[Insert abortion here]

Chile D. Guy
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Chile D. Guy
Age: 33
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January 19th, 2011 at 09:20pm
How about you? How would you react in the same situation you're calling out?
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
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January 19th, 2011 at 09:22pm
John Entwistle:
i could never have a child now so if i ever got pregnant i'd get an abortion. i realize there is adoption, but i do not want to carry a child ever in my life. even when i'm older i would rather adopt a child than have a child. it's not for me so abortion would be my only option. i do respect people who will put the child up for adoption though, instead of an abortion

I am pro-choice all the way, and I agree with this a lot.

Why have a child you don't want, really?
"Give it up for adoption, someone wants a BABY"
Sure, that'd be easy.
My mother gave up my sister for it.
The family is decent, but they say awful things to her.
I am not aloud to meet her until I am 18.
She has nightmares about her siblings not wanting her.

And, anyone who is prolife.
You think you could just give a baby away?
Right, you say yes for the sake of your cause,
What if the women is raped?
Do you really think that YOU could keep a CHILD from a RAPE?
Or get raped and have it and give it away.
Do you think that prolife is the right thing then?
Most adopted parents are good people. You are the one that gets to pick who your baby goes to. It would hard to give up a baby like that but it you had an open adoption, you could still see your kid.
I woudn't have an abortion for anything. Even if I was raped I wouldn't do it.
Most people regret having abortions anyway. It's scars them for life. It will always be with them. It's not like an Etch a Sketch. An abortion doesn't just erase all the problems. That abortion will a part of them until the day they die.

Depending on the person, you can't say that's how it is for everyone. You can't.

And, I honestly don't think you could just have a baby no doubt after a rape.
Easy to say. But you've never been there.
Well, I'll let you know if I get raped.
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January 19th, 2011 at 09:24pm
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January 19th, 2011 at 09:55pm
In my opinion everybody should make there own choice, i respect people who think they shouldn't abort a baby because in there opinion it is murder, but on the other hand people shoudl also respect people who don't wanne bring a beby into this world. It is there pregnancy so there chioce.

I don't think there is really a wrong or rigth in this, it is your feeling and your choice.
I am pro choice but at the moment i would never choose an abortion because i have the means to raise a child and i want one. But i would choose and abortion when i wouldn't want one and had no change or way to raise it myself.
I would never make the choice to give a child up for adoption.

The one thing i do think that if you don'' t want to get pregnant that you should take every precaution not to get pregnant so use contraceptives and/or condoms!!!!!

I have seen to friends make different choices, both had there own problems with there chioce but in the end both think they made the rigth choice.

Sorry for the novel Razz
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 20th, 2011 at 09:33am
Chile D. Guy:
How about you? How would you react in the same situation you're calling out?

If you're talking to me..
I would obviously get an abortion.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
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Posts: 2940

January 20th, 2011 at 09:35am
In my opinion everybody should make there own choice, i respect people who think they shouldn't abort a baby because in there opinion it is murder, but on the other hand people shoudl also respect people who don't wanne bring a beby into this world. It is there pregnancy so there chioce.

I don't think there is really a wrong or rigth in this, it is your feeling and your choice.
I am pro choice but at the moment i would never choose an abortion because i have the means to raise a child and i want one. But i would choose and abortion when i wouldn't want one and had no change or way to raise it myself.
I would never make the choice to give a child up for adoption.

The one thing i do think that if you don'' t want to get pregnant that you should take every precaution not to get pregnant so use contraceptives and/or condoms!!!!!

I have seen to friends make different choices, both had there own problems with there chioce but in the end both think they made the rigth choice.

Sorry for the novel Razz

This, I agree with this.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
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Posts: 2940

January 20th, 2011 at 10:31pm
I though this was interesting.
Found it doing an article for my W.H. class.
Read and see what you think?

Rotting On Here
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Mibba Blog
March 2nd, 2011 at 01:35am
Pro-choice. I'm probably gonna get slapped for this, but I don't think science should coincide at ALL with the woman's choice to have an abortion or not.

But if I were in the position of pregnancy and knew I could not take care of the fetus, I would abort it. It's my decision. That's all there is to it.
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
March 2nd, 2011 at 08:02pm
Pro-choice. I'm probably gonna get slapped for this, but I don't think science should coincide at ALL with the woman's choice to have an abortion or not..

how exactly do you mean it, when you say science coinciding with the woman's choice? Not agreeing or disagreeing, I'm just not sure how you mean.
Age: 33
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Posts: 950
March 12th, 2011 at 11:50pm
I don't like to choose what I am on this subject, because at the end of the day neither choice is going to be entirely satisfactory to the person involved.

I might have commented on this thread before with my thoughts, but as of now I'm leaning towards pro-choice. I wouldn't get an abortion personally if I had an unplanned pregnancy. I'm very emotional and would never get over the guilt. I would always say I murdered a child, it would always, personally, be my belief.

Many women who get abortions have that same guilt, many women who go through the pregnancy always have thought of what could've been if they hadn't had the child. It's the very opposite for other women.

I don't know, a lot of days I wish abortion didn't exist. I wish rape didn't or violence or child abuse. I take what I said back...EVERYDAY I wish this reality didn't exist, but it does and it is what it is.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
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Posts: 2940

March 14th, 2011 at 08:27pm
^ I got confused somewhere in all of that...
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 950
March 14th, 2011 at 09:20pm
^ I got confused somewhere in all of that...
As do I >.>