Iraq war
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John Entwistle Great Success! ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 55036 | I found this online and I found it very interesting. It's kind of long but if you want to know the reason we are at war; then you should read it: The other day, my nine-year-old son wanted to know why we were at war... My husband looked at our son and then looked at me. My husband and I were in the Army during the Gulf War and we would be honored to serve and defend our country again today. I knew that my husband would give him a good explanation My husband thought for a few minutes and then told my son to go stand in our front living room window. He said, "Son, stand there and tell me what you see?" "I see trees and cars and our neighbors' houses," he replied. "OK, now I want you to pretend that our house and our yard is the United States of America and you are President Bush." Our son giggled and said, "OK." "Now, son, I want you to look out the window and pretend that every house and yard on this block is a different country," my husband said. "OK Dad, I'm pretending." "Now I want you to stand there and look out the window and pretend you see Saddam come out of his house with his wife, he has her by the hair and is hitting her. You see her bleeding and crying. He hits her in the face, he throws her on the ground, then he starts to kick her to death. Their children run out and are afraid to stop him, they are screaming and crying, they are watching this but do nothing because they are kids and they are afraid of their father. You see all of this, son.... what do you do?" "Dad?" "What do you do, son?" "I'd call the police, Dad." "OK. Pretend that the police are the United Nations. They take your call. They listen to what you know and saw but they refuse to help. What do you do then, son?" "Dad...... but the police are supposed to help!" My son starts to whine. "They don't want to, son, because they say that it is not their place or your place to get involved and that you should stay out of it," my husband says. "But, Dad... he killed her!!" My son exclaims. "I know he did... but the police tell you to stay out of it. Now I want you to look out that window and pretend you see our neighbor who you're pretending is Saddam turn around and do the same thing to his children." "Daddy... he kills them?" "Yes, son, he does. What do you do?" "Well, if the police don't want to help, I will go and ask my next door neighbor to help me stop him," our son says. "Son, our next door neighbor sees what is happening and refuses to get involved as well. He refuses to open the door and help you stop him," my husband says. "But Dad, I NEED help!!! I can't stop him by myself!!" "WHAT DO YOU DO, SON?" Our son starts to cry. "OK, no one wants to help you, the man across the street saw you ask for help and saw that no one would help you stop him. He stands taller and puffs out his chest. Guess what he does next, son?" "What, Daddy?" "He walks across the street to the old lady's house and breaks down her door and drags her out, steals all her stuff and sets her house on fire and then... he kills her. He turns around and sees you standing in the window and laughs at you. WHAT DO YOU DO?" "Daddy...." "WHAT DO YOU DO?" Our son is crying and he looks down and he whispers, "I'd close the blinds, Daddy." My husband looks at our son with tears in his eyes and asks him. "Why?" "Because, Daddy... the police are supposed to help people who need them... and they won't help... You always said neighbors are supposed to HELP neighbors, but they won't help either... they won't help me stop him...I'm afraid.... I can't do it by myself, Daddy . I can't look out my window and just watch him do all these terrible things and do nothing ... so ..... I'm just going to close the blinds ... so I can't see what he's doing . And I'm going to pretend that it is not happening." I start to cry. My husband looks at our nine-year-old son standing in the window, looking pitiful and ashamed at his answers to my husband's questions. He says.... "Son....." "Yes, Daddy?" "Open the blinds, because that man...... he's at your front door... "WHAT DO YOU DO?" My son looks at his father, anger and defiance in his eyes. He balls up his tiny fists and looks his father square in the eyes, and without hesitation he says, "I DEFEND MY FAMILY DAD!!! I'M NOT GONNA LET HIM HURT MOMMY OR MY SISTER, DAD!!! I'M GONNA FIGHT HIM, DAD, I'M GONNA FIGHT HIIM!!!!!" I see a tear roll down my husband's cheek and he grabs our son to his chest and hugs him tight, and says.... "It's too late to fight him, he's too strong, and he's already at YOUR front door, son... you should have stopped him BEFORE he killed his wife, and his children, and the old lady across the way. You have to do what's right, even if you have to do it alone, before it's too late," my husband whispers. "THAT scenario I just gave you is WHY we are at war with Iraq . When good men stand by and let evil happen, son, THAT is the greatest mistake, believing that the atrocities in the world won't affect them. "YOU MUST NEVER BE AFRAID TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT! EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALONE! BE PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! BE PROUD OF OUR TROOPS!! SUPPORT THEM!!! SO THAT IN THE FUTURE OUR CHILDREN WILL NEVER HAVE TO CLOSE THEIR BLINDS.." Brought to you by the George W. Bush Fan Site on Myspace |
