The obesity issue

Age: 31
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Posts: 182
October 28th, 2006 at 09:52pm
i think america is becoming heavier, it's not that i'm saying oh.. i'm so thin...
and other countries as well..
Barbie World
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Barbie World
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January 15th, 2007 at 08:11pm
shit i'm 33.7 Embarassed

im 22... and i thoght i was FAT Laughing
Age: 32
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January 15th, 2007 at 08:16pm
Barbie World:
shit i'm 33.7 Embarassed

im 22... and i thoght i was FAT Laughing

whts thats suposed ot mean Eh
Age: 35
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Posts: 434
January 15th, 2007 at 09:48pm
My friend is over weight and she complains about it, so her parents ordered Jenny Craig for her, She was doing good at first, but every time she would come over she would majorly cheat it, and eat a bunch of junk food, So shes still over weight and I think most of the problem is that people are too lazy and would prefer to be unattractive then actually do something to fix the problem.
The Doctor
Falling In Love With The Board
The Doctor
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Mibba Blog
January 16th, 2007 at 12:27pm
Y'know, I have a bit much junk in da to speak...and I live on my lonesome.

Have you any idea how much 'healthy food' costs compared to utter crap?

I barely eat nowadays - due to not having enough time and money to do so- and I've not lost weight....I think...mind you the dryer shrinks or anyways...

It is so stupid that people naturally assume because of my weight, I stuff my goddamn face all the time. Seriously. I already feel like a bag of utter poodle poop from not really eating much at all, walking everywhere and doing all the studying and still getting stupid moronic jokes about my weight. Sick sick sick sick sick of it. I cannot do anything more unless I just don't bother to sleep and start running around my room like a ferret needing a pee.

Great Success!
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January 16th, 2007 at 02:50pm
What annoys me is the prejudices of 'fat' people. It seems to me that everyone thinks that if youre overweight, you dont think about anything other than food and that youre lazy and never get out.
I know an overweight person and believe me, he rarely even says hes hungry!
Yeah, well... Also, everyone is oh-so oncerned about obesity, but under-weight people are just as big of a problem as over-weight people are! It just seems to most of us that fat people have no lives, only think about food and sickly skinny people are the opposite. Maybe they are, there are always exceptions and stereotypes.
It annoys me how skinny seems to be perfect, and fat is repulsive, even if its atleast as bad for your body not to eat as it is to eat too much.
Age: 32
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January 16th, 2007 at 03:16pm
The Doctor.:
Y'know, I have a bit much junk in da to speak...and I live on my lonesome.

Have you any idea how much 'healthy food' costs compared to utter crap?

I barely eat nowadays - due to not having enough time and money to do so- and I've not lost weight....I think...mind you the dryer shrinks or anyways...

It is so stupid that people naturally assume because of my weight, I stuff my goddamn face all the time. Seriously. I already feel like a bag of utter poodle poop from not really eating much at all, walking everywhere and doing all the studying and still getting stupid moronic jokes about my weight. Sick sick sick sick sick of it. I cannot do anything more unless I just don't bother to sleep and start running around my room like a ferret needing a pee.


i agree.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
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January 16th, 2007 at 03:23pm
"blah blah blah Lays potato chips blah blah blah eat school lunch."

I eat a bag of Lays ever day it's in the vending machine
it's 1.5 grams of fat

the chicken nuggest (four of them, nothing else, no side dishes or rolls, just the four chicken nuggets) are 18 times that (1*18 + 0.5 *18...c'mon, you can work it out)
the average teenager is supposed to eat 30 grams of fat a, if you include the 3.5 fat gram milk (the white milk) and all the side dishes and rolls we eat.....the Lays aren't so bad now are they?
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
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Mibba Blog
January 16th, 2007 at 03:27pm
"blah blah blah Lays potato chips blah blah blah eat school lunch."

I eat a bag of Lays ever day it's in the vending machine
it's 1.5 grams of fat

the chicken nuggest (four of them, nothing else, no side dishes or rolls, just the four chicken nuggets) are 18 times that (1*18 + 0.5 *18...c'mon, you can work it out)
the average teenager is supposed to eat 30 grams of fat a, if you include the 3.5 fat gram milk (the white milk) and all the side dishes and rolls we eat.....the Lays aren't so bad now are they?

