Should Corporal punish be imposed?

Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
February 21st, 2007 at 06:09pm
At the school I used to go to where the teachers hit the kids when they misbehave, none of the students ever feared the teachers. There was a very healthy teacher-student bond actually.

Whatever, but don't we restrict our desires due to fear as well? I mean, if you wanted to steal a car, you know you wouldn't because you'd fear getting in trouble and having a record and being put away for a while? Isn't that how the world works anyways?

Really? You can speak for every single person in your school, and know the emotions they felt?

I'm not sure about you.. but I wouldn't steal the car because I know that it's wrong to take others things such as that, it isn't about fear it's about respect.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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February 22nd, 2007 at 08:53am
OK, I'm sorry I used to wrong word, but it isn't violence. Neither is it abuse. And maybe what applies to me doesn't apply to the world, but it sure as hell applies to quite a few people. Nobody is ever in the same situation as another person, but just the fact that people can relate should be enough for a topic like this. Just pretty much everyone on this thread has been smacked by their parents, and they think it wan't for good intentions, then why?

I never said it was abusive. Hitting, I consider violent. I don't consider spanking kids abuse, but it's still violent. You're missing the point of everything I've said. Hitting someone for doing wrong is just silly. Resorting to physical means of teaching is so immature and silly compared to what we have the ability to do. Their intentions may have been good (I never said they weren't) but its just ridiculous that to communicate a message to a young child, they have to smack it. We are much more developed forms of life than that. Its basically ignorance if they think it's helping, they don't know any better. However, ignorance to other options is still no excuse for acting like that. It amazes me when you see parents screaming like little kids themselves in grocery stores at kids throwing fits, as if that helps at all. Parents are suppose to behave as the adult in the situation. Using physical punishment because you lack the ability to communicate in any other way is not being very adult like, regardless of if your intentions were good or not.
I understand you think it's silly, but I'm not going to touch that just because I can't argue with what you consider it to be. I'm just saying that they do have good intentions to me and that it is the only way to make children understand sometimes. I can't use my own examples, but sometimes children don't listen. So what's the parent going to do, just keep repeating the same thing over and over again? Sometimes it doesn't work. The parents love their kids, they're doing anything for them. Hitting isn't an easy way out of verbal discipline at all. Again, I can't use examples of my own, but some families don't communicate using words. Some people are incapable of expressing their deepest ideas through words, sometimes words are not enough.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

February 22nd, 2007 at 08:54am
Really? You can speak for every single person in your school, and know the emotions they felt?
Maiku's Kind Ghost
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February 22nd, 2007 at 11:09am
With the way most of the Freshmen act. I think they could use a good kick in the ass.
One of them apparently wasn't paying attention and bumped into Doc- the oldest and by far the coolest teacher in my school, and yelled at him and called him names.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
February 22nd, 2007 at 06:58pm
I understand you think it's silly, but I'm not going to touch that just because I can't argue with what you consider it to be. I'm just saying that they do have good intentions to me and that it is the only way to make children understand sometimes. I can't use my own examples, but sometimes children don't listen. So what's the parent going to do, just keep repeating the same thing over and over again? Sometimes it doesn't work. The parents love their kids, they're doing anything for them. Hitting isn't an easy way out of verbal discipline at all. Again, I can't use examples of my own, but some families don't communicate using words. Some people are incapable of expressing their deepest ideas through words, sometimes words are not enough.

So you're saying that they are so idiotic the only way they know how to communicate is through physical means? Humans have evolved far past that, it isn't that they can't, it's that they don't try. "This works, why should I try and find a better way" is basically their attitude. You're using the fact that they are ignorant to other ways as an excuse and it isn't. Ignorance is never an excuse. You're acting like if you don't hit your kids... the only other option is verbal direction, and that isn't so. Being spanked hurts for a few minutes, being grounded for awhile allows the message to seek in and let children see that there are consequences for their actions.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

February 24th, 2007 at 09:45am
I understand you think it's silly, but I'm not going to touch that just because I can't argue with what you consider it to be. I'm just saying that they do have good intentions to me and that it is the only way to make children understand sometimes. I can't use my own examples, but sometimes children don't listen. So what's the parent going to do, just keep repeating the same thing over and over again? Sometimes it doesn't work. The parents love their kids, they're doing anything for them. Hitting isn't an easy way out of verbal discipline at all. Again, I can't use examples of my own, but some families don't communicate using words. Some people are incapable of expressing their deepest ideas through words, sometimes words are not enough.