Brendon Urie.. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 2394 ![]() | That is bullshit. Sadam had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush just wanted to go after him because Sadam hated his Daddy. The Saudis bombed us. But we like them, so we'll just invade some other country with non-white people because stupid Americans are okay with that. |
Matt Smith Admin ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 31134 ![]() ![]() | druscilla; callmedru: Dude, where in her post did it even mention 9/11? Thats right, it didn't. Unless you were talking about something else... |
Mycophobia Basket Case ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581 ![]() | Inspectors did not find evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Saddam escaped so we may never find the weapons--if he even still had them. We attacked, we looked, and we did not find weapons of mass destruction. The U.S. has lost credibility in the world and has been financially crippled in rebuilding Iraq because of its haste to war. We are losing worldwide support, the rest of the world is very angry at the USA. The U.N. did not support a war with Iraq because most nations, hearing the U.S. arguments, did not find the arguments credible. Do we want a leader who attacks other countries in order to control their oil reserves? In May, the U.S. demanded and gained from the United Nations control of the profits from the sale of Iraqi oil. How does taking control of oil profits help make the world safe from weapons of mass destruction? How does it help liberate Iraq? How is this different from theft by an occupying power? Attacking Iraq will cause more terrorists to be created. Plus no credible connection has been found between the September 11 attack on the U.S. and Saddam Hussein. We know that Al Qaeda is a much greater risk to U.S. security than Iraq was. War left a power vacuum and the Shiite Muslim majority quickly took some of the control of southern Iraq after the war. Iraq is likely to vote for a theocracy, modeled after Iran, rather than create a democracy like the United States. Iraq was not a major military power. Iraq was not attacking other countries. Iraq was a very poor and weak nation. |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | Thunder 34:you know, there are some times that people say things so incredibly thoughtless, generic, and parroted all I can muster the energy to do is make sure that they are aware of that you'll be overlooked if you don't think for yourself, even if you're wrong, it's best to have your own opinion because the majority opinion is almost always wrong |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | oh, and not to mention that saying you're a "liberal" in your signature is very redundant we can tell you are the stereotypical "I call myself liberal but I'm very Socialist" please, liberals are people who accept and promote change to make the world better, they are a dying people don't call yourself that |
Mycophobia Basket Case ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581 ![]() | spill_no_sick: thats untrue, the majority is not for gay marrige and i am, the majority is not for pot legelizing and i am. just beacuase I share this thought with the majority dosnt mean i cant think for myself. when Bush first wanted a war in iraq the majority was for it, does that mean you chould'nt think for your slelf then? |
Mycophobia Basket Case ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581 ![]() | spill_no_sick: there are many definitons for liberal |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | you think the exact same as everyone who calls themself a liberal and when Bush was for the Iraq war no one was for it we wanted to have a quick War on Terror then, while over there, we found out the situation was worse than we first assumed, and the ones we were after went to Iraq and your thought process is nonexistant, you've allowed others to think for you and been sufficed with that have you really thought through gay marriage? have you examined both sides? have you looked at the facts, looked at what's best, and then formed an opinion? or did you hear a majority opinion and think that it sounded good and went with that if you did then you fell for propaganda and I pity you (again, I'm not attacking you, I'm just tired of hearing the same thing and I wish you would realize that you gain no respect accept from parrots |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | Thunder 34:I hate it when people hear something, then decide to be a smartass and quote a dictionary, that just goes to show the lack of respect in the argument |
Mycophobia Basket Case ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581 ![]() | spill_no_sick: you where the one who broght up the defanation and what does my sig have to do with that war in iraq anyway? |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | Thunder 34:I said you need to think for yourself, and not think the same as every liberal just because you think that you are |
Dom Jackass ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Male Posts: 1691 | spill_no_sick: this 12 year old seems to outsmart everyone, i love it. |
Mycophobia Basket Case ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581 ![]() | Dom: ![]() that’s not outsmarting she just had a different opinion |
