against taking a woman's rights away from her. It has taken us a long time to get where we are, today, and banning abortion would be a monstrous step backwards. I am also for partial birth abortion, as that is only performed if the mother's life is in danger, or the fetus is seriously deformed.
What I'm about to say is very controversial, but the world is speeding towards over-population. I think abortion is a humane way of slowing down our plunge into such a catastrophe.

I am Pro-Choice.

Except that a lot of people have partial birth abortions when they DON'T need to. And we should do more to see that doctors are more responsible and aren't just handing out partial birth abortions.
Addison Dewitt
King For A Couple Of Days
Addison Dewitt
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March 7th, 2008 at 02:17pm
Billie's Willie:
a 13 or 14 year old, I would say has the right to abort
Even 13 and 14 year olds should take responsibility for their actions. They shouldn't open their legs if they're not ready for all possible outcomes.

I was talking rape really, how many 13 or 14 year olds do you know who would want to have a baby? I thought acne was enough. Rolling Eyes And ok so I suppose everybody has the right to abort, but in some cases it just seems like a real selfish thing to do.
cabot gal
cabot gal
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March 7th, 2008 at 03:17pm
A 15 year old girl in my year just had a baby. She's stopped coming to school now and she's only coming back in to do her exams or to complete her resistant materials coursework. I knew her from my class, and I must say, I really didn't think she'd have it in her to raise a child, but all the more power to her for trying, I guess.

Me, personally, I'd have to abort. There's no way at this age I could cope with a kid, and it would just be a poor quality of life for both me and the child.
Addison Dewitt
King For A Couple Of Days
Addison Dewitt
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March 7th, 2008 at 08:56pm
A 15 year old girl in my year just had a baby. She's stopped coming to school now and she's only coming back in to do her exams or to complete her resistant materials coursework. I knew her from my class, and I must say, I really didn't think she'd have it in her to raise a child, but all the more power to her for trying, I guess.

Me, personally, I'd have to abort. There's no way at this age I could cope with a kid, and it would just be a poor quality of life for both me and the child.

Does the father have anything to do with the baby at all? There's a senior in my school who had a baby earlier in the year, and the father was a sophomore, seeing as he was planning on dropping out anyways he did so, took an equivalence exam and now stays home with their baby. I talked to the girl and she said she plans on keeping things the way they are and going to college and getting a job.

In legal matters does anybody know if the father has any say, I personally doubt it but it could happen. Whenever the subject of accidental babies comes up I always think of Knocked Up. Laughing
Billie's Willie
Billie's Willie
Age: 35
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Mibba Blog
March 7th, 2008 at 11:34pm
In legal matters does anybody know if the father has any say, I personally doubt it but it could happen.
When abortion is concerned? No.
Addison Dewitt
King For A Couple Of Days
Addison Dewitt
Age: 30
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March 8th, 2008 at 12:30am
Billie's Willie:
In legal matters does anybody know if the father has any say, I personally doubt it but it could happen.
When abortion is concerned? No.

Thats kind of what I figured, the daughter of one of my mother's friends is pregnant she's 19 I think, her ex bf wanted her to get an abortion but she said she could take care of the baby herself.
cabot gal
cabot gal
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March 8th, 2008 at 04:50am
A 15 year old girl in my year just had a baby. She's stopped coming to school now and she's only coming back in to do her exams or to complete her resistant materials coursework. I knew her from my class, and I must say, I really didn't think she'd have it in her to raise a child, but all the more power to her for trying, I guess.

Me, personally, I'd have to abort. There's no way at this age I could cope with a kid, and it would just be a poor quality of life for both me and the child.

Does the father have anything to do with the baby at all? There's a senior in my school who had a baby earlier in the year, and the father was a sophomore, seeing as he was planning on dropping out anyways he did so, took an equivalence exam and now stays home with their baby. I talked to the girl and she said she plans on keeping things the way they are and going to college and getting a job.
Yeah, the father dropped out of college and they're talking about getting a flat together. How they're gunna afford one, I have no idea.
Addison Dewitt
King For A Couple Of Days
Addison Dewitt
Age: 30
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March 9th, 2008 at 03:15am
A 15 year old girl in my year just had a baby. She's stopped coming to school now and she's only coming back in to do her exams or to complete her resistant materials coursework. I knew her from my class, and I must say, I really didn't think she'd have it in her to raise a child, but all the more power to her for trying, I guess.

Me, personally, I'd have to abort. There's no way at this age I could cope with a kid, and it would just be a poor quality of life for both me and the child.

Does the father have anything to do with the baby at all? There's a senior in my school who had a baby earlier in the year, and the father was a sophomore, seeing as he was planning on dropping out anyways he did so, took an equivalence exam and now stays home with their baby. I talked to the girl and she said she plans on keeping things the way they are and going to college and getting a job.
Yeah, the father dropped out of college and they're talking about getting a flat together. How they're gunna afford one, I have no idea.

If people are really dedicated they usually find a way,

has anybody ever read a book called Slam, bout a couple of teenagers who made an oopsie, kinda weird cuz its from a guys point of view, I dunno, it kinda relates to abortion, pregnancy and all.........Dno
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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March 9th, 2008 at 06:51pm
A 15 year old girl in my year just had a baby. She's stopped coming to school now and she's only coming back in to do her exams or to complete her resistant materials coursework. I knew her from my class, and I must say, I really didn't think she'd have it in her to raise a child, but all the more power to her for trying, I guess.