So you're saying that they are so idiotic the only way they know how to communicate is through physical means? Humans have evolved far past that, it isn't that they can't, it's that they don't try. "This works, why should I try and find a better way" is basically their attitude. You're using the fact that they are ignorant to other ways as an excuse and it isn't. Ignorance is never an excuse. You're acting like if you don't hit your kids... the only other option is verbal direction, and that isn't so. Being spanked hurts for a few minutes, being grounded for awhile allows the message to seek in and let children see that there are consequences for their actions.
My parents are not idiots. They were loving, caring, people who only wanted the best for me. Maybe there is a bit of a communication problem , so what is wrong with smacking?

I'm sorry, but I find your post really personally offensive, and I hope that you didn't mean that.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
February 24th, 2007 at 09:57am
My parents are not idiots. They were loving, caring, people who only wanted the best for me. Maybe there is a bit of a communication problem , so what is wrong with smacking?

I'm sorry, but I find your post really personally offensive, and I hope that you didn't mean that.

Sorry if I offended you, but I do find it idiotic to communicate only through physical means. I didn't really mean they are idiots, more that parents who spank actions are idiotic, that was badly phrased. I don't think spanking is abuse or something, I just find it to be pointless and silly. Humans have grown and evolved enough to where we no longer need to resort to physical punishment.

Just because they have a communication problem doesn't mean other ways don't exist, and I believe I've made it quite clear why I think smacking is disciplining in a wrongful way. I never said they werent loving or caring, in fact in some post I said they may have good intentions, but that still isn't going to change the fact that i think there are better ways to deal with children aside from hitting them.
Basket Case
Age: 30
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March 17th, 2007 at 09:54pm
it just teaches kids that its ok for a adult to hit a kid, Adults should use words and exsplian to kids that what they did is wrong, hitting kids will just make the kids more angery.
Lucifers Angel
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Lucifers Angel
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March 20th, 2007 at 06:42am
Thunder 34:
it just teaches kids that its ok for a adult to hit a kid, Adults should use words and exsplian to kids that what they did is wrong, hitting kids will just make the kids more angery.

ok for example, what if your child keeps going up to the fire and trys to keep putting his/her fingers in the fire do you lighty tap the childs hand or do you elt them burn themselves?
Plug In Baby.
Plug In Baby.
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March 20th, 2007 at 06:48am
Let them learn from their mistakes Mr. Green
Lucifers Angel
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Lucifers Angel
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March 20th, 2007 at 06:52am
Let them learn from their mistakes Mr. Green

so then the child has a scar on his/her hand? I dont smack my kids and never will, but in certain postions you have to think, which is better!
Age: 32
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Posts: 1808

March 20th, 2007 at 07:40am
not allowed in our schools, as far as i know, and surely not in ours, i think such punishment should not be used in schools, in any schools for the matter. i agree to what kueibe said
Age: 32
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Posts: 1808

March 20th, 2007 at 07:42am
Lucifers Angel:
Thunder 34:
it just teaches kids that its ok for a adult to hit a kid, Adults should use words and exsplian to kids that what they did is wrong, hitting kids will just make the kids more angery.

ok for example, what if your child keeps going up to the fire and trys to keep putting his/her fingers in the fire do you lighty tap the childs hand or do you elt them burn themselves?

well both are good options, but if they burn their finger they will know that it hurts and wotn do it again. But if you wont let them they will stay curious andkeep trying. well..i was like that as a kid...
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
March 21st, 2007 at 05:47pm
UltraViolet InfraRed:
Lucifers Angel:
Thunder 34:
it just teaches kids that its ok for a adult to hit a kid, Adults should use words and exsplian to kids that what they did is wrong, hitting kids will just make the kids more angery.

ok for example, what if your child keeps going up to the fire and trys to keep putting his/her fingers in the fire do you lighty tap the childs hand or do you elt them burn themselves?

well both are good options, but if they burn their finger they will know that it hurts and wotn do it again. But if you wont let them they will stay curious andkeep trying. well..i was like that as a kid...

Or, you could be a responsible parent and not keep your children where they could burn themselves O___o If your child is young enough to where they would still do something like that and you leave them alone with a fire, you're the one who should be slapped. However if you're in the room with them, verbal commands can instruct them to not do that. If verbal commands don't work, a time out is another option. It's like some people think if you don't hit your kids then you're ignoring them. That's not true.
davey jones.
Falling In Love With The Board
davey jones.
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Mibba Blog
March 30th, 2007 at 11:02pm
Texas still allows corporal punishment, but at my school there is no striking. They've pretty much stopped all of it. I remember getting struck in the third grade, but I think in the years following they've found alternative punishments like Alternative Schools and ISS.
I don't understand why someone would hit a child for fighting with another student with a wooden board to teach them not to hit. Doesn't that completely defeat the purpose? I Don't Care