

Member since July 16th, 2007


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No, Alex is not my real name.
I heard about this site from a friend, who looked it up, She told me how to create my profile, but she is going to help me with it later. I will take pictures for all of you, I will take sign pictures, I will make signs for you, when I can get hold of my brother's digital camera. His name is Tony. His whole life is the internet, the weather, and computers. He can take them apart and put them back together in less than 15 minutes. He's afraid of sports, but on occasion he helps me with my softball practices. Softball, and soccer, are my only sports that I play. I am trying to teach myself how to play my Greg Bennett guitar which I only bought for $250. Its not the best guitar, but it will do for now, until I can actually learn to play it. I love all types of music. I want to learn to play the drums but I can't because my dad works night shifts so he needs sleep during the day and everyone else sleeps at night.
I have some girl like features, meaning, I look like a girl, when my hair is done the right way. Otherwise no, its a boy look. My mom really finds it exciting that one of her son's loves shopping with her, and she actually helps me with a lot of my problems. She almost like my own psychiatrist.
I will try to get pictures as soon as possible for you.
I'm gay, I am NOT using it for attention in anyway, I am not lieing, I am not using it as a trend, I am using it as me. Because I am gay, and I take in the gay pride. My uncle's gay, so I get it from him in my genes, from what my mother says. I am myself, no one else, and I am not going to lie to you, I do not cut, I tried, but got to afraid to, and realized that I had no reason to mark myself, I have never had alcohol, or tried a cigarette or any other drug ever in my life. They're really bad habits.



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