Should Corporal punish be imposed?

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June 2nd, 2005 at 05:12am
Arguments Against Corporal Punishment
1.It perpetuates a cycle of child abuse. It teaches children to hit someone smaller and weaker when angry.
2.Injuries occur. Bruises are common. Broken bones are not unusual. Children's deaths have occurred in the U.S. due to school corporal punishment.
3.Corporal punishment is used much more often on poor children, minorities, children with disabilities, and boys.
4.Schools are the only institutions in America in which striking another person is legally sanctioned. It is not allowed in prisons, in the military or in mental hospitals.
5.Educators and school boards are sometimes sued when corporal punishment is used in their schools.
6.Schools that use corporal punishment often have poorer academic achievement, more vandalism, truancy, pupil violence and higher drop out rates.
7.Corporal punishment is often not used as a last resort. It is often the first resort for minor misbehaviors.
8.Many alternatives to corporal punishment have proven their worth. 9.Alternatives teach children to be self-disciplined rather than cooperative only because of fear.

So what do you think? Is it common in your own country?Discuss this issue on various aspect, and what do you think the influence of imposing corporal puishment on children and teenages?
King For A Couple Of Days
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June 2nd, 2005 at 12:10pm
I think we should bring it back. And by bringing it back, I don't mean "Just smack any kid round the head" I mean if they do something that is bad, but not a case that should be dealt with in expulsion or suspension. Some people just don't know when to stop. I've seen some of the people in my class, they are permantley in trouble. Getting shouted at, or having detention doesn't do much. It's not fair that the majority of kids can't get the education they deserve because of a few idiots permantly mis-behaving. If it was a one off, or an accident then I don't think corporal punishment should be used. But if 2 kids got into a fight, I think it should.
Falling In Love With The Board
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June 2nd, 2005 at 12:19pm
*Love is paranoid*:
I think we should bring it back. And by bringing it back, I don't mean "Just smack any kid round the head" I mean if they do something that is bad, but not a case that should be dealt with in expulsion or suspension. Some people just don't know when to stop. I've seen some of the people in my class, they are permantley in trouble. Getting shouted at, or having detention doesn't do much. It's not fair that the majority of kids can't get the education they deserve because of a few idiots permantly mis-behaving. If it was a one off, or an accident then I don't think corporal punishment should be used. But if 2 kids got into a fight, I think it should.
yeah, kids at my school would get suspended twice a month and wouldn't care at all
I think we need whips and chains, but I'm going to take baby steps on this one
King For A Couple Of Days
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June 2nd, 2005 at 12:33pm
*Love is paranoid*:
I think we should bring it back. And by bringing it back, I don't mean "Just smack any kid round the head" I mean if they do something that is bad, but not a case that should be dealt with in expulsion or suspension. Some people just don't know when to stop. I've seen some of the people in my class, they are permantley in trouble. Getting shouted at, or having detention doesn't do much. It's not fair that the majority of kids can't get the education they deserve because of a few idiots permantly mis-behaving. If it was a one off, or an accident then I don't think corporal punishment should be used. But if 2 kids got into a fight, I think it should.
yeah, kids at my school would get suspended twice a month and wouldn't care at all
I think we need whips and chains, but I'm going to take baby steps on this one

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronge ey.
† foresaken †
† foresaken †
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June 3rd, 2005 at 05:17am
bring it back! It keeps things in order. I know this sound harsh but it worked before didn't it it scared people in to doing what they were supposed to and wouldn't dare misbehave so it would sort everything out now!
Falling In Love With The Board
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June 3rd, 2005 at 08:26am
*Love is paranoid*:
I think we should bring it back. And by bringing it back, I don't mean "Just smack any kid round the head" I mean if they do something that is bad, but not a case that should be dealt with in expulsion or suspension. Some people just don't know when to stop. I've seen some of the people in my class, they are permantley in trouble. Getting shouted at, or having detention doesn't do much. It's not fair that the majority of kids can't get the education they deserve because of a few idiots permantly mis-behaving. If it was a one off, or an accident then I don't think corporal punishment should be used. But if 2 kids got into a fight, I think it should.

