[Insert abortion here]

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August 9th, 2010 at 02:00pm
Taylor Lautner:
If I got pregnant right now I would get an abortion without a second thought

I probably would too. I know that might sound bad, but I am definitely not in a place in my life to be mature enough to be a parent.
i don't think it sounds that bad. if you know with yourself that you're not mature enough to have a child and care for it.... i mean, i wouldn't give birth until i was at least pretty sure that i had a steady job, a place to be and a supportive circle of friends/family and perhaps also a boyfriend/husband.

at this time, idek if i want children at all, but i know that i don't want one now or in my nearest future. Dno
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August 11th, 2010 at 09:14am
I think in theory, a lot of women (including myself) claim to be pro choice, but in practice I would have a very hard time going through with it.
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August 11th, 2010 at 02:34pm
I think in theory, a lot of women (including myself) claim to be pro choice, but in practice I would have a very hard time going through with it.
yeah, kinda like Juno and the whole finger-nails thing. idk, it just popped into my mind.
cabot gal
cabot gal
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August 11th, 2010 at 02:45pm
being pro choice doesn't mean that you'd necessarily have an abortion, it just means you believe women should have the choice to decide.
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
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August 11th, 2010 at 05:40pm
Yeah, my sister said she is pro choice but she would never have an abortion herself.
Falling In Love With The Board
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Mibba Blog
August 12th, 2010 at 12:54am
Yeah, I'm definitely pro choice. I know I'd have a hard time going through with an abortion, but if I was pregnant this early in my life, I wouldn't be able to handle it. I don't want to have children until my early thirties.
Age: 30
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August 24th, 2010 at 05:33pm
ocean avenue:
Taylor Lautner:
If I got pregnant right now I would get an abortion without a second thought

I probably would too. I know that might sound bad, but I am definitely not in a place in my life to be mature enough to be a parent.
i don't think it sounds that bad. if you know with yourself that you're not mature enough to have a child and care for it.... i mean, i wouldn't give birth until i was at least pretty sure that i had a steady job, a place to be and a supportive circle of friends/family and perhaps also a boyfriend/husband.

at this time, idek if i want children at all, but i know that i don't want one now or in my nearest future. Dno
What about adoption?.. only reason this really impacted me is because my mom was 17 when she was pregnant with me and she was DEFINITELY not in a time in life fit to have a child. what if she chose abortion? just saying..
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August 24th, 2010 at 06:01pm
ocean avenue:
Taylor Lautner:
If I got pregnant right now I would get an abortion without a second thought

I probably would too. I know that might sound bad, but I am definitely not in a place in my life to be mature enough to be a parent.
i don't think it sounds that bad. if you know with yourself that you're not mature enough to have a child and care for it.... i mean, i wouldn't give birth until i was at least pretty sure that i had a steady job, a place to be and a supportive circle of friends/family and perhaps also a boyfriend/husband.

at this time, idek if i want children at all, but i know that i don't want one now or in my nearest future. Dno
What about adoption?.. only reason this really impacted me is because my mom was 17 when she was pregnant with me and she was DEFINITELY not in a time in life fit to have a child. what if she chose abortion? just saying..
of course that is an option. I just know that, for me, adoption is just not for me.
I probably couldn't bear to be pregnant for 9 months and then give the baby up. for me, it's kinda.. all of nothing, if you get me? I want to keep the child because i feel it's the right thing to do. and if i don't, i'll obviously give it a lot of thought and do what i feel is right at the moment. i think that yes, i might regret having an abortion, but i'd probably regret giving it up for adoption even more, tbh.
Billie's Willie
Billie's Willie
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Mibba Blog
August 25th, 2010 at 12:41am
John Entwistle:
I could never have an abortion. I'm totally against it. I mean if I had a baby right now it would be bad. I'm still in college and I have no money. Plus, I'm somewhat immature for my age. But I could never do that to a human especially one I helped create.
Exactly. I never would have had the heart to do it. I made my choices, I had to deal with the consequences. I just couldn't kill what I considered my child. Instead, I changed the way I lived my life, so that he could have the happy life he has now.
My boy is my world. If I had the chance to go back in time and change things, I wouldn't. Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had an abortion. It's just not an option for me.
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 18th, 2011 at 04:42pm
Robert Pattinson:
John Entwistle:
I could never have an abortion. I'm totally against it. I mean if I had a baby right now it would be bad. I'm still in college and I have no money. Plus, I'm somewhat immature for my age. But I could never do that to a human especially one I helped create.
Exactly. I never would have had the heart to do it. I made my choices, I had to deal with the consequences. I just couldn't kill what I considered my child. Instead, I changed the way I lived my life, so that he could have the happy life he has now.
My boy is my world. If I had the chance to go back in time and change things, I wouldn't. Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had an abortion. It's just not an option for me.

