King For A Couple Of Days
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December 14th, 2010 at 04:52pm
So, I just thought that this would be a good topic, because I would like to know what people's views on PETA are, I personaly am a supporter of PETA. Though, I know a lot of people aren't. Or don't agree/follow it. I just thought that it would be nice to dissus reasoning, and what not and hear from both sides here.

I don't think that this thread is like the Veganism/vegetarianism because PETA doesn't just work to make everyone veg./vegans. They aslo fight for the right's of animals, against animal testing, againt the use of animal fur, and so many other things.

I also think that this thread would be a good place to ask questions about PETA, or a question that you may have on the products you use, things you wear, etc. that you want to know if they're animal friendly.

Or just go to the PETA Website where anything you want to know, you should be able to get an answer for, or sign up and become active with them.

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December 16th, 2010 at 07:45am
Hmm, now I haven't done a whole lot of research on PETA, but it seems to me, they're quite.. dramatic. about well, everything they do.
They could teach people about what they think without displaying naked women and smashing up things, and telling children stuff like "your mommy kills animals!" which is just horrible.

i guess they're right about some things, but their methods of telling the world suck.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
December 16th, 2010 at 09:00am
^Yeah, they lose my respect by being obnoxious...
King For A Couple Of Days
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December 16th, 2010 at 11:02am
I don't find them to b obnoxious at all, then again, that could just be my bias opinion.
And when you think about it, anyone who want to make a point does something that could be considered obnoxious.

And almost nakie ladies? Well, at least they aren't wearing the fur of some real animal and it's fake.

I alos think that a lot of people just take one thing they hear/see from PETA and that creates the whole image for them and what they think about it.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
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December 20th, 2010 at 02:37pm
I'm a member of the PETA...

Even I disagree with the way in which some of the protests and campaigns are handled. The 'boycot KFC' protest was pretty decent and by their standards 'low-key'. Plus it achived something.
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December 20th, 2010 at 02:39pm
no, you don't have to be obnoxious to get your point across, and what's the point in making pamphlets for kids saying stuff like "your dad goes fishing, so he kills animals and supports animal cruelty! Until he realises that it's not "fun" to kill animals, keep your doggies and kitties away from him. He's so hooked on killing, they could be next!"

they also say stuff like "your daddy is teaching the wrong lessons". what the hell? i mean, sorry, but why are these people targeting children, and telling them that their parents are bad rolemodels?

to me, it just seems wrong to target kids who should be able to make up their own minds and before they do that, they should be given alternatives so they can make the right choice for them. Idk, to me, it seems so aggressive and unethical to target kids and tell them that their parents are bad people.

I think it's fine to be against fur - i don't see the reason behind using real fur anymore, since we have the techniques to make synthetic stuff that looks the same. And sure, if people have to know what goes into making a real fur for them to change their minds and not wear fur, then let them know - but don't target small children with cartoons and children-friendly language. Not that children should be shielded all the time and protected, but i grew up with my parents not telling me what to believe in, not religiously or politically, so i've been able to make up my own mind, and i think everyone else should be able to make up their own minds too with out being told your parents are evil people who enjoy killing animals for recreational purposes
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 3rd, 2011 at 09:33pm
In defense. I must say that without that, how many people go as far as to expose their children? I don't believe many. My mother tried everything in the book to push me away from being veg. and supporting PETA arguments. I didn't even know anything about any of this until middle school to be honest. I don't think it's right to speak down upon a parent, but to make aware is needed. And fishing is hurting/killing fish. It's facts.
And just because they have one PETA packet, doesn't mean that they are now not free to make their own decision. It's just exposing them. They can still say no, everyone can always so no.
Age: 31
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January 4th, 2011 at 03:57pm
i think that peta is to like in your face about it. to me i think that they make you feel like a bad person in you eat meat which i think is wrong. people get to choose to do what they want and for some reason peta doesn't get that.
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 4th, 2011 at 05:32pm
It's so, that you eating meat is supporting something bad. Not that you're bad.
And Peta isn't just out to stop the eating of meat. I mean, yes that's a big part of it. But they're standing up for a lot more then just that, and not many people really think about animals when going to buy something, or whatnot. And I think that people should. I mean, why should an animal suffer for you? If you don't/can't stop eating meat. Maybe you could stop buying products that're tested on animals.
Age: 31
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January 4th, 2011 at 05:38pm
i used to be all about peta and whatever
but from reading there stuff they make you feel like if you ever eat meat your a horrible person
that's what i felt anyway and i don't think it's right to make people feel like that
most people know what happens to animals and all of the reasons why they get killed and if they wanted to become a vegetarian or a vegan they would
i don't think peta needs to stuff it down your throat that the way you want to live life is the wrong way if you choose to eat meat
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
January 4th, 2011 at 05:54pm
^I agree.
I can't speak for everyone obviously, but I know what happens to animals that we eat. I know it's horrible, and at time inhumane. I know this and I accept it and I still eat meat. I don't need peta shoving disgusting photos and videos in my face all the time.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
January 4th, 2011 at 06:33pm
It's so, that you eating meat is supporting something bad.
if you're eating meat, you're following the same biological path that hominids have followed since their origin.
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 4th, 2011 at 08:31pm
Okay, alright.
So we should just wear fur. Because that's the same biological path that hominids have followed since their origin?
Because, why not? Eat meat, wear fur.