Here, the RDA is more like 70g.

Then again, different units and all that Think
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
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January 16th, 2007 at 03:44pm
"blah blah blah Lays potato chips blah blah blah eat school lunch."

I eat a bag of Lays ever day it's in the vending machine
it's 1.5 grams of fat

the chicken nuggest (four of them, nothing else, no side dishes or rolls, just the four chicken nuggets) are 18 times that (1*18 + 0.5 *18...c'mon, you can work it out)
the average teenager is supposed to eat 30 grams of fat a, if you include the 3.5 fat gram milk (the white milk) and all the side dishes and rolls we eat.....the Lays aren't so bad now are they?

Here, the RDA is more like 70g.

Then again, different units and all that Think
then again, you're country isn't as fucking fat as mine
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

January 18th, 2007 at 11:28am
"blah blah blah Lays potato chips blah blah blah eat school lunch."

I eat a bag of Lays ever day it's in the vending machine
it's 1.5 grams of fat

the chicken nuggest (four of them, nothing else, no side dishes or rolls, just the four chicken nuggets) are 18 times that (1*18 + 0.5 *18...c'mon, you can work it out)
the average teenager is supposed to eat 30 grams of fat a, if you include the 3.5 fat gram milk (the white milk) and all the side dishes and rolls we eat.....the Lays aren't so bad now are they?

Here, the RDA is more like 70g.

Then again, different units and all that Think
then again, you're country isn't as fucking fat as mine
Metabolism aslo plays a factor in obesity.
Basket Case
Age: 37
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
January 18th, 2007 at 11:41am
Barbie World:
shit i'm 33.7 Embarassed

im 22... and i thoght i was FAT Laughing

That was immature and rude, if i catch you making comments like that again you will be reported.
Age: 33
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Posts: 1308
January 18th, 2007 at 11:48am
Fool For You.:

I know an overweight person and believe me, he rarely even says hes hungry!

that's because most overweight people eat when they're bored/angry/lonely/etc.
hunger usually isn't an issue
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January 18th, 2007 at 02:17pm
Fool For You.:

I know an overweight person and believe me, he rarely even says hes hungry!

that's because most overweight people eat when they're bored/angry/lonely/etc.
hunger usually isn't an issue
I know. But usually, people think that overweight people only have food on their minds, always having some sort of food in their hand, always eating. Its not like that.
Magazine Sickness.
Magazine Sickness.
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Mibba Blog
January 19th, 2007 at 12:33pm
I think what is more dangerous than the obesity issue is the bullying issue that all overweight people, no matter what age, ethnicity or race deal with.

They are made to feel like shit on a daily basis by most people they come in contact with.

Even if they do lose weight and get to a healthy size, their self esteem is fucked up because people find joy in picking on the fat kids or the fat woman or the fat man.

I was teased mercilessly for looking different when I was younger and even though Im thinner than I was I still feel like complete shit about myself because of all the bullying I had to put up with.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 19th, 2007 at 01:05pm
Fool For You.:

I know an overweight person and believe me, he rarely even says hes hungry!

that's because most overweight people eat when they're bored/angry/lonely/etc.
hunger usually isn't an issue
I know. But usually, people think that overweight people only have food on their minds, always having some sort of food in their hand, always eating. Its not like that.

That's true. I'm like 20-30 pounds overweight and my brother's always making jokes. Always. And its not like every overweight/obese person is Monica Gellar. Because get this: that's a TV show and even more shocking: TV doesn't always reflect reality.

And its also true that overweight people eat when they're bored and stuff. Embarassed Like, ususally if there's nothing to do, I used to eat something. Not even something healthy like an apple. I would go get a bag of chips or some soda. Lately, I've found other things to do when I'm bored. Which is mostly studying. Or practicing piano or something.

But my weight's never been an issue with me until I saw that most of the females on my dad's side of the family are obese. And I get most of my genes from my dad. So I been trying to reduce my weight. But it doesn't work. I weigh 150 pounds at 15 years of age. That's not good.

