Author | Message |
Lunchbox King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 3180 | rock00chick: I don't eat anything from animals 'cause here they don't treat industry animals with respect (yes, we should respect them), secondly, I don't wear lether or fur and I don't use animal tested products. I'm not a hypochrit like your friend (no offence) |
duck tape Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 261 | well i guess that im a vegan, well i eat meat. but i dont think that they should get killed for clothes, show, contest nething like that its stupid and shouldn't be done and people who do that should get tthat done to them and see how they like it they are innocent animals that don't kno better, i hate people who just go in their back yard and shoot birds and squrarrels b/c they got into their trash |
rock00chick Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 490 | nothing or no one is completely innocent, and yes i agree that for contests and shows, is wrong to kill animals...but think about it...before you we were even alive, centuries before we were alive, they were killing animals for food...and thousands of millions of years before we were alive, people wouldn't be able to survive without killing animals, and even though technology has moved on, we still need that meat in our bodies, or we won't grow properly, and chances of problems in future life increase dramatically...i've said this already and i will say it doesn't matter what animal it is, and who it is killing them, we are all animals, and if they were really hungry, they probably wouldn't hesitate turning to us for food... |
Lunchbox King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 3180 | ~X~THE_black_ROSE~X~: yeah, I agree. But the main problem is that people look at animals like less worthie, and don't give a shit when kids put firecrackers in cat's asses, but what they don't realise is that kids than think that its ok to torment someone who can't ask for help and can't defend them selfs and become bulys and later even criminals 'cause they fead aff others fear. Ya know what I'm saying. And besides, I have a friend that is kind to my dog and is kind to animals that I pet on the street, but shotes birds and when they kill a pig for a celebration, he usualy bangs the pigs head with a hamer or pokes the pig's eyes. And that wouldn't have hapened if other people told him that that's wrong 'cause they find it ok, but if he ever does something like that to a kid at school, everyone is gonna say that he is the bad guy and are gonna ask: "who tought you to be cruel like that?" I can respect people who eat animals for food, but I don't like killing animals in celebration (even if you're gonna eat it anyway) |
rock00chick Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 490 | i am kind to animals, and dont hurt them, but i still feel that you need to eat meat, and if everyone stops eating meat, then the number of cattle and animals we would normally eat would grow in numbers, and there will eventually be more cattle than humans, and we will start getting eaten by them...everyone will be wishing they had kept authority then... |
GreenDayIsBetter Idiot ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 662 | I applaud you for the second time! |
rock00chick Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 490 | lol, thank you *bows* you bring up some pretty good points too... |
GreenDayIsBetter Idiot ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 662 | Thank you, thank you. |
rock00chick Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 490 | your welcome...theres not really anything else to say on this topic, everything's just going to keep on getting repeated again and again...i think all parts of the topic has been covered... |
GreenDayIsBetter Idiot ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 662 | yes this and a couple others.. most is just being repeated over and over again. |
rock00chick Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 490 | yeh...and its 20 past midnight here, so im gunna go, byebye |
Lunchbox King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 3180 | rock00chick: that's stupid. By that logic the animals should have kept theyr authority on us, 'cause there are too many people on the planet and we do nothing but damage to animals, plants, our planet and to be honest, we do damage to ourselfs and eachother. And by the way, I'm healthier now than when I eated meat, 'cause lions, wolfs and beasts need the enrgy 'cause they are always on the move, our modern lifes make us sit most of the time so we don't need that heavy food, or haven't you noticed how many overwated people are there (and I don't mean baby fat, I mean real fat) |
rock00chick Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 490 | lions and wolfs and beasts dont live near your average farm, and yea i know we do more harm to the planet, but that's our fault...i dont drive or anything like that, i dont use areosals and i recycle, so i think im in a better position to argue this case than probably you...and a cow will get slaughtered anyway, because that's what's been happening for many centuries, and it's not going to change because someone has decided to shift the scales a bit... animals these days are practically bred to be it or not, but that's what's happening, so you might as well eat them because they are going to get slaughtered anyway weather someone eats them or not |
<3Romance<3 Jackass ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 1186 | I'm not a vegan. The animals we eat were grown for landing on our plates (if I may express it that way). And in meat are several proteines, and elementary stuff we need to keep our metabolism in order. And now you can come with the argument that such things are also in other things. But I'm not going to take chemical shit. I could make a lot of arguments why I shouldn't eat any meat: it's not healthy, you hurt animals etc. But potatoes come out of the ground, and fruit is being sprayed on. So why don't I lock myself up in a tiny little room, with no air. I'll die, no matter what! |
car crash romance Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 5046 | NeoSteph: hahahaha, that makes me laugh. you don't know what your talking about. |
rock00chick Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 490 | im sure she knows what she's talking about, but sometimes stuff comes out the wrong way... |
rawr i'm a toaster Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 89 ![]() | Okay... Im not sure if everyone's given up on that subject yet but... I want to GO vegan... Or maybe vegatarian... Youve inspired me... Just thought you should know... |
Lunchbox King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 3180 | Mrs.Tre.Cool: hey, I've alsmost given up of talking here, but sombody actualy saw things from a nother point if view ![]() you'll see the change in your life after a while, you'll feal healthier, trust me |
Spirit Of '77 Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 5024 | my brother's a vegatarian but he'll still eat taco meat. it just involves lots of apologies to the cows and him making the rest of us apologize to the cows in our tacos too... haha. personally, i like meat too much to ever be a vegan, but if someone else wants to, go right ahead. youre missing out on some damn good steak though ![]() |
rock00chick Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 490 | it doesn't make you healthier, meat has proteins in it that other things don't me...its a scientific fact!!! |
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