I mean, you have the right to or not to watch videos, look at pictures, read anything PETA is putting out.

But animals are in pain, for the satisfaction of a steak?
They are getting their throats slit, so that you can eat them, or being boiled alive, and that doesn't make you uneasy at all? Or make you want to reconsider, or even at least attempt to not eat meat.

And once again, we go back to this whole meat eating, while PETA stands for so much more.
Age: 31
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January 4th, 2011 at 08:42pm
i think peta is just giving a bad stereotype to all vegetarians and vegans because they are to over the top with everything and don't respect the people who disagree with what they believe is right
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
January 4th, 2011 at 08:58pm
Okay, alright.
So we should just wear fur. Because that's the same biological path that hominids have followed since their origin?
Because, why not? Eat meat, wear fur.

I mean, you have the right to or not to watch videos, look at pictures, read anything PETA is putting out.

But animals are in pain, for the satisfaction of a steak?
They are getting their throats slit, so that you can eat them, or being boiled alive, and that doesn't make you uneasy at all? Or make you want to reconsider, or even at least attempt to not eat meat.

And once again, we go back to this whole meat eating, while PETA stands for so much more.

IMO It's all rooted back to this.

People today generally wear fur for fashion, not out of necessity, as early humans did.

Like Jess said, I don't appreciate PETA because of their lack of respect for anyone else's point of view. I have complete respect for anyone who is a vegan or a vegetarian, why can't they show the same level of maturity.
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 4th, 2011 at 09:17pm
Why wear it for fashion when there is fake fur that is just like the real thing?
There is no reason, and there is no need to eat meat, when their are fake meats, that honestly tatse like the real thing.

And, you are one person who acts mature, for everyone of you there is someone that is imature toward us as you see PETA, which, I am a big PETA activist, and I am not rude and agressive like you're saying PETA is. I mean sure I seem so here, but, that's the thread point. Not all those who follow/work for PETA are so "out to get you" or whatever. And it's all about how you take in what they are saying, on how it makes them look. Plus, if PETA weren't aggressive, who would listen to the only voice any animal has? If PETA wrote things saying "Please don't eat meat. It's bad. Animals die." No one would listen. I am sure that on some things, they could tone it down. But when PETA tries to go out and be nice, they get laughed at, and a deaf ear is turned their way. So what are you to do other then got all out?
Age: 31
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January 4th, 2011 at 09:20pm

There is no reason, and there is no need to eat meat, when their are fake meats, that honestly tatse like the real thing.
Age: 31
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January 4th, 2011 at 09:25pm
also i'm not arguing that it's okay to kill animals because i don't think it is at all, but i don't like the way peta spits it out
alsoooooo when i was all into peta i feel like i was kinda brain washed into thinking that their way was the right way.
there are better ways to get people to stop killing animals than being obnoxious about it
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
January 4th, 2011 at 09:35pm
Why wear it for fashion when there is fake fur that is just like the real thing?
There is no reason, and there is no need to eat meat, when their are fake meats, that honestly tatse like the real thing.

I agree with you on the fur part, there is no reason to wear fur now.
But personally (and I am not a huge fan of meat, I eat just enough to get enough iron and protein) I would rather eat something that as an animal myself, I am supposed to eat, biologically, rather than something chemically manufactured.

And before you go all "omg they make cows eat cowmeal and pump them with hormones and all that" we usually buy our meat from smaller farms in the surrounding areas so that isn't a problem.
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 4th, 2011 at 09:37pm
I don't feel brainwashed, I'm NOT. I became a veg. before I was into PETA, and though sometimes I don't know if I agree with methods, I agree with cause. In anything you love and support there are those people that you can't stand and told believe in methods of. But you can't let those go against what you want.

And that's not BS, because the brand I have DOES taste like real meat. So maybe you didn't have the right brand..

And just because I am curious, why did you switch back?