
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 26th, 2005 at 07:04pm
So what do you think about being a vegan? Are you one? Share your thoughts here.

Personally i never was a vegan until i found really disturbing pics on the internet, and trust me,it is not a pretty sight actually its very disgusting and crude. So i will never eat meat again nor will i wear leather/fur or anything like that. I think that honestly its all up to you what you belive but it is truely a disturbing,and crude thing to do to any living thing.

Love my Insanity:
I think these videos speak for themselves. I, personally, have been a vegetarian for 2 years straight. You may say, "That takes a lot of willpower." But it just depends if you get the right information and choose to do something about it. Whether you boycot meat, or revolt against it with running butt naked in Spain for the bulls. Just watch these:




Fish: (yes fish too are getting killed brutally)

Dogs and cats:

Ducks and geese:

You can call me a hippie, but don't say my rants are useless, because these animals are in danger.

What do you think?
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 34
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Posts: 3180
May 26th, 2005 at 07:09pm
I'm a vegan because I don't think animals should be killed so I coul eat. They are killed in an unhumain way and that is wrong. I'm much happyer now, and more healthy. Besides, people wouldn't even eat meet if they didn't make weapons to kill. Nature made us as plant eaters.
King For A Couple Of Days
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May 26th, 2005 at 07:12pm
whats a vegan
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 26th, 2005 at 07:14pm
whats a vegan
a person who disagrees with killing animals for food,clothes,ect.
Basket Case
Age: 36
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
May 26th, 2005 at 07:15pm
I don't understand why vegans think fruit has feeling, there not exactly alive

A balanced diet includes meat for protein, it's also good for your jaw, are molars in our mouths are meant for meat. I only eat free range though.
Basket Case
Age: 36
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
May 26th, 2005 at 07:16pm
whats a vegan
a person who disagrees with killing animals for food,clothes,ect.

that's a vegetarian, vegans don't believe in eating dairy products or vegtables that have been pulled from the ground, they wait for them to fall or something.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 34
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Posts: 3180
May 26th, 2005 at 07:16pm
whats a vegan
a person who disagrees with killing animals for food,clothes,ect.

In other words-me. Cool And, no, we don't eat just plants. We eat mushrooms, soy, tofu, and drink tofu milk. We aren't sick, actualy, we are even more healthy Cool Cool Cool
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 34
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Posts: 3180
May 26th, 2005 at 07:19pm
I don't understand why vegans think fruit has feeling, there not exactly alive

A balanced diet includes meat for protein, it's also good for your jaw, are molars in our mouths are meant for meat. I only eat free range though.

All the stuff you get from meet you can get out off soy and mushrooms without the fat. Besides, animals that get killed usualy have a fear hormon inside theyr meet and they piss them selfs out of fear, so I realy wouldn't eat that if I were you. You have alot of stuff about that on that page I gave you a link to in Animal abuse topic
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 26th, 2005 at 07:20pm
whats a vegan
a person who disagrees with killing animals for food,clothes,ect.

that's a vegetarian, vegans don't believe in eating dairy products or vegtables that have been pulled from the ground, they wait for them to fall or something.
omg i am so confused my brother-in-law told me that thats what a vegan was hes stupid please set me straight here
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 3180
May 26th, 2005 at 07:22pm
whats a vegan
a person who disagrees with killing animals for food,clothes,ect.

that's a vegetarian, vegans don't believe in eating dairy products or vegtables that have been pulled from the ground, they wait for them to fall or something.
omg i am so confused my brother-in-law told me that thats what a vegan was hes stupid please set me straight here

A vegetarian is a person who doesn't eat meet, but eats eggs, milk, cheese and fish(sometimes). A vegan refuses to eat anithing comming from animals.
Basket Case
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
May 26th, 2005 at 07:23pm
I don't understand why vegans think fruit has feeling, there not exactly alive

A balanced diet includes meat for protein, it's also good for your jaw, are molars in our mouths are meant for meat. I only eat free range though.

All the stuff you get from meet you can get out off soy and mushrooms without the fat. Besides, animals that get killed usualy have a fear hormon inside theyr meet and they piss them selfs out of fear, so I realy wouldn't eat that if I were you. You have alot of stuff about that on that page I gave you a link to in Animal abuse topic

Thats no strictly true, you can't get iron, also your body needs a certain amount of fat. My friend was a vegetarian she had to start eating fish because her finger nails turned black and she could no longer sleep.
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 26th, 2005 at 07:24pm
whats a vegan
a person who disagrees with killing animals for food,clothes,ect.

that's a vegetarian, vegans don't believe in eating dairy products or vegtables that have been pulled from the ground, they wait for them to fall or something.
omg i am so confused my brother-in-law told me that thats what a vegan was hes stupid please set me straight here

A vegetarian is a person who doesn't eat meet, but eats eggs, milk, cheese and fish(sometimes). A vegan refuses to eat anithing comming from animals.
mmm...gotcha thanks....i geuss im a vegitarian then. at least i learned something from this
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 34
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Posts: 3180
May 26th, 2005 at 07:26pm
I don't understand why vegans think fruit has feeling, there not exactly alive

A balanced diet includes meat for protein, it's also good for your jaw, are molars in our mouths are meant for meat. I only eat free range though.

All the stuff you get from meet you can get out off soy and mushrooms without the fat. Besides, animals that get killed usualy have a fear hormon inside theyr meet and they piss them selfs out of fear, so I realy wouldn't eat that if I were you. You have alot of stuff about that on that page I gave you a link to in Animal abuse topic

Thats no strictly true, you can't get iron, also your body needs a certain amount of fat. My friend was a vegetarian she had to start eating fish because her finger nails turned black and she could no longer sleep.

Plant oils are healthyer cause they are more diagestible (probobly speled that wrong) At school we learned about this stuf. Any way, I'm a vegan and I don't see any bad side efects. I've been a vegan for over a year
skanking Brit
Falling In Love With The Board
skanking Brit
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May 26th, 2005 at 07:50pm
I don't eat meat but I wouldn't consider myself a die hard vegan
Starry Eyes
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Starry Eyes
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May 26th, 2005 at 07:51pm
I'm a Name Changing Whore:
I don't eat meat but I wouldn't consider myself a die hard vegan
same here
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 8423

May 26th, 2005 at 08:03pm
Im not a vegan but Ive tried to be. It didnt last very long. It sorta felt like I was starving myself. Anyway I still respect people who are vegans and its a strong choice to make cause it was hard for me to give up meat.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 34
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Posts: 3180
May 26th, 2005 at 08:04pm
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 3180
May 26th, 2005 at 08:06pm
Im not a vegan but Ive tried to be. It didnt last very long. It sorta felt like I was starving myself. Anyway I still respect people who are vegans and its a strong choice to make cause it was hard for me to give up meat.

I didn't did it at first. I couldn't help myself. And when I thought I'd never make it, something just hit me and I couldn't stand the thought of eating meat.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 3180
May 26th, 2005 at 08:11pm
I don't understand why vegans think fruit has feeling, there not exactly alive

A balanced diet includes meat for protein, it's also good for your jaw, are molars in our mouths are meant for meat. I only eat free range though.

(In the pic it sayes: Plant food doesn't have enough protein, you'll get sick)
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May 26th, 2005 at 08:13pm
thats a funny pic, but i always thought vegan was not eating any animal products, like milk or honey etc. So i thought i was vegetarian, because i dont eat meat. But i guess i use animal products. i dunno, you guys just confused me.

But it was easy for me, i dont like meat, and i always had to eat it, so i decided to stop so wouldnt have to eat gross chicken all the time.