yeah! the kids in my school just go to far. one kid got a fire extinguisher and started spraying it everywhere and he all he got was a ticking off... i wanted to smack him hard...
† foresaken †
† foresaken †
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June 3rd, 2005 at 08:30am
It would do my school a lot of good. It would also gain the teachers far more respect than they have at the moment and they would hva econtrol over the class rather than the class having control over them
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June 3rd, 2005 at 07:40pm
I can agree with you guys up to certain extent, cuz yeah, some kids in school are annoying and hardly listern to their teachers... but i think the problem is the true effect of corporal punishment requires drawing a boundary line between punishment and abuse! This is difficult thing to do, especiall when relying on parents and teachers' self-reports of their discipline tactics and interpretations of normative punishment, and you know, most of those when using corporal punishment are pissed off at the moment, so they may go on smacking the kids and hard to control themselves, I think that's the problem.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 34
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Posts: 3180
June 3rd, 2005 at 07:49pm
I can agree with you guys up to certain extent, cuz yeah, some kids in school are annoying and hardly listern to their teachers... but i think the problem is the true effect of corporal punishment requires drawing a boundary line between punishment and abuse! This is difficult thing to do, especiall when relying on parents and teachers' self-reports of their discipline tactics and interpretations of normative punishment, and you know, most of those when using corporal punishment are pissed off at the moment, so they may go on smacking the kids and hard to control themselves, I think that's the problem.

There was a teacher at my school that made every kid learn in class by treating him as a human being. Other teachers just yell at us and some of them say that if they could, they'd beat us up every day. So if they were alowed they'd beat us for wearing clothes they don't like or thinking diferently than the rest of the class. The only result would be that most kids would end up in a hospital and other ones would kill themselfs or make a masacar (I'd be one of them 'cause asslickers would never get punished and nonasskissers would)
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June 3rd, 2005 at 08:32pm
Corporal punishment creeps me out... possibly because i recently finished reading 1984, but hey.
King For A Couple Of Days
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June 4th, 2005 at 10:18am
Corporal punishment creeps me out... possibly because i recently finished reading 1984, but hey.
yeah, thats my favourite book!!! Its awful, what they do to him at the end, with the rats and stuff.....
Astra Slappy
King For A Couple Of Days
Astra Slappy
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June 4th, 2005 at 11:01pm
Arguments Against Corporal Punishment
1.It perpetuates a cycle of child abuse. It teaches children to hit someone smaller and weaker when angry.
2.Injuries occur. Bruises are common. Broken bones are not unusual. Children's deaths have occurred in the U.S. due to school corporal punishment.
3.Corporal punishment is used much more often on poor children, minorities, children with disabilities, and boys.
4.Schools are the only institutions in America in which striking another person is legally sanctioned. It is not allowed in prisons, in the military or in mental hospitals.
5.Educators and school boards are sometimes sued when corporal punishment is used in their schools.
6.Schools that use corporal punishment often have poorer academic achievement, more vandalism, truancy, pupil violence and higher drop out rates.
7.Corporal punishment is often not used as a last resort. It is often the first resort for minor misbehaviors.
8.Many alternatives to corporal punishment have proven their worth. 9.Alternatives teach children to be self-disciplined rather than cooperative only because of fear.

So what do you think? Is it common in your own country?Discuss this issue on various aspect, and what do you think the influence of imposing corporal puishment on children and teenages?

I hate the whole concept of corporal punishment, the same way I hate parents hitting their kids as a means of punishment. Society is violent enough as it is! Personally I think one of the reasons society is so violent is because people have used violence as a means of discipline from the beginning of time and people have been conditioned to lash out whenever they're angry/frustrated with the world. This creates a vicious cycle whereby the abused become the abusers and so-on ... it solves nothing and just fucks up the world even more Very Happy
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June 5th, 2005 at 04:39am
i dont like corporal punishment but i think it needs to be used occasionally cos some kids at my school are seriously suspended every week or so and the teachers have no control over them
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June 5th, 2005 at 08:46am
† foresaken †:
It would do my school a lot of good. It would also gain the teachers far more respect than they have at the moment and they would hva econtrol over the class rather than the class having control over them

danni you are more disrespectful to some of the teachers than alot of the kids getting suspended for throwing water over another pupil...i think it's a sensative case and now children know their rights alot more than they did, and i think there would be alot of rioting going on if the did re-introduce it, so they'd have to bring it in slowly, and they'd have to keep people informed of what's going on...the government isnt very good at that
† foresaken †
† foresaken †
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June 5th, 2005 at 08:50am
† foresaken †:
It would do my school a lot of good. It would also gain the teachers far more respect than they have at the moment and they would hva econtrol over the class rather than the class having control over them

