[Insert abortion here]

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June 24th, 2005 at 08:58am
I dont agree with it...

I understand that most people who want abortions, didn't know they would become pregnant, or thought it wouldn't happen...

but abortion is a waste of a life... I think people should be aware of the risk they are taking when having sex, and take more precautions if they do not want to become pregnant.

And I also think it is VERY wrong to be forced into abortion.

I hear that abortionist don't tell the 'almost' parents the full story! that they lie to them, and tell them that its not alive just GROWING tissue.
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June 24th, 2005 at 09:00am
I'm for it. If a 15-year old girl gets pregnant she can't raise a child. Or at least it's very difficult. I think that she must have the right to choose for abortion. I'm not sure but if this happened to me I think I would keep the child.

ya well if the girl is old enough to have sex shes old enough to be responsible and have the baby!
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June 24th, 2005 at 09:12am
Im competely against it, i think that any child has the right to live, if the mother doesnt want to keep it then put it up for adoption instead, surely anything is better than killing it?

i think if the baby dies! so should the woman!

"Oh hell no how could we hurt such a valuable person!" *sarcastic voice*
Just like as if
Just like as if
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June 24th, 2005 at 10:38am
Redundant Girl:
Im competely against it, i think that any child has the right to live, if the mother doesnt want to keep it then put it up for adoption instead, surely anything is better than killing it?

i think if the baby dies! so should the woman!

"Oh hell no how could we hurt such a valuable person!" *sarcastic voice*
Actually death can be a better choice sometimes. The 'sad' truth is, that world doesn't need any new persons. And the world definitely doesn't need any more orphans.
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June 24th, 2005 at 10:42am
Just like as if:
Redundant Girl:
Im competely against it, i think that any child has the right to live, if the mother doesnt want to keep it then put it up for adoption instead, surely anything is better than killing it?

i think if the baby dies! so should the woman!

"Oh hell no how could we hurt such a valuable person!" *sarcastic voice*
Actually death can be a better choice sometimes. The 'sad' truth is, that world doesn't need any new persons. And the world definitely doesn't need any more orphans.

sex is meant for married couples. to reproduce! why are young not married teenagers reproducting and getting read of the orrspring!? wtf?
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July 15th, 2005 at 09:02pm
ive been there you can slag me off all you want i made my choice. i have had an abortion i didnt like it i was in increadable pain and i saw what i had killed. i will never forget it and i took precortians i was the 1 in 99% that got pregnent while on the pill. im not ashamed of what i did i could never of offerd that child a real life i want to be able to care for it and give it a home my b/f at the time was no help and even thou my perants said they wouldnt kick me out they wouldnt of offerd any help. it was hell. but im glad i had the choice.
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July 15th, 2005 at 09:50pm
well, to me if you are raped then yah i think its ok if ur like young, if you are raped and you are older than put it up for adoption if your just fooling around then have it and take care of it it was your choice
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August 10th, 2005 at 10:01pm
I'm pro-life and pro-choice I would never have an abortion but i think it is not the governments place to say weather or not a woman can decide if she is ready to bring a child into the world.
For the most part the anti-abortion rally are not pro-life they are pro-birth, they dont care if the child has a proper home to life in or if the baby has food in the bell, all they care about is that the fetus lives.
Falling In Love With The Board
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August 10th, 2005 at 11:23pm
im pro choice, and imma tell you why. a friend of mine was raped at the age of thirteen. at thirteen, she wouldnt be able to take care of a child. so it would be very bad to have her try, wouldnt it? SHE WAS RAPED! IT WASNT HER FAULT!
furthermore, sex is not strictly to reproduce, it is often for pleasure...it fulfills a basic need of all mammals.
besides, as full-moon said, the government has absolutely no right to tell people what they can do when it comes to something as deeply personal as pregnancy and abortion. NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER!!!
fuck the government. they suck anyway.
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August 11th, 2005 at 01:02am
abortion is horrible, it really is. do you have any idea how they do it? do you know that people survive abortions, and guess what they say- GET RID OF ABORTION. they come out all deformed and stuff, its horrible. im serious, read up on it, its so disgusting.

and theres some people who want a baby, but cant have one, imagine that feeling, giving people something they'll never be able to have? adoption, its truely great.
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August 11th, 2005 at 09:48am
abortion is horrible, it really is. do you have any idea how they do it? do you know that people survive abortions, and guess what they say- GET RID OF ABORTION. they come out all deformed and stuff, its horrible. im serious, read up on it, its so disgusting.

and theres some people who want a baby, but cant have one, imagine that feeling, giving people something they'll never be able to have? adoption, its truely great.

child birth is painful, it really is. Do have any idea how many things can go wrong? do you know that women can die, whilst giving birth.

wouldn't it suck if you didn't even want the baby in the first place?

and to be quite honest I think the last thing there is a shortage of in this world is orphans.
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August 11th, 2005 at 10:05am
Well you can't just straight on say you hav an abortion...depends on your situation.
- Who's the father does he love or is he willing to support you
- How are you going to get money for support etc
- How old are you
etc etc list goes on.

