The obesity issue

anti-christ of suburbia
anti-christ of suburbia
Age: 32
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January 20th, 2007 at 03:55pm
I think what is more dangerous than the obesity issue is the bullying issue that all overweight people, no matter what age, ethnicity or race deal with.

They are made to feel like shit on a daily basis by most people they come in contact with.

Even if they do lose weight and get to a healthy size, their self esteem is fucked up because people find joy in picking on the fat kids or the fat woman or the fat man.

I was teased mercilessly for looking different when I was younger and even though Im thinner than I was I still feel like complete shit about myself because of all the bullying I had to put up with.

I agree. The obesity issue is a vicious circle. someone feels crummy about themselves, so they eat to make themselves feel better, then they get teased because they put on weight, which makes them feel crummy, so they eat and so on.

Also, the whole culture that kicks this off is that alot of the people in the spotlight are 'perfect' and skinny, which makes other people feel bad about themselves, which can kick off that cycle, and it sucks, take it from someone who knows
Basket Case
Age: 35
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January 21st, 2007 at 11:48am
I am ridiculously underweight. And it's a curse.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 21st, 2007 at 01:57pm
I am ridiculously underweight. And it's a curse.

metabolism perhaps? I had a heath teacher who had to eat like seven meals a day just to keep a normal weight. poor dude.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

January 22nd, 2007 at 08:32am
I am ridiculously underweight. And it's a curse.

metabolism perhaps? I had a heath teacher who had to eat like seven meals a day just to keep a normal weight. poor dude.
It's my metabolism, yeah. I'd love to have the sort of curves all the plump people have though.

Even though I eat a ton of rice, and have eaten rice almost everyday of my life since I had teath to chew, I still remain rather thin. Seriously, only about twenty days in my life have I not eaten rice.

I think it's a metabolism gene that's getting around. Usually, the fat people I know have fat parents.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
January 22nd, 2007 at 11:26am
Yeah, everyone on my dad's side of the family is kind of...large.

Also, is it just me or is almost every eastern country dependent on rice? I'm sick of rice.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

January 22nd, 2007 at 08:51pm
I love rice beyond words.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 23rd, 2007 at 03:36am
I love rice beyond words.

Bleh. How can you love rice when you've been eating it since you could chew? I don't really have any "feeling" on rice, other than that it gets reallllly boring sometimes. 'Course, when your mom is gone for two weeks and you have sit and eat pizza everyday, rice is very welcoming.
Nellie Lovett.
Nellie Lovett.
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January 23rd, 2007 at 10:08pm
lentils and rice is good. im not a big fan of eating alot. water is my main 'food' cos it's an appetite suppressant (sp?)

but since im in a spanish family it's an insult if you don't eat all you food.....
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 24th, 2007 at 12:42am
Ah...the age-old lentils and rice. O_O I'd die if I was Spanish. I have some sort of...disease...I can never finish what's on my plate. Yet I'm a tub of lard...*sigh*
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 37
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January 24th, 2007 at 01:17am
I think part of the epidemic is due to people just being plain lazy and making bad eating decisions. My sister is obese. She weighs in at 300+ lbs. While the rest of my famiy is at the most 180 lbs. She is obese because she doesn't give a damn what she eats, and makes no effort to work out, or for that matter exert herself in anyway. For example, today she walked up the steps, and told my little sister to walk across the street to the grocery store and buy her a pint of Haagen Daaz (sp?) ice cream. My little sister refused to go. So my obese sister started yelling at her to get her lazy ass over to the store and buy her some ice cream. She's obese because she's lazy and makes terrible food decisions. My entire family has tried to help her make better eating decisions. But she flat out refuses....because she's too lazy to even try.

I don't blame obesity on genes. If obesity was caused by a defective gene, then why weren't there more obese people 70 years ago? Human genes have relatively stayed unchanged as far as I know for thousands of years (correct me if I'm wrong). Our civilization has advanced, and people don't have to work like they did 70 years ago. Ergo, people are more lazy these days. My family has been of average or under average weight for as far back as our family tree dates. So for my sister to be the only person in my family to be obese, the only explanation is her constant laziness and bad food eating decisions. Since we ruled out a thyroid problem, and since she doesn't take any medications, there's just one reason left.