NeoSteph Basket Case ![]() Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 16494 ![]() ![]() | I hate this thread. god honest truth I hate it. Not because i'm sick to death of war or that i've changed my mind so many times on subject I should be a politicians wet dream I'm sick of it because your all the same. You can't look past all you see is the evidence for YOUR case. everyone against the war spouts off the same George Bush is evil lines and everyone for the war talks about how the iraqi people are being liberated. I'm tired of the fact that people who think their educated on the issue don't research hell how many of you even watch the news. Now I don't agree with war any war. I can understand that because of human error that can't be controlled it becomes an only option, but that doesn't make me a fan of it. So here are the facts for you Our nations lied to us, George Bush used the power of a terrified country to push the effort in Iraq and no it wasn't to liberate the people if it was the US wouldn't have armed the saudis and Israeli's, and it wasn't for OIL. A word I see creeping up in every argument. Its because of simple tactics. For the same reason a US sympathiser is now the prime minister of Iraq, it's all about power tactics. On who controls the middle east. They want it, they need it, they take it. And you know what fine because in the end hey the opressed people are being free Let the villagers rejoice roll out the red, white and blue YOUR HERO'S. oh The news flashes tell a different story. what! There's more support for iraqi insurgents than the UK and US army but how can that be, I mean we went in there on our white horses we dragged the wicked monster from his hole, why aren't they happy. That school was training Al queda terrorist. That hostpital had weapons in the basement. Civilian calsualties, surely not. So....who have we actually saved. The death toll is rising, so little results sooner or later our government are going to realise that when it comes to the middle east you can't win. You can't fight a force that is a state of mind and Iraq is going to be just another seperated nation. Now from my post any anti-war poster might be cheering thinking this means I side with you, so let me put this in as many little words as possible.. Not everything is black and white. I do not support the war but I also do not believe in standing back and not striving for change. We were lied to facts were misplaced. spin doctors worked overtime and the people that are supposed to assure us, lead us. Used our power, our money to fight a war we didn't want and that is wrong. The world is made of what ifs'. So...what if we hadn't done anyhting focused on Afghanistan, now there is a courtny thats a swirling sess pool. Sadaam was a ticking time bomb he hadn't acted yet but he would have sooner or later he would have made a move. So ladies and gentlemen let me welcome you to the real word, A world where we have no choice but to be mobilised by fear. None of you will ever be an asset to making this world a better place until you remove that fear. At the moment you all fear of your leader or in some of you republican posters of terror and that my friends it what will hold you back, not the terrorist, not bush, but yourself. These ramblings were brought to you by pg tips and the sense of enormous well being. have a nice day flamers. |
What's in a name? King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 2451 ![]() | NeoSteph:Do you actually mean everyone who has posted in this thread? Because I made a post on page 4 and I must say that your statement offended me a bit since you generalized and claimed that everyone can’t see past their case etc. I didn’t even mention George Bush nor did I say that they Iraqi are better off, I sort of mention both sides of the war actually. Never did I say that USA went to war because of oil either (which you said was represented in every argument). So I would appreciate if you in the future would refrain from judging everyone based on the actions of a few ![]() I do want to thank you though because back then I asked if someone knew why USA went to war and you pretty much explained it all. And yes, I agree with you, not everything is black and white… (If you only meant the people who have posted on this page and not the rest, well, then you can pretty much ignore this post ![]() |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | Thunder 34:I don't care if you disagree with me or think I'm stupid I just have to say thank you for calling me a she |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | What's in a name?:NO! damn, don't you all know the concept of stereotyping? I'll give an example to you all because no one knows that was an example the mods seem to be the only ones to understand that saying, "people here are parrots" just means "majority of" which is both implied and redundant (much like this sentence) but it is used to get the point across without being technical you don't want Steph or Courtney to get technical because you all will be LOST |
Mycophobia Basket Case ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581 ![]() | spill_no_sick: it didnt say your gender ![]() |
What's in a name? King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 2451 ![]() | spill_no_sick:I know the concept of stereotyping, Nick. And I don’t like it. If she meant most people on here she could have written that. Replacing “I'm sick of it because your all the same.” with something like “I’m sick of the ones who act this and that way…” wouldn’t make things too technical. Personally I think it would clarify things. I also asked if she meant me as well because if I simply had answered her, starting an argument, well, it would just have been silly if she wasn’t even talking to me to begin with. So in the end I just wanted to avoid misunderstandings. And no, I definitely wouldn’t want that because you’re absolutely right. They’d lose me right away ![]() |
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