Birth control
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Ilse Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 8465 | Okay, I'm sure we've all heard about Christians fighting birth control and pharmasicts denying coustomers The Pill. So, do you think it should be banned or should it still be able to be distributed? In my personal opinion, I don't see a problem with it. If the egg never formed into a fetus it's not killing (in my opinion). As for the pharmasicts, it's their JOB to give paying customers the perscriptions they need. I don't understand why someone would go into that field and then turn around and say 'No' to a woman trying to fill her brith control. |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | I agree. I don't see what's the big deal about killing something that's not even alive. ![]() |
zdf_jammin Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 432 | i guess its ok to take the pill, but it could be harvesting ideas in woman that they can have sex and not have babies all they want. im sure they wont do exactly that, but thats the thing. it creates opprotunities(sp?) that shouldnt be there. |
Spiral Out..Keep Going.. Jackass ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 1986 | Catholics believe that life begins at the moment of conception so therefore forms of contraception such as the IUD (intra-uterine device, otherwise known as the coil) and the morning after pill are condemned because they both prevent the fertilised egg (zygote) implanting in the uterus wall, yet to them it is already "alive" i do not hold this belief as I believe that you cannot term use of these contrraceptives "murder" as the zygote is merely a cell bundle at this time and does not have a developed nervous system to feel pain. |
zdf_jammin Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 432 | destiny_is_dead: dont go off pointing fingers..... who says in order to have a soul you have to feel pain, do you think feel pain in heaven? |
clean_with_409 Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 160 | if a child was never formed, then there's no murder! birth control is just a prevention. it's not a murder. |
Spiral Out..Keep Going.. Jackass ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 1986 | zdf_jammin: i personally do not believe in heaven or souls. I see humans, and anything inj this world, as merely protons, neutrons, electrons and antineutrinos making up atoms, cells, tissues, organs and organisms. Then again, I appreciate that people who are religious, or merely even spiritual, with a belief in souls, could see some methods of birth control as murder, and also abortion as murder. However, I think it is interesting to consider the views of people who believe in the re-incarnation of souls. Surely to them certain methods of birth control and abortion cannot be termed a "murder" because a soul can never die, and will merely return to earth in another form, or move onto a higher spiritual place, be that heaven or another world. |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | it's okay, but people seriously need to be more responsible these days, and Birth Control is slowly very damaging morally |
Dom Jackass ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Male Posts: 1691 | Catholisicm may need to change its views on contraception due to the AIDS epidemic in Africa, where there are also a lot of Catholics. |
kaleidoscope_eyes Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 288 | birth control is a responcible and reliable form of well... birth control. It prevents abortions and unwanted children. I think it is more morally sound to use birth control than having abortions or bringing children into the world that you can't take care of. |
NessyLamb Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 18 | I think birth control is a good thing, what would you rather do use contraception/ birth control or get pregnant, possibly at a young age and throw your life away. |
zdf_jammin Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 432 | full_moon: yea, but see, its only a safe hazard thingy. it just means more sex for them, and less babys to take care of. as for the other person, i PERSONALLY believe that God is the creator of atoms, nuetrons, etc. etc., because of some theory that i forgot the name of, that with every complex design there needs to be a creator, and it only makes sense that God is that creator. who says that just because your religous you dont believe in atoms, because ive heard of people who are, and thats silly. |
kaleidoscope_eyes Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 288 | zdf_jammin: Well... lets put it this way... would you rather people not use birth control and have unwanter children brought onto home that don't want them to show them to be "responcible" or would it make more since to have birth control an option because lets face it people aren't going to practice abstinence for birth control esp. if they are older. sry bout the lack of punctuation ![]() |
Kitti Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 5688 | okay, first off, the pill doesnt just prevent pregnancy, it regulates hormones in the female body which often need to be balanced for medical purposes. if you dont bleed once a month, you have no right to bash the pill. furthermore, birth control in the form of...say...condoms (what a novel idea) prevent stds and pregnancy without the added side effect of "killing" something that isnt yet alive...if yr gonna have sex, USE A FUCKING CONDOM!!!! then theres no issue. jeez... |
[XxXflowerfairyXxX] King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 2728 | paradoxical:Yeah i agree. I doln't think there is really an issue with contraception, I just think there are the odd few people that don't realise how completely important it is. Eg. The pope. He dissagrees with contraception and abortion....he is basically promoting std's and maybe even unhappy childhoods for a lot of kids....abortion is a whole other issue but if everyone used contraception then that wouldn't be a problem. |
Spiral Out..Keep Going.. Jackass ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 1986 | Birth control is more important than ever in the current world situation, with overpopulation a growing problem |
punk_rock_kitty Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 143 | i think abortions are wrong and if someone gets pregnant then they should live with it because it is there fault in the first place and abortion to them is a quick way to kill the problem....sorry but that's my point of view |
Spiral Out..Keep Going.. Jackass ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 1986 | i don't agree with you, personally, but there is a separate thread for abortion ![]() |
punk_rock_kitty Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 143 | yeah i agree there is a separate thread but i think the abortion option should only be availible in rare cases,though. |
punk_rock_kitty Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 143 | i think abortion should be avalible if a parent is told that there child has a problem and there parents are given the option if they think they shouldn't let there child suffer |
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