Buffalo, NY HSBC Arena, August 12th, 2005

This concert thing was pretty much a family gathering, I guess you could say ;) There was 8 of us (my mom, her boyfriend my aunt Nancy, my uncle Mackie, and my cousins - Cody, Shelby and Jessie) in HSBC Arena. Much different than the ACC and Skydome, that's for sure. We ran into a few issues, like not being able to bring our camera in. They were taking them away from everybody. Just before we were about to take the camera back to the car a girl came up to us and asked if we wanted our picture taken for the X Box site. And we were like: 'Cool, sure'. So that was neat.

Anyhow, we got back and got into the venue and what really almost made me lose it was when they said I couldn't take my poster in. I was like 'HAHAHA, I don't think so, it's coming in with me, regardless of what you say.' So they said: 'OK roll it up, just don't let it get in anyone's way.' Anyhow, we went up the stairs and we bought all kinds of stuff. I bought a poster, wristband, and two shirts. One for me and one for my best friend who couldn't be there. While we were in line Jimmy Eat World started playing. Not a big deal! Wasn't the main band we were seeing. Eventually we walked over to our section – 107 and we went through that little walkway to get to your seats and you could see the band perfectly. We were all the way over and I knew it was just going to be awesome. So Jimmy Eat World played for approx. 30-45 minutes or so. I'm not sure, I wasn't paying much attention. :)

Finally, Green Day was getting closer and closer, and the energy level was sooo high. While they were getting the people up the ladders to do the lighting, the people in front of us said they saw a previous American Idol contestant Jon (the red hair Frank Sinatra singer type person) and we looked over and there he was in the isle. Unfortunately, he wasn't my fave :) but it was still cool. Well, while we were waiting for them to continue setting up and stuff Bunny came out. Someone dressed in a pink bunny suit with a beer in hand and was staggering all over the stage. It was different, I must say. Oh yes, different! Well, that's lasted 5-10 minutes, I don't even know. Then the lights went down.

That's right. Green Day!! Billie Joe walked out and started playing American Idiot. Great way to start everything off. Well I had made a sign a few days before saying 'Billie Joe We Love You'. And of course we held it up! Well the edge of the stage was only a few feet in front of us, and he kept coming over to the side, and he read the sign and yelled 'YEEEEEEAAAAA, THANKS!!' and I was like: 'wow! He read my sign whoooo!' Then Mike came over showing off his guitar skills and saw the sign and was like, 'Hey what about me?' We just laughed and screamed: 'We love you too!' Oh, wait, it gets better! Well, everytime they finish a song Tre Cool - the drummer throw his drums sticks in the air. I just like to say… I have one!!! He signed it and everything, OMG I couldn't let go of it. It was in my hands the entire time.

My arms and neck are sooo sore. The entire time we all stood and jumping around with our hands in the air. Oh, I was making sure it would be an unforgettable night, let me tell you, it was. I had the time of my life! I don't think there was a single moment that i wasn't jumping, singing, yelling whatever. Oh, yes I'll be paying for that tomorrow :)

IT was crazy! At the end of a few songs, they light off firecrackers and flames shoot from the stage. Wow! That was insane. You could feel the heat like melting your body that’s how close we were. Almost went deaf a few times, it was soooo loud (the firecrackers I mean), they were a good 20 times loud than normal fire works. I think that after the 5th time I heard a ringing in my ear. Then he started talking and I could hear so I didn't care anymore!

At one point someone threw up a bra, and Billie Joe came to the edge of the stage where we were and he was putting it on. Then we all screamed 'whoo hoo' and random stuff and he turned around and mooned us. OMG, it was great!

When they started playing 'Wake Me Up With September Ends', Billie Joe was like: 'Turn down all the lights and we wanna see your cell phone and liters', so I got out the cell phone and I was like: 'I need to call my best friend.' I didn't even know if the phone was ringing but all I said was: 'Put Carson on the phone'. Didn't even know who I was talking to and he was like: 'Why are you calling me?' I was like: 'Just listen!' Then I think my phone cut out :) Then I think I called someone else by accident when I was pressing the buttons to keep the backlight on.

The last song of course was 'Good Riddance' (Time Of Your Life). It was pretty neat because all this confetti shot up into the air that said Green Day, and had the grenade hearts and it was everywhere.

OMG! I can't even describe the night! It was just sooo awesome! That's, that!

List of songs
American Idiot
Jesus of Suburbia
We Are The Waiting
Saint Jimmy
Hitchin' A Ride
Brain Stew
Basket Case
King For A Day
Wake Me Up When September Ends
Shout/Stand By Me

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
We Are The Champions
Good Riddance

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