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January 8th, 2011 at 12:03am
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January 8th, 2011 at 12:06am
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January 8th, 2011 at 12:07am
also the fact that peta are against the use of seeing eye dogs is so wrong
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January 8th, 2011 at 06:52am
Hmmmmm you all made me curious about the thread.

Too all vegitarians, people are ment to eat meat that is the way our body works, if you don't eat meat or animal products you need to do more then just eat some soj to replace that. For vegans it is even worse. Being a vegitarian is not healthy if you don't take good measures to replace your meat!!!!!

I am not a big fan of being vegitarian myself, i mean you don't feed you cat only plants because you think it is terrible it eats animals (or the food that is left after we ate animals tehe ), it is it it's nature. People hunted animals back when they could make tools, not unlike monkeys. (but we wised up and stated breeding our food just like plants actually)
People started as hunter gatherer!!

I prevere to eat biological meat when i can afford it and farmedfish i do eat meat replacement or cheese instead of meat about twice a week.

I do support most animal cruelty associations but with everything there is a limit too what i find accepteble, and telling people off because the make a healthy choice to eat meat is one of them.

Also how the fuck could you be against seeing eye dogs, those dogs love there jobs and they where born from generations of pets not wolves.

I also support medical reshearch on animals alslong as they take good care of the animal and the research is usefull to people. In the sence that research can't be done in an other way. (mostley because it is faster and ceaper). If that makes it the way that we can cure aids and cancer faster and cheaper i can support it aslong as they treat there animals right.

I love animals but i am also HUMAN!!! lmfao
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January 8th, 2011 at 12:09pm
lol that was long as hell
Raina Lupa
Raina Lupa
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January 8th, 2011 at 02:37pm
Nada, you're the biggest moron going. You haven't even attempted to address the issue of the ridiculous schemes PETA use to try and cause a stir, and you dismiss anything that hurts your argument as "oh well I don't know much about that so it must be untrue".

Honestly, I don't think you know much about PETA in the first place...was it just a grand li'l bandwagon for a pseudo-hipster like yourself to jump on, hun? You can be a vegetarian without being a complete tool, y'know...
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January 8th, 2011 at 06:29pm
Okay, i think people are kinda ganging up on this girl, and calling her a moron is a bit much. But yeah, apparently she doesnt know how the public views peta.. i dont think she was planning on a hetz against her, really.

But yeah, the company youre supporting isnt viewed as fucking awesome, theyre obnoxious and their techniques are out of hand. But if you wanna support Them, do your research. Dont just be mindless about supporting Them just because their cause is anti-animal cruelty. If theyre getting their opinion across in a stupid way, revise the way you represent yourself through Them, if you see them and their cause as a part of you.
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January 8th, 2011 at 06:56pm
ocean avenue:
Okay, i think people are kinda ganging up on this girl.

You think tehe
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Mibba Blog
January 8th, 2011 at 06:57pm
I agree, I don't like that everyone is "ganging up on her" but I agree that I don't think you fully realize what PETA does. There are plenty of more honest organizations that are against animal cruelty.
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January 8th, 2011 at 07:00pm
it kinda depends on your own opinion i guess when you accept the opinion of others and try to explain yours then you won't have a problem
John Entwistle
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January 8th, 2011 at 10:43pm
ocean avenue:
Okay, i think people are kinda ganging up on this girl.
I know the feeling. Orvil
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January 9th, 2011 at 07:25am
"Join PETA's Action Team today to be a part of the growing movement to help animals. When you sign up below, we will inform you of upcoming events and demonstrations in your area, breaking news, urgent alerts, and tips on how you can improve the lives of animals every day. "
i wasn't really sure what you do when you join peta, and i see that you do nothing actually - you demonstrate and go to events? why don't you stick to the last point and improve the lives of the animals? that doesn't mean try to shove vegetarianism down everyone's throat (because you can't become a veggie if someone forces you), but go to a local pet shelter and spend a few days a week there. you will actually do something useful there instead of sitting by your computer screen and arguing with other gsbians.
John Entwistle
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January 9th, 2011 at 01:49pm
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January 9th, 2011 at 03:43pm
PETA is a good organization, but I don't share their beliefs. I just don't like to talk about how people treat animals or force being a vegetarian because I'm not one, but I have joined PETA because of their campaigns to end KFC. I don't eat KFC anymore because of them.
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January 10th, 2011 at 03:34pm
ocean avenue, Desmond, first of all, thanks.
And yes, I will admit that I don't know everything there it to know about PETA.
But I know enough.
And while I don't support everything that they do, that doesn't mean that they're bad, and I should no longer support them.
I've people I know what don't support PETA, but not because they hate them, or think that they are obnoxious. Just because it's not their thing.
Just to point out that while, many may dislike them. Not all.