Personally if i got pregnant now (13) i'd hav an abortion. There's no way i'll be able to take care of it. My parents would probably kick me out...yer...i know. And well there is no other 13 yr old guy willing to be a dad...well not anyone in their right mind. And why would i go through all that pain with a chance of death at 13. I've ruined my life if i did have it. But if i'm like... older i'd probably keep it...or put it up for adoption.
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August 11th, 2005 at 10:40am
I hate abortions. If you can't raise a child, put it up for adoption, don't stop a life from happening because YOU can't raise the child. If the woman/girl dies in pregnancy(with my beliefs anyway), it was her time to go and she would have died anyway, just from different causes. I don't think ANYBODY has the right to choose if another human lives or dies. I really don't think they should be legal.
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August 11th, 2005 at 10:47am
I hate abortions. If you can't raise a child, put it up for adoption, don't stop a life from happening because YOU can't raise the child. If the woman/girl dies in pregnancy(with my beliefs anyway), it was her time to go and she would have died anyway, just from different causes. I don't think ANYBODY has the right to choose if another human lives or dies. I really don't think they should be legal.

Hmm.. so a 14 year old with her whole life ahead dies giving birth..but it was her time to go and she would have been dead anyway just 60 years earlier thats all. Huh?
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August 11th, 2005 at 10:48am
I believe that people have a time to go. So if you're 14 and die, I believe that that is your time. Wether you get killed, sick, or die giving birth, in my beliefs, people have a time.
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August 11th, 2005 at 10:52am
I take your beliefs to consideration and admire you believe in something. But i personally think its still wrong when a 14 year old could have become something great but gave it away because she gave birth to a baby who will never know its real mother. But thats just my opinion x]
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August 11th, 2005 at 10:55am
True, but the child could grow up to be someone AMAZING. Some great step forward in moral rights, or anything like that. Even if they don't ever meet there mother. And like I said, I think the mother would have died anyway, so at least another life comes from the death. And also(commonly, anyway)it's a girl that chose to have sex before she was ready, I know that isn't always the case, but it's common- especially today.
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August 11th, 2005 at 11:39am
I think a person should be able to choose wether she wants tha baby or not.. if you get pregnant in your early teenageyears, you're not capeable (sp?) to take care of a child, cause you still are one yourself.. and yes, I know that some teenagers are able to do that, with a lot of help from their families.. but not everyone is willing to give up their life for a baby, and sure could she adopt away the kid when it gets born, but no one that young should go through having a baby..
this was just an example, but there are lots of others too.. like if you get raped, if your a drug-addict, alcholic, then you will most likely even kill your baby or turn it into a baby with a lot of defects..

again, this was just some examples, though I think everyone who doesn't want a baby should be able to choose it away.. the question then is how long shoukd you be allowed to wait before you perform the adoption.. is 12weeks too long? 16weeks? the baby has already taken shape then.. if you wanna do an abortian you should do it before it starts looking like a human..
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August 11th, 2005 at 12:08pm
True, but the child could grow up to be someone AMAZING. Some great step forward in moral rights, or anything like that. Even if they don't ever meet there mother. And like I said, I think the mother would have died anyway, so at least another life comes from the death. And also(commonly, anyway)it's a girl that chose to have sex before she was ready, I know that isn't always the case, but it's common- especially today.

Or the child could be the next Hitler. Or it could die at the age of 2 from meningitis. Or the mother could have a miscarrige. o_O (a.k.a what's your point?)

I agree with you *unwanted*.
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August 11th, 2005 at 12:21pm
_lit up:
True, but the child could grow up to be someone AMAZING. Some great step forward in moral rights, or anything like that. Even if they don't ever meet there mother. And like I said, I think the mother would have died anyway, so at least another life comes from the death. And also(commonly, anyway)it's a girl that chose to have sex before she was ready, I know that isn't always the case, but it's common- especially today.

Or the child could be the next Hitler. Or it could die at the age of 2 from meningitis. Or the mother could have a miscarrige. o_O (a.k.a what's your point?)

I agree with you *unwanted*.