But I also think that some obesity is due to thyroid or other health problems. Some medications can cause your weight to balloon. It has happened to me. I went up to 154 lbs after I started taking a bunch of new medications. And since I've stopped taking them, my weight has gone back down to 132 lbs. I guess I didn't exactly qualify for obese, but I was overweight from the drugs.
That's just my two cents though. I'm sure there are some other explanations for it though. Feel free to correct me.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

January 24th, 2007 at 10:00am
I think it's also partly to sue with the fact that our standards of what is skinny and healthy are going down in the scales. 'Skinny' people were generally fatter in the 50's than today's 'skinny' people.
Age: 34
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Posts: 102
January 29th, 2007 at 07:21pm
obese people can't control their eating habits. Some of it's from depression. I think being a tiny over weight is not a problem, who cares? But if your obese, you could die just from eating!
davey jones.
Falling In Love With The Board
davey jones.
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Mibba Blog
February 5th, 2007 at 06:39pm
Houston topped the 'Fattest City' list in the country for the third time in a row, according to USA Today.
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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February 5th, 2007 at 06:43pm
obese people can't control their eating habits. Some of it's from depression. I think being a tiny over weight is not a problem, who cares? But if your obese, you could die just from eating!

some of that i can agree with, depression yes can cause you to be fat, but putting the food toyour mouth in the first place is what actaully does it, i always used to say that someone in my family, had "hand to mouth disease" she was always complaining that she was fat, and she was, but the food has to get to your mouth somehow. I am over weight and i am working on it
Plug In Baby.
Plug In Baby.
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February 6th, 2007 at 04:52am
Lucifers Angel:
i always used to say that someone in my family, had "hand to mouth disease" she was always complaining that she was fat, and she was, but the food has to get to your mouth somehow.

I have a friend who is the same. She complains that she's fat, but then she buys really unhealthy food when we're out at the movies and we have lunch or something.

She also refuses to stop drinking as much soft drink as she does. I drink diet coke because I like the taste better. Every time she sees me doing that she exclaims "Diet coke!? Did you know that that is worse for you than normal coke? It has so many chemical in it!".

So then I rolled over the can and showed her the ingredients. To which she replied "Well.... it has sweetener in it! That's really bad for you!"

The only thing I could do to that was to name all of the food she likes to eat that has sweetener in it. I even took her to the supermarket to prove my point.

But it's like, if you complain that your fat, and seem to be getting really upset about it, but then order a really unhealthy lunch and have two desserts, then well stfu and do something about it.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
February 6th, 2007 at 12:07pm
Heh. I know the feeling. I stopped being so obsessed with fast food nowadays. I feel sick everytime I eat pizza cuz I'm afraid I'll end up in one of those "Fatso Freakshows" or whatever.
Age: 33
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Posts: 1308
February 6th, 2007 at 02:17pm
I am ridiculously underweight. And it's a curse.
metabolism perhaps? I had a heath teacher who had to eat like seven meals a day just to keep a normal weight. poor dude.
It's my metabolism, yeah. I'd love to have the sort of curves all the plump people have though.

Just seconding the metabolism thought...
Most of my friends have the some kinda lifestyles and eating habits as me, yet I'm the only one who's reffered to as 'curvy'

I sounds so alien to hear someone actually wanting curves
Ah, the painful irony of it all Coffee
Rotting On Here
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
March 2nd, 2007 at 12:26am
Studies show today that because of the obesity issue in America right now, our generation (Me and You) will be the first ever generation in history to die before our parents if we aren't careful.

Age: 32
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Posts: 1808

March 4th, 2007 at 09:03am
eat what you want, i dont prohibit myself from anything. The body naturaly does everythingto keep its original state. Though the reason for me not being fat is probably the constant running around the school from one class to the other and my restlessness and just my behaviour in general. I think a person's obesity is caused by their personality most likely...but thoughts on this are very complex
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 31
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Posts: 58
March 4th, 2007 at 10:39pm
Im obease and im tired of it so im doing somthing about it !Going to the gym and getting a personal trainer lose weight the healthy way.But we should love our bodies and take care of them!Eat what you please but burn those calories afterwards like walk you dog or run up and down the street .But if your fat but your completely healthy then its just you growing up and just love your body.

Because were all beatiful and shouldnt subjectify our selfs to making ourselfs puke cuz thats just going to kill you.and I agree with UltraViolet InfraRed that is a huge part of it I think.Rehabreject is right to metabolisim is a factor of being chubby.The slower you metabolisim ios the slower you burn calories and over time those calories build up and become fat stored in your butt and stomache area.But if you have fast metabolism then your going to burn calories faster and you wont ewory about junk in the trunk.

But remember each and every one of you.Your not fat its just how you look at yourself in the mirror but either way your all beatiful