Finding loopholes in rules

Rules, rules, rules. Some think of them as the structure of modern society. Others think of them as unecessary barriers, obstructing us from our full potential.

Either way, they often get broken.

Rules can be there for a reason. Before anyone decides to shout out their opinion at me, let me explain.

There are crucial rules that can stop the world from becoming a very nasty place. These rules are mostly called laws. Like the no speeding law. Without it, accidents would be numerous with cars. Same with the no drink-driving law.
Laws like these are important to society.

And there are the rules that most people do not agree on.

Like most students hate the uniform rules. They feel that the uniform is unecessary. If you are like me, you'd say it restricts your creativity.

But I'm not writing this to tell you about the enefits and downsides of rules. I'm writing this to show you how loopholes can be found in them. Don't understand? Here is an example.

Janie goes to a school with a strict uniform. From jewellery to shoes is restricted. But, however, she went to school with Green Day shoelaces in her shoes, instead of the black ones. The teacher noticed and Janie got into trouble. But then she explained to the teacher that she wasn't breaking any school rule. The rules only said the shoes were regulation. There was no rule stating that the shoelaces had to be also. So Janie was allowed to wear the shoelaces, because technically there was no rule saying she couldn't.

What I'm saying is that in most rules, they have loopholes where the people who wrote them up hadn't been specific enough. You can find these and creatively use them to your advantage. So if you're looking through your school or workplace's rules and see that they weren't specific about something you should use it your advantage. Besides, if it's not in the rules you cannot get in trouble.

Make sure to point that out to the person that catches you out. Or you might get in trouble anyway.
Posted on January 15th, 2007 at 09:57pm


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