So, you're saying it's a life?
How can we really say when life does and does not begin.
And is this all about killing a living thing?
Is that why you think that it is wrong?
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
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January 19th, 2011 at 12:58pm
Robert Pattinson:
John Entwistle:
I could never have an abortion. I'm totally against it. I mean if I had a baby right now it would be bad. I'm still in college and I have no money. Plus, I'm somewhat immature for my age. But I could never do that to a human especially one I helped create.
Exactly. I never would have had the heart to do it. I made my choices, I had to deal with the consequences. I just couldn't kill what I considered my child. Instead, I changed the way I lived my life, so that he could have the happy life he has now.
My boy is my world. If I had the chance to go back in time and change things, I wouldn't. Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had an abortion. It's just not an option for me.

So, you're saying it's a life?
How can we really say when life does and does not begin.
And is this all about killing a living thing?
Is that why you think that it is wrong?
I believe that life starts at conception, so that is killing a human being. That's why it is wrong.
Age: 31
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January 19th, 2011 at 04:06pm
i could never have a child now so if i ever got pregnant i'd get an abortion. i realize there is adoption, but i do not want to carry a child ever in my life. even when i'm older i would rather adopt a child than have a child. it's not for me so abortion would be my only option. i do respect people who will put the child up for adoption though, instead of an abortion
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
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January 19th, 2011 at 08:44pm
John Entwistle:
Robert Pattinson:
John Entwistle:
I could never have an abortion. I'm totally against it. I mean if I had a baby right now it would be bad. I'm still in college and I have no money. Plus, I'm somewhat immature for my age. But I could never do that to a human especially one I helped create.
Exactly. I never would have had the heart to do it. I made my choices, I had to deal with the consequences. I just couldn't kill what I considered my child. Instead, I changed the way I lived my life, so that he could have the happy life he has now.
My boy is my world. If I had the chance to go back in time and change things, I wouldn't. Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had an abortion. It's just not an option for me.

Ah, alright, and you think it's wrong to kill something?


So, you're saying it's a life?
How can we really say when life does and does not begin.
And is this all about killing a living thing?
Is that why you think that it is wrong?
I believe that life starts at conception, so that is killing a human being. That's why it is wrong.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
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Posts: 2940

January 19th, 2011 at 08:49pm
i could never have a child now so if i ever got pregnant i'd get an abortion. i realize there is adoption, but i do not want to carry a child ever in my life. even when i'm older i would rather adopt a child than have a child. it's not for me so abortion would be my only option. i do respect people who will put the child up for adoption though, instead of an abortion

I am pro-choice all the way, and I agree with this a lot.

Why have a child you don't want, really?
"Give it up for adoption, someone wants a BABY"
Sure, that'd be easy.
My mother gave up my sister for it.
The family is decent, but they say awful things to her.
I am not aloud to meet her until I am 18.
She has nightmares about her siblings not wanting her.

