[Insert abortion here]
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spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | Guest:the guy is usually in it for sex then the bastard leaves it's very rare that the father wants to keep the child but the mother doesn't it's pro-ohshitiamsoirresponsibleandsluttyandifuckedsomeonecompletelyirresponsibleandsleezy |
girl almighty GSBitch ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 76615 | i agree with abortion. there are so many teenage pregnancies in the uk - 1 in 10 girls in the cities. it sometimes isnt fair. if someone doesnt believe they're ready for a baby - if they're too young or wouldnt be able to afford to look after it, then it isnt fair on the baby or the parents. it comes down to whether or not it is more fair to give the child a shot at life or try and work out what quality of life it is going to have. its an interesting subject though. we had the same debate in RE and our teacher told us that the baby knows its mum's voice a few months before it is born. that shocked us all. |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | *Redundant*Rebel*:adoption |
Rage&Love King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 2462 | I'm suppose i'm for it. I mean people only go through abortion because they are not ready for a kid and would they rather that that child be brought up in a home where it wasn't loved? I mean, i feel sorry for the unborn baby and everything because scientists have now discovered that they shows signs of life at 28 weeks or summin like that, but the mothers wouldn't do it if the didn't think it was necessary |
girl almighty GSBitch ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 76615 | spill_no_sick: thats not for all people. i can see where you're coming from, but a lot of people, especially teenage girls, find it hard to know that there is a kid out there with someone else. it can make a lot of people very happy in cases, but it can leave other people depressed. some of them might find it easier to grieve for a child they can never know than to feel the same feelings for someone who they know is out there somewhere but they still cant see in most cases |
TheFaggot King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 4675 | Well, I fight for woman (and human in general) rights, and I saythat those old guys who say that "It is murder" should fuck off and die.As long as the embryo is a part of the girl, it's her desicion. Those old guys would never experiensce to be sixteen yoears old, have the entire life in front of you, plans to get an education, go to partys all weekends, but then suddently get pregnant and know that none of those things will happen. |
bloodstone Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 422 | i'm for it...regaurdless of moral issues, you have to take into consideration that women will do it regaurdless. if the woman carrying the baby wants to get rid of it, she'll do everything in her power to do it. the real issue is whether to provide a safe treatment for our societies women, or to have them take it into their own hands possibly causing bodily harm because our government refuses to provide the treatment. who knows what instruments they'll start using in order to commit the deed...they used to use coat hangers for christs sake...it opens them up to infections that can lead to diseases, and those diseases could eventually spread...who knows what it could lead to. another reason is that because of the fact that the human species is breeding itself into oblivion, we're running out of room, and resources...population control...as cannibalistic as it sounds, we need it...period. also, the woman SHOULD be able to make the choice whether or not she feels fit or ready for the child. it's her body, whether she makes the right choices with it or not. BTW--birth control goes both ways guys! it's not just the womans job... honestly, the government should really keep their noses out of this issue. don't illegalize it, but make it so that it's its own private instituion...let doctors decide whether they want to provide the treatment or not. |
TheFaggot King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 4675 | Not everyone wants to be pregnant either, I mean, going through a pregnancy does something to your body. And it's 9 months of your life. Not to forget about the fathers of the kids, they may not want to have the child either. But then again, there is those boys who just nags and nags to theit pregnant girlfriends that ther should have the baby just for them, bla, bla bla, et cetera... |
Millie Jane Jackass ![]() Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 1231 | NeoSteph: I say choose your battles. We, as a human race have more important things to deal with than making sure every unborn fetus has a chance. Perhaps we can start worrying about that matter after we solve the immense problem of world hunger. On another note, where did I say anything about the child being raised in a wealth deprived family? By saying "unwanted," I mean possibly left in foster care, constantly moving from one family to another. By say "badly cared for," I mean being raised by a young, most likely teenaged, single mother. Who is rarely able to see her unplanned child since she is working so often. Don't put words in my mouth. |
Amanda Basket Case ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 16556 | I do have something to say, This is a child we are talking about, A human being, It don't diserve to be killed, Just 'cause some idiot was screwing around, I believe the best way is adoption, So someone who can't have a child, Can have some joy, And vice versa.. |
jimmydied2day Idiot ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 733 | warning_05: i totally agree with what you say. there was a story in the news the other week about a 13 year old girl who was denied an abortion because she was deemed unfit to make that decision. so if shes "unfit to decide" then what makes her fit to bring up a child in todays society? i think it is rediculous. and isnt it better to terminate a foetus rather than bring it up in a loveless environment, especially if the father doesnt want to be involved? |
Relion Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 5658 | I dont agree with it. If people are going to have sex unprotected, they should at least consider what might happen. Its also a waste of a life. |
NeoSteph Basket Case ![]() Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 16494 ![]() ![]() | Millie Jane: to be frank I didn't mean poor, in the sense of wealth, but in the way of emotionally and bodily. I used Williams as an example because his father and mother didn't care for him because he wasn't wanted. and further more into today's society a teenage mother has more chance in life (through welfare and there family's) than a newly married couple. I didn't intend to put words in your mouth, if it came across like that then i apologoise. |
XcoreJessio King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 4180 | I'm for abortion. The reason why is that sometimes it's easier to live without a child then to live with it. If there is something wrong with the foetus that will later become a child, say like it had downsyndrom, some parents just can't cope with the stress of looking after that child till they die. Other cirvcumstances are if the person carrying the baby is underage, emotinaly un-prepared or simply dosn't live a good quailty of life and so would the baby. I know that if I found out I was pregnant now, I would have a arbortion. I couldn't simply give up my childhood. I am also not emotinaly prepared to bring another life into this world. Some people may live of a rough estate full of vandals and drug addicts, if I was in living in them conditions I would not want my child growing up there. SOme people may say "Oh just move" But ti must be harder then that. Some people can not get the money to support their child and move out of a rough place. I don't agree for late arbortinos though. At 24 weeks you could give birth and should have an arbortion later if you want one. |
i dont do fuckin names Jackass ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 1482 | im for it, but there needs to be a limit on when(which there is) as you cant kill babies/feotuses(i cant spell, get over it) that can start to think for themselves, as it would be no different to killing a small child. But before you think about abortion you have to put yourselves into the shoes of a pregnant teenager and think of it from her perspective. But, anyway, i think the abortion laws in this country are just right and don't need changing. But their is an argument that children that have been born premature on the limit week have survived, but when they are born they cannot think for themselves, so you arent actuallt killing it as it isnt really alive yet. ^that was probably all ignorant crap |
XcoreJessio King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 4180 | i dont do fuckin names: Basically what I said, but I rambled alot. |
i dont do fuckin names Jackass ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 1482 | *Love is paranoid*: yes, but you can spell foetus |
Headfirst For Halos Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 7391 | I personally am for it, and I think that the current laws in the UK of the limit on when you can abort are right at the moment. I think that the teenage pregnancy rate is worrying though, and it definitley shouldn't be depended on as a last minute contraceptive, as it seems to be sometimes. |
XcoreJessio King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 4180 | i dont do fuckin names: I'm not sure if that is how you spell it. |
folkin' around. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 3243 | In my opinion abortion is totally wrong. You are killing a real human being. It's your fault you got pregnant, you should be responsible. If your old enough to have sex, you should be old enough to take care of another human life. The only abortion I approve is in rape or similar inncidents. Other wise I think abortion is wrong. |
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