Me, personally, I'd have to abort. There's no way at this age I could cope with a kid, and it would just be a poor quality of life for both me and the child.

But the main thing for me is, why do people feel they should abort when they could just give the baby up for adoption? I mean, sure, they have to put up with nine months of pregnancy, but the parents don't have to find a way to take care of the baby, and the unborn baby doesn't have to be aborted. Dno
King For A Couple Of Days
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March 9th, 2008 at 07:14pm
Mother Mary:

But the main thing for me is, why do people feel they should abort when they could just give the baby up for adoption? I mean, sure, they have to put up with nine months of pregnancy, but the parents don't have to find a way to take care of the baby, and the unborn baby doesn't have to be aborted. Dno

Well, I guess it's cause some people are selfish and wouldn't want some stranger to be raising their child.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 34
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March 9th, 2008 at 10:05pm
or they just can't take care of a 9 month pregnancy...
cabot gal
cabot gal
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March 10th, 2008 at 01:16pm
Bombed Reverie:
Mother Mary:

But the main thing for me is, why do people feel they should abort when they could just give the baby up for adoption? I mean, sure, they have to put up with nine months of pregnancy, but the parents don't have to find a way to take care of the baby, and the unborn baby doesn't have to be aborted. Dno

Well, I guess it's cause some people are selfish and wouldn't want some stranger to be raising their child.
Or because maybe they would have to drop out of school? Sure you can still go for a bit, but you'd have to have "maternaty leave" of some sort. Especially since it's so close to our exams, this girl has no given up learning for her own qualifications.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 8632

March 10th, 2008 at 07:00pm
Or because maybe they would have to drop out of school? Sure you can still go for a bit, but you'd have to have "maternaty leave" of some sort. Especially since it's so close to our exams, this girl has no given up learning for her own qualifications.

But couldn't she go back to school after she's had the baby and get her General Equivalency Diploma?
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 34
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Posts: 41

March 10th, 2008 at 10:03pm
who wants a GED? if i got pregnant, it would ruin my future! i've been accepted into a pretty awesome private university. they are paying for about 3/4 of my tuition which is $45,000 a year. if i had to get a GED then that would all disapear. no way would i let that happen. i have a pretty good future ahead of me, having a kid would mess it all up. not just poor kids or dumb kids get pregnant, sometimes the smart ones aren't smart about safe sex and end up in a sticky situation. i would say my future is more important right now than having a baby. without a good education and job i wouldn't be able to support a kid, so why would i put me and the baby in that situation?

its not selfish at all. when i am ready to have a baby i want it to come into this world and be happy for its whole life. i want to buy him or her lots of toys and clothes and anything he/she needs. i want to be married to the baby's father. that probably wouldn't happen if i got pregnant now. my boyfriend would stick around but he might not want to marry me, hes only a sophomore!

it would be best for a person in my situation to get an abortion, whether or not its right or if it would make me sad. in the end it would be selfless, not selfish.
cabot gal
cabot gal
Age: 33
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March 11th, 2008 at 02:00pm
Mother Mary:
Or because maybe they would have to drop out of school? Sure you can still go for a bit, but you'd have to have "maternaty leave" of some sort. Especially since it's so close to our exams, this girl has no given up learning for her own qualifications.

But couldn't she go back to school after she's had the baby and get her General Equivalency Diploma?
I'm not sure what that is, I live in England. But basically we do our exams when we're 16 and then go onto college. You can't go onto college without good grades in those exams and, to be honest, when would she find the time to go back to school if she has a baby to look after?
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 8632

March 11th, 2008 at 03:23pm
Mother Mary:
Or because maybe they would have to drop out of school? Sure you can still go for a bit, but you'd have to have "maternaty leave" of some sort. Especially since it's so close to our exams, this girl has no given up learning for her own qualifications.

But couldn't she go back to school after she's had the baby and get her General Equivalency Diploma?
I'm not sure what that is, I live in England. But basically we do our exams when we're 16 and then go onto college. You can't go onto college without good grades in those exams and, to be honest, when would she find the time to go back to school if she has a baby to look after?

That's basically my point. She doesn't have to raise the baby, just give it up for adoption.

But I do see what you're saying though, it would be a bit difficult to go back to school after a long period of time. But I really don't know all the possible circumstances because of the way the school systems vary throughout different countries. Think
Raina Lupa
Raina Lupa
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March 14th, 2008 at 02:33pm
Bombed Reverie:
Mother Mary:

But the main thing for me is, why do people feel they should abort when they could just give the baby up for adoption? I mean, sure, they have to put up with nine months of pregnancy, but the parents don't have to find a way to take care of the baby, and the unborn baby doesn't have to be aborted. Dno

Well, I guess it's cause some people are selfish and wouldn't want some stranger to be raising their child.
Adoption is not the easy option many people assume it is...
Rocker Chic
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Rocker Chic
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March 14th, 2008 at 08:23pm
^ You're right. Adoption is so emotional. Imagine carrying a child inside you for 9 months, having it be so close to you for so long, and then letting someone else raise it. The bond between a mother and child is so strong, I can't imagine how tough it must be to but a baby up for adoption. It's such a selfless act, because you are 100% putting your baby's needs above your own.