And Frank Iero, agreed.

You don't have to support them "shoving veg'an down your throat" to support other things.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
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January 10th, 2011 at 05:56pm
Sherlock Holmes:

There is no reason, and there is no need to eat meat, when their are fake meats, that honestly tatse like the real thing.

WTF?! Why be vegetarian and want to enjoy the taste meat, if you feel this way then just eat the real thing!

Nothing was killed for it is why.

But it tastes of dead things!
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January 10th, 2011 at 09:59pm
Sherlock Holmes:
Sherlock Holmes:

There is no reason, and there is no need to eat meat, when their are fake meats, that honestly tatse like the real thing.

WTF?! Why be vegetarian and want to enjoy the taste meat, if you feel this way then just eat the real thing!

Nothing was killed for it is why.

But it tastes of dead things!

I do think animals should be treated good, no matter what there end is, pets, reseach or food.
Just treat animals rigth.

Al preditors eat meat is there no use for them to eat it either, really i am not promoting to treate animals in a wrong way but eating them is not persé wrong mistreating them is!!!
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 11th, 2011 at 02:53pm
Sherlock Holmes:
Sherlock Holmes:

There is no reason, and there is no need to eat meat, when their are fake meats, that honestly tatse like the real thing.

WTF?! Why be vegetarian and want to enjoy the taste meat, if you feel this way then just eat the real thing!

Nothing was killed for it is why.

But it tastes of dead things!

I do think animals should be treated good, no matter what there end is, pets, reseach or food.
Just treat animals rigth.

Al preditors eat meat is there no use for them to eat it either, really i am not promoting to treate animals in a wrong way but eating them is not persé wrong mistreating them is!!!

I see your point, and I agree with you sort of kind of.
Because you say mistreating them is not right, but then to kill them to eat them. I think that is mistreating them, because how can you kill something in a nice way.
I understand that yes, for every one person that doesn't eat them, there is one that does.
But I don't see how people can be okay to kill them, and kind of say that is not mistreating them.

Though, I don't know if you were saying that or not.

And I have a question, that I don't know the answer to, and someone here may.
Why can't people eat cows, pigs, etc. that die naturally?
Or can they and just choose not to?
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 11th, 2011 at 09:25pm
When things die naturally it's because their body is old. The flesh is decaying, diseased, etc. It wouldn't be very healthy to eat and probably rather risky and the likelyhood of getting sick off it would be rather high.
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January 12th, 2011 at 11:24am

I see your point, and I agree with you sort of kind of.
Because you say mistreating them is not right, but then to kill them to eat them. I think that is mistreating them, because how can you kill something in a nice way.
I understand that yes, for every one person that doesn't eat them, there is one that does.
But I don't see how people can be okay to kill them, and kind of say that is not mistreating them.

Though, I don't know if you were saying that or not.

And I have a question, that I don't know the answer to, and someone here may.
Why can't people eat cows, pigs, etc. that die naturally?
Or can they and just choose not to?
if an animal dies naturally, it's because it's sick or old - it means something was wrong with it so it wasn't healthy anymore. you wouldn't eat moldy vegetables, right? so yeah.. no.

Would you be more supportive of others (not necessarily yourself of course) eating meat if the animals were treated right? like, free-range or whatever it's called? or is it mistreating them either way?

you say that you can't kill something in a nice way, but if they lived a nice life as opposed to cows or pigs who don't get to go outside and have their space, or has to be in a cage until they get slaughtered.. isn't it kinder to give the pigs and cows a life where they can roll in the mud or at least walk around until you eat them? idk i'm kinda ranting here.. i'm just trying to figure out if you think all slaughtering is bad, or if there are y'know degrees, in your eyes.