danni you are more disrespectful to some of the teachers than alot of the kids getting suspended for throwing water over another pupil...i think it's a sensative case and now children know their rights alot more than they did, and i think there would be alot of rioting going on if the did re-introduce it, so they'd have to bring it in slowly, and they'd have to keep people informed of what's going on...the government isnt very good at that
quite right but theres a little laugh now and then and theres telling them 2 fuck off to their faces and generally being a nuscience to everyone else. The teachers are there to help you not to be a punch bag..
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June 5th, 2005 at 12:08pm
† foresaken †:
† foresaken †:
It would do my school a lot of good. It would also gain the teachers far more respect than they have at the moment and they would hva econtrol over the class rather than the class having control over them

danni you are more disrespectful to some of the teachers than alot of the kids getting suspended for throwing water over another pupil...i think it's a sensative case and now children know their rights alot more than they did, and i think there would be alot of rioting going on if the did re-introduce it, so they'd have to bring it in slowly, and they'd have to keep people informed of what's going on...the government isnt very good at that
quite right but theres a little laugh now and then and theres telling them 2 fuck off to their faces and generally being a nuscience to everyone else. The teachers are there to help you not to be a punch bag..

danni you're bloody obsessed with taking the piss outa teachers...its like ur life...
† foresaken †
† foresaken †
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June 6th, 2005 at 03:11pm
† foresaken †:
† foresaken †:
It would do my school a lot of good. It would also gain the teachers far more respect than they have at the moment and they would hva econtrol over the class rather than the class having control over them

danni you are more disrespectful to some of the teachers than alot of the kids getting suspended for throwing water over another pupil...i think it's a sensative case and now children know their rights alot more than they did, and i think there would be alot of rioting going on if the did re-introduce it, so they'd have to bring it in slowly, and they'd have to keep people informed of what's going on...the government isnt very good at that
quite right but theres a little laugh now and then and theres telling them 2 fuck off to their faces and generally being a nuscience to everyone else. The teachers are there to help you not to be a punch bag..

danni you're bloody obsessed with taking the piss outa teachers...its like ur life...

Oh yeah totally sophie it's my bloody life.... Rolling Eyes

ur pathetic sumtimes

yeah it should be it'd put people in their rightful place
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June 6th, 2005 at 04:01pm
† foresaken †:
† foresaken †:
† foresaken †:
It would do my school a lot of good. It would also gain the teachers far more respect than they have at the moment and they would hva econtrol over the class rather than the class having control over them

danni you are more disrespectful to some of the teachers than alot of the kids getting suspended for throwing water over another pupil...i think it's a sensative case and now children know their rights alot more than they did, and i think there would be alot of rioting going on if the did re-introduce it, so they'd have to bring it in slowly, and they'd have to keep people informed of what's going on...the government isnt very good at that
quite right but theres a little laugh now and then and theres telling them 2 fuck off to their faces and generally being a nuscience to everyone else. The teachers are there to help you not to be a punch bag..

danni you're bloody obsessed with taking the piss outa teachers...its like ur life...

Oh yeah totally sophie it's my bloody life.... Rolling Eyes

ur pathetic sumtimes

yeah it should be it'd put people in their rightful place

yes...i know i am pathetic...but so r u sometimes...
Basket Case
Age: 34
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June 6th, 2005 at 06:23pm
I remember my old school had corporal punishment. Sure I got beaten every day. I still didn't listen to what the teachers say. Trust me I know it doesn't help.
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June 7th, 2005 at 05:30am
European law is turning against the use of corporal punishment against children. It is argued by many that the use of any physical violence against children is linked to physical abuse and that is one of many reasons offered for why its use should be halted. Conservative Christians would oppose anything like this occurring in America - but would they be justified?
Parents, the catechism is saying, sin against their children when they "correct them unduly," "provoke them to wrath," or slip into any other "unjust … rigorous … behavior." When Christians quote the Bible to justify harsh actions, they often leave out the many moderating verses which advise that people take care in what they do. It is assumed that the Bible offers a single line of advice and a “one size fits all� methodology. Much of the time, just the opposite is true...