Iraq war

John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
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March 19th, 2007 at 08:31pm
druscilla; callmedru:
That is bullshit.
Sadam had nothing to do with 9/11.
Bush just wanted to go after him because Sadam hated his Daddy.
The Saudis bombed us.
But we like them, so we'll just invade some other country with non-white people because stupid Americans are okay with that.

Dude, where in her post did it even mention 9/11?

Thats right, it didn't.

Unless you were talking about something else...

Ya, it was saying that Saddam killed his own people and Bush had to stop him before he came here or before he attacked another counrty. Like he did back in the 80's to Kuwait.
Brendon Urie..
King For A Couple Of Days
Brendon Urie..
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March 19th, 2007 at 09:18pm
The government stated that the reason for the war was for 9/11.
The reason for the war had nothing to do with protecting another country or our own.
It had to do with oil and personal vengeance.
Falling In Love With The Board
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March 19th, 2007 at 09:38pm
druscilla; callmedru:
The government stated that the reason for the war was for 9/11.
The reason for the war had nothing to do with protecting another country or our own.
It had to do with oil and personal vengeance.
I don't know whether or not I want to waste my opinion on that
don't you think we would have attacked Saudi Arabia (80% of our oil) for oil?
personal vengance bull shit
Saddam was a dangerous and for twenty fucking years we said, "please disarm and quit killing your people"
it was about damn time we acted upon the threats we promised
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
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March 19th, 2007 at 09:38pm
druscilla; callmedru:
The government stated that the reason for the war was for 9/11.
The reason for the war had nothing to do with protecting another country or our own.
It had to do with oil and personal vengeance.
I don't know whether or not I want to waste my opinion on that
don't you think we would have attacked Saudi Arabia (80% of our oil) for oil?
personal vengance bull shit
Saddam was a dangerous and for twenty fucking years we said, "please disarm and quit killing your people"
it was about damn time we acted upon the threats we promised
Brendon Urie..
King For A Couple Of Days
Brendon Urie..
Age: 37
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March 19th, 2007 at 09:54pm
We didn't attack Saudi Arabia because Bush is buddies with them.
Basket Case
Age: 37
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Mibba Blog
March 19th, 2007 at 10:07pm
What's in a name?:
damn, don't you all know the concept of stereotyping?
I'll give an example to you all because no one knows
that was an example
the mods seem to be the only ones to understand that saying, "people here are parrots" just means "majority of" which is both implied and redundant (much like this sentence) but it is used to get the point across without being technical

you don't want Steph or Courtney to get technical because you all will be LOST
I know the concept of stereotyping, Nick. And I don’t like it. If she meant most people on here she could have written that. Replacing “I'm sick of it because your all the same.” with something like “I’m sick of the ones who act this and that way…” wouldn’t make things too technical. Personally I think it would clarify things. I also asked if she meant me as well because if I simply had answered her, starting an argument, well, it would just have been silly if she wasn’t even talking to me to begin with. So in the end I just wanted to avoid misunderstandings.

And no, I definitely wouldn’t want that because you’re absolutely right. They’d lose me right away Wink

whose she the cats mother! (sorry I just really like saying that)

My post was directed more at recent posts. sorry i didn't respond earlier but I have a serious sims addictions problem Shifty
Basket Case
Age: 37
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
March 19th, 2007 at 10:08pm
druscilla; callmedru:
The government stated that the reason for the war was for 9/11.
The reason for the war had nothing to do with protecting another country or our own.
It had to do with oil and personal vengeance.

I really need to stop quoting my own posts, so I won't

Can you please go back and at least read the last 3 pages of the thread. you get to find out some nifty stuff that my clear up the confusion on Oil.
Chile D. Guy
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Chile D. Guy
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March 21st, 2007 at 12:36pm
i'm definitely confused.
Bush made that "Evil Axis" theory to have a reason to siege lots of countries...they rushed out Afghanistan for nothing!
now they siege Iraq,and they say "Saddam owns mass-destruction weapons! we must stop it!" only to take their damn Iraq's under constant attacks of Hussein's cohorts against the army...and lots of young soldiers die there,as die innocent civilians...for a stupid reason.
well...nothing can explain a war...just the blindness of the gobernors.
Lucifers Angel
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Lucifers Angel
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March 21st, 2007 at 04:26pm
i was listening to the radio just a few days ago, and two american solders were on lookout, and they saw a convoy, of wagons, and the one guy said to the other does that look like an Arab convoy to you, adn the other said no i thinks its british, and his mate then said oh come on your not going to miss a chance to kill some rag heads are you, and then they started shooting and then they went "oh fuck it is a british convoy delivering supplies" and the american goverment has said "it was a mistake and no action should be taken against the two solders"

sorry but i say they should go to prison for a long time, the one guy thought it was british and it was, and now all these men and boys are dead.
The Bears Are Coming
Basket Case
The Bears Are Coming
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March 21st, 2007 at 05:12pm
I dont believe a word usa governement says
but I dont know what to believe

but I think it's retarded that other countries support em with their fake war
same with afghanistan
people I know are risking their lives in afghanistan at the moment for nothing
we have nothing to do with bush's personal war so get the fuck out of there -_-
Basket Case
Age: 30
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Posts: 15581

April 1st, 2007 at 11:17am
The minority!:
I dont believe a word usa governement says
but I dont know what to believe

but I think it's retarded that other countries support em with their fake war
same with afghanistan
people I know are risking their lives in racismat the moment for nothing
we have nothing to do with bush's personal war so get the fuck out of there -_-

well afghanistan was a threat to us. Iraq on the other hand, we had no proof of them being a threat, therefor it was stupid for us to attack them.
What's in a name?
King For A Couple Of Days
What's in a name?
Age: 36
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Posts: 2451

April 8th, 2007 at 02:32pm

whose she the cats mother! (sorry I just really like saying that)

My post was directed more at recent posts. sorry i didn't respond earlier but I have a serious sims addictions problem Shifty

I thought so but I just wanted to make sure. I like you and I really didn’t wanna start an argument with you. Good thing I don’t have to Cool. A late answer is better than no answer Wink.
Age: 35
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Posts: 466
April 14th, 2007 at 02:46pm
Thunder 34:
The minority!:
I dont believe a word usa governement says
but I dont know what to believe

but I think it's retarded that other countries support em with their fake war
same with afghanistan
people I know are risking their lives in racismat the moment for nothing
we have nothing to do with bush's personal war so get the fuck out of there -_-

well afghanistan was a threat to us. Iraq on the other hand, we had no proof of them being a threat, therefor it was stupid for us to attack them.

Clarification: People in Afghanistan had attacked us, hence we counter-attacked. Also, Bush said "Let's have a war on all terror!" (meaning, apparently, terrorISTS not the emotion), so off we went to fight the nasty, nasty terror-like folks in the Taliban. Iraq you're right about; we had "proof" that was either fabricated or lousy. Or both.

Here's something that bothered me, I don't believe anyone's brought it up yet (at any rate, it should be discussed): Attacking Iraq diverted attention and funds from the war in Afghanistan. As such, Osama bin Laden's trial was lost and he continues to elude soldiers in Afghanistan today (somehow, despite the fact that he's hooked up to a dialysis machine). I contend that the War in Iraq was introduced at the worst time possible, as it allowed the man who controlled one of the most powerful terror networks in the world to slip away. Now, Barbara Walters goes to Afghanistan and asks the commanding officer there if he thinks finding bin Laden is even important anymore. He responds that it's important as a symbol. This disturbs me greatly. Capturing the 9/11 commander is a "symbol" now? Not, say, a necessary act of justice?