[Insert abortion here]
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Dr.Hymen Geek Age: - Gender: - Posts: 192 | Kurtni: I'm not on about who would and wouldn't have an abortion and I'm not telling them to allow people to have that option, I'm telling them that I think it's completley optional. I was just contributing my own thoughts on it... |
KerflackerchumKelsey Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 5 | Abortion is okay with me... I mean, seriously. You're with someone you like ALOT. You're both ALONE. You're both 16. You Kiss. It gets steamy. You find yourself caught in the moment. You Fuck. She gets prego. She gets it taken care of. ABORTION. 16 is too young to have a baby. She wouldn't have been able to take care of it. BOOM. Life of poverty for baby. She did the RIGHT thing. I heard that abortion's hurt like hell. Next time, she'll remember a condom. End of story. |
Matt Smith Admin Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 31134 | KerflackerchumKelsey: Much as your stance is admirable, this is not a true statement. You cannot make that judgment. For some people it isn't 'too young' and they do have the ability; yes, it's relatively unusual, but I don't think we should be saying that all pregnant teenagers need to have abortions or should get them. It's very judgmental. That's what the right to choose is there for. |
Bleach Rotting On Here Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 47505 | wait so I was talking about abortion with my friend, and she said she didn't think that the fetus was alive until it could support itself on its own outside the womb. But there are alot of animals and plants that need another organism to survive. Isn't that a uh, uh.. a parasite? So isn't the fetus just a parasite? I know other people have different opinions on how its alive or not, but I was just wondering if anyone had anything against my argument. |
dysLEXIa King For A Couple Of Days Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 3542 | ^Ehhh, I wouldn't necessarily call it a parasite perse. A living thing is defined as something that has interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes....so this happens in the womb. Very prematurely, I must say, but not in the way a parasite does, at least not in my opinion. I'm not for abortions being used as BIRTH CONTROL. My mother had this done in her past and it caused me not talk to her for a while, but I got over it. Anyways, I agree in an Abortion when there's no other choice; when there's no way you can support a child. I recently had a pregnancy scare, my sleeping patterns were changing, I was always hungry, and I forget what else, but it led me to believe that I could quite possibly be pregnant. I researched abortions more and was already planning to get one. Well, I could think that I could TRY to support the child, but my boyfriend/partner told me it was okay and that we had to do this because we're just not ready at this time. Not financially and not emotionally. I was crying so much that week because I just didn't want to do it, but I knew I had no other choice. Needless to say, I wasn't pregnant, but I realized my stand on abortions through all of this. It's a very difficult decision if taken seriously. If it's not taken seriously, then that's when abortions are wrong. |
Viva.La.Cami Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 48 | I'm definitely against abortion, unless the baby was going to be born with defects and would be dependent on others its entire life. There is no reason a parent should not be responsible for their actions. If you're going to have sex, you should accept the possibilty that you might end up with a baby. |
Dom Jackass Age: 34 Gender: Male Posts: 1691 | I'm pro-choice in the majority of cases, if someone doesn't want a baby why have a child born to a parent that doesn't even want them and will probably have a miserable impoverished life, as will most likely the parent. I think the future of someones life, and the impact a baby has, is more important than a ball of cells. Hell, some animals eat their own babies, abortion aint all that bad. |
Dom Jackass Age: 34 Gender: Male Posts: 1691 | Also, banning abortion would likely lead to an increase in crime rates. A lot of aborted children would have been statistically quite likely to have grown up to be criminals. Illegalising abortion would have a profound social impact, people would just get illegal dangerous abortions, and the world over-populated as it is, without a load of unwanted children. |
Bleach Rotting On Here Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 47505 | Dom:yeah, but we don't. it is human nature to love our children When abortion is legal in the US, thousands of babies loose their life each year, but no mothers die because of safe procedures. If it is illegal, then there will be more deaths with the death of the baby because the mothers will have a good chance of dying aswell. I don't agree with abortion, because I believe in the equality of all life. But I do think it should stay legal so that people can have the liberty, and there will be less in total (mother and fetus) deaths if it stays legal |
Kurtni Admin Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34289 | Bleach:Yet people beat, rape and starve their kids every day, don't they? |
Bleach Rotting On Here Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 47505 | Kurtni:but in nature, naturally, we wouldn't harm our children, like many mammals do. We only rape and starve our children because we have a. psychological problems b. were raised in a bad situation (abused when little, or just led a bad life because of surroundings) I don't think we can use the society that we've built as a reason for what I said to not be right |
NIK JONUTZ Moderator Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 24429 | i don't think people should get abortions unless they are in a bad situation if it's a mistake and you are like in highschool or something then i think it's alright because having a child at a young age can wreck your life and not may highschool students are even ready to have kids. or if someone has been raped then it's ok then too. but if you are like i dont know 30 or something then you know what can happen and you are an adult and i think they should take the responsibility |
hannakay Geek Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 248 | Pro-choice. fashofashofasho. |
cabot gal GSBitch Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 76863 | *Eat Tré`s Shoe*:so 30 year olds can't be in difficult situations? |
Kurtni Admin Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34289 | Bleach: Meh, I disagree, and I don't think human nature exists, but that's off topic here. meg made a thread about it, I'll try to find it. |
Bleach Rotting On Here Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 47505 | Kurtni:ah, there's a thread for everything here. XD |
NIK JONUTZ Moderator Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 24429 | Boobmeister: i think if you're like 30 you are mature enough to raise a child |
cabot gal GSBitch Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 76863 | *Eat Tré`s Shoe*:there's more to raising a child than maturity. |
NIK JONUTZ Moderator Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 24429 | Boobmeister: i know that |
cabot gal GSBitch Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 76863 | *Eat Tré`s Shoe*:then why excuse a 15 year old having an abortion but draw the line when someone hits 30? |
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