The obesity in America is brought on mostly by being advanced and rich. Nothing requires you to move much anymore. And the food becomes fattier and fattier to reduce costs of using healthy ingredients. Depression plays a role as well. When the obsese people see someone pretty and thin, we get upset. Because its like "That's what I should be". And that insecurity causes people to turn to food as a comfort.
Nellie Lovett.
Nellie Lovett.
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January 20th, 2007 at 02:31am
im only 15 and i am overweight. i hate it when people think just beacuse im a lil more cuddly i gorge myself on shit.

my 'pig out' food is sushi and ice tea!

i eat healthy. i get sick when i eat chocolate and drink too much soda.

it also comes down to the kind of condition your body is in. i have a thyroid problem, my metabolism is slow which is really bad for someone like me lol.

my body type lets me gain weight as well as lose weight easily. that's why im extra careful. and if i have a craving for something sweet, i eat it in the morning so i can work it off during the day. and i eat low-carb foods. it's good to be aware on how much fat you eat but it doesnt help when the carbs are through the roof. you also have to count you sodium intake and sugar intake. that's what gets you in the end.

also, if you walk for a half hour several times a week, you'll notice a difference in yourself. i lost 3 kgs in one and a half weeks.....OH and try 15mins skipping if you hate jogging for an hour but want an intense workout. it saves your knees too.
Nellie Lovett.
Nellie Lovett.
Age: 33
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January 20th, 2007 at 02:31am
and make sure you stretch before and afterwards....
nacho cheese and anarchy
nacho cheese and anarchy
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January 20th, 2007 at 03:04am
Well, I am overweight, I can't hide it. But I'm not overly obese or anything, I just have as my mom would call it a "poska(?) dough belly". Both my parents are big people, so I had a large chance of being a 'big person' too; which I am. And I must say, that the parents are not always to blame. My mom is a professional chef so I would get homemade food since I was able to eat it. I've never even had baby food from a jar. I eat healthy and I excercise regularly...that doesn't garuntee(?) a slim body.

Also, I don't think it's so much that people are always eating junkfood, but that they are eating healthy, just too much. (as in, 2 large portions as apposed to one 'normal' sized portion) Over eating is a major part of it, not just that it's healthy or not. And metabolism is also sometimes mistaken. Most people assume that a large person has a slow metabolism, but infact, their's works faster than a thin person's because their body has to work harder to burn everything off (so I've read) Another thing affecting weight (most likely mine) is sleep patterns. I have some of the worst sleep patterns there are. I don't fall asleep until 3 in the morning, then wake up 3 hours later and go throughout the whole day until 3 in the morning again.

I've worked on losing weight, and it did start to work. I found that when I ate when I was hungry (on Christmas vactions and so from school) I began to feel better. I was only eating 2 meals each day, which probably wasn't the best, but I wasn't hungry other than then. Once I went back to school, it was all different because I had to eat each meal at a specific time each day, and lunch was always changing times throughout the week.

geeze i ramble on...sorry for wasting your time if you're annoyed by this.

and just to throw this in:
Factors that have been suggested to contribute to the development of obesity include:
Genetic factors and some genetic disorders (e.g., Prader-Willi syndrome)
Underlying illness (e.g., hypothyroidism)
Certain medications (e.g., atypical antipsychotics)
Sedentary lifestyle
A high glycemic diet (i.e., a diet that consists of meals that give high postprandial blood sugar)
Weight cycling, caused by repeated attempts to lose weight by dieting
Eating disorders (e.g., binge eating disorder)
Stressful mentality
Insufficient sleep
Smoking cessation
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
January 20th, 2007 at 12:27pm
But some people try and reduce their portions by eating almost nothing and going "I'm on a diet Hand" and then they eat a shitload of sugar and oil later on, which makes them fatter. I'd know. I've been through that as well. You don't have to eat plates and plates of food at each meal to fill up and you don't have to eat like, a carrot and say you're full.

A lot of people don't just eat a good portion and get up. Also, eating quickly contributes. According to a recent study (lemme dig up the article), it is true that if you eat slower, talking and chewing your food thoroughly, you will be full faster, thus eating less. But if you just gulp everything down in a hurry, it'll take more time for you to be full and you'll eat more.