And, anyone who is prolife.
You think you could just give a baby away?
Right, you say yes for the sake of your cause,
What if the women is raped?
Do you really think that YOU could keep a CHILD from a RAPE?
Or get raped and have it and give it away.
Do you think that prolife is the right thing then?
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
Age: 35
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January 19th, 2011 at 09:04pm
i could never have a child now so if i ever got pregnant i'd get an abortion. i realize there is adoption, but i do not want to carry a child ever in my life. even when i'm older i would rather adopt a child than have a child. it's not for me so abortion would be my only option. i do respect people who will put the child up for adoption though, instead of an abortion

I am pro-choice all the way, and I agree with this a lot.

Why have a child you don't want, really?
"Give it up for adoption, someone wants a BABY"
Sure, that'd be easy.
My mother gave up my sister for it.
The family is decent, but they say awful things to her.
I am not aloud to meet her until I am 18.
She has nightmares about her siblings not wanting her.

And, anyone who is prolife.
You think you could just give a baby away?
Right, you say yes for the sake of your cause,
What if the women is raped?
Do you really think that YOU could keep a CHILD from a RAPE?
Or get raped and have it and give it away.
Do you think that prolife is the right thing then?
Most adopted parents are good people. You are the one that gets to pick who your baby goes to. It would hard to give up a baby like that but it you had an open adoption, you could still see your kid.
I woudn't have an abortion for anything. Even if I was raped I wouldn't do it.
Most people regret having abortions anyway. It's scars them for life. It will always be with them. It's not like an Etch a Sketch. An abortion doesn't just erase all the problems. That abortion will a part of them until the day they die.
Age: 31
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Posts: 24429

January 19th, 2011 at 09:06pm
so katie are you saying that you're a bad person if you get an abortion?
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
January 19th, 2011 at 09:06pm
I don't think that I could bring myself to have an abortion, but I am fully pro CHOICE.
Mind you I am not pro STUPID choices...Like an abortion should only be used in the most extreme situations. But I fully agree with a woman's right to choose, no one should be able to make it illegal by LAW.
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
Age: 35
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January 19th, 2011 at 09:07pm
so katie are you saying that you're a bad person if you get an abortion?
No. I just don't think it's right to do it. I mean yeah, I consider it murder, but I wouldn't hate you guys for getting one.
Age: 31
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Posts: 24429

January 19th, 2011 at 09:14pm
John Entwistle:
so katie are you saying that you're a bad person if you get an abortion?
No. I just don't think it's right to do it. I mean yeah, I consider it murder, but I wouldn't hate you guys for getting one.
just wondering
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
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Posts: 2940

January 19th, 2011 at 09:19pm
John Entwistle:
i could never have a child now so if i ever got pregnant i'd get an abortion. i realize there is adoption, but i do not want to carry a child ever in my life. even when i'm older i would rather adopt a child than have a child. it's not for me so abortion would be my only option. i do respect people who will put the child up for adoption though, instead of an abortion

I am pro-choice all the way, and I agree with this a lot.

Why have a child you don't want, really?
"Give it up for adoption, someone wants a BABY"
Sure, that'd be easy.
My mother gave up my sister for it.
The family is decent, but they say awful things to her.
I am not aloud to meet her until I am 18.
She has nightmares about her siblings not wanting her.

And, anyone who is prolife.
You think you could just give a baby away?
Right, you say yes for the sake of your cause,
What if the women is raped?
Do you really think that YOU could keep a CHILD from a RAPE?
Or get raped and have it and give it away.
Do you think that prolife is the right thing then?
Most adopted parents are good people. You are the one that gets to pick who your baby goes to. It would hard to give up a baby like that but it you had an open adoption, you could still see your kid.
I woudn't have an abortion for anything. Even if I was raped I wouldn't do it.
Most people regret having abortions anyway. It's scars them for life. It will always be with them. It's not like an Etch a Sketch. An abortion doesn't just erase all the problems. That abortion will a part of them until the day they die.

Depending on the person, you can't say that's how it is for everyone. You can't.

And, I honestly don't think you could just have a baby no doubt after a rape.
Easy to say. But you've never been there.