
worn-out astronaut.
Had A Life Before GSB
worn-out astronaut.
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Mibba Blog
October 10th, 2007 at 12:24pm
I am not afraid of my death, but I am afraid of seeing my loved ones die. I would be afraid of death if I know that its the final end, but since I don't believe it is, I'm not. Yes, I have doubts, and thats the only thing that terrifies me, that after we die we only get buried and thats it. I had a classmate that died and I don't ever want to think that he is gone forever. I always hope that he is somewhere, probably on a better place. I may be naive, but I like having hope that this isn't the only thing.
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October 10th, 2007 at 01:13pm
Yeah, I agree with not being scared of my own death, but I despise the thought of people I love dying and never being able to speak to them again. I guess it is sadness more than fear. Dno
Hitchcock Starlet
Hitchcock Starlet
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October 10th, 2007 at 08:31pm
I never actually thought about death that much. I don't think I'm afraid of death itself....I'm more afraid I'm gonna leave this world before I do something with my life,before I achieve my goals,do the best I can out of it. Dno
Micro Sheep
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October 10th, 2007 at 10:50pm
Electric Buttsecks!:
I am not afraid of my death, but I am afraid of seeing my loved ones die. I would be afraid of death if I know that its the final end, but since I don't believe it is, I'm not. Yes, I have doubts, and thats the only thing that terrifies me, that after we die we only get buried and thats it. I had a classmate that died and I don't ever want to think that he is gone forever. I always hope that he is somewhere, probably on a better place. I may be naive, but I like having hope that this isn't the only thing.

I think the same way.I really don't think that when we die we just..die along with our soul.I mean...if it isn't anything after death why are we properly living?To me, the soul is something too deep and too complex to just disappear along with the physical death.And I'm also afraid of dying without acomplishing things I wanted to do during my life.I guess this is not something I should worry about right now but you never know when the end is going to be.
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October 11th, 2007 at 04:56am
I'm not afraid of dying. To me, life is like a prelude to death. It's my goal to be an old woman, but still act and feel young still. You can't just let yourself get old and saggy, but you gotta live to the fullest. Make your life something to talk about when you're dead and gone.
So I'm kind of excited for life, so I can look down at my funeral at the people there. Watch them tell about my life. and hope that I did a damn good job livin' it.
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Mibba Blog
October 11th, 2007 at 09:08am
I'm not scared of dying. I don't see the point of being afraid of something that is inevitable.

However, having somebody close to you dying is horrible. Witnessing death is a scarier thought than the thought of experiencing death myself.

I would like to go to my own funeral though. I think that'd be fun. I'd like to see what they say about me. tehe

Then I'd be reincarnated as a cat. Con
Was Here Two Weeks Ago
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October 11th, 2007 at 11:05am
It's obviously a whole lot easier for those who believe in afterlife or reincarnation.
People who think death is the end, the end of everything they knew, the end of all their feelings and knowlegde are mostly terrified of it.
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Mibba Blog
October 11th, 2007 at 11:55am
It's obviously a whole lot easier for those who believe in afterlife or reincarnation.
People who think death is the end, the end of everything they knew, the end of all their feelings and knowlegde are mostly terrified of it.

As for me though, I don't think it matters or not if there's life after...either way you probably won't know. At least, your conscious self won't. So it shouldn't really be something to be scared of.

I think human beings as a whole are just scared of the unknown.
Age: 32
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October 11th, 2007 at 01:54pm
I'm actually afraid of both, death and what is going to happen next....but im not sure.. Pray
Micro Sheep
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October 11th, 2007 at 08:11pm
It's obviously a whole lot easier for those who believe in afterlife or reincarnation.
People who think death is the end, the end of everything they knew, the end of all their feelings and knowlegde are mostly terrified of it.

but those who believe in life after death think that "afterlife" is something above everything they had lived before,so knowledge and feelings don't quite matter after that.
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October 12th, 2007 at 11:25am
I don't believe in an after life. I think we are all just the same as other animals and we are here to carry on the line and maybe contribute something to society and other people's lives. I dont think its sad to think this way, as I dont find it a depressing thought, in fact, I think it encourages you to do more with the only life you are ever going to have. Very Happy
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Mibba Blog
October 12th, 2007 at 08:53pm
I think it encourages you to do more with the only life you are ever going to have. Very Happy
Thats a good point. An attitude like that would encourage productivity. If you think you'll have some ~after life~ I think that probably would limit what you do now, for some people at least.
worn-out astronaut.
Had A Life Before GSB
worn-out astronaut.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
October 12th, 2007 at 09:24pm
I think it encourages you to do more with the only life you are ever going to have. Very Happy
Thats a good point. An attitude like that would encourage productivity. If you think you'll have some ~after life~ I think that probably would limit what you do now, for some people at least.
True. I couldnt agree in my case, at least. Since I don't believe in reincarnation I don't expect to do a lot when I'm a just a ~soul~ or something.
But I believe some people think about the after life too much, or maybe worry about it a lot so they miss things.
Tahm York
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October 13th, 2007 at 12:52am
Death of someone else hurts, and it really makes you strive to care about what you still have, and how you wouldn't want it to change.
King For A Couple Of Days
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October 17th, 2007 at 10:28pm
I don't see much point in worrying about dying. The way I see it, whether you worry or not, it's still gonna happen one day.

Tbh, i'd actually like to know when i'm going to die, the thought of dying in my sleep without knowing about it creeps me out.
Basket Case
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October 18th, 2007 at 05:52am
It's obviously a whole lot easier for those who believe in afterlife or reincarnation.
People who think death is the end, the end of everything they knew, the end of all their feelings and knowlegde are mostly terrified of it.

I disagree, I think it's the opposite.
People who believe in an afterlife have no idea what's coming. The unknown is pretty frightening.

I don't believe in an afterlife, I think death is simply the end, and it makes me completely comfortable with it. I believe that when I die, I'll just.. die. I have no fear of eternal damnation. I don't need to worry about achieving all my goals, because after I'm dead, I won't be 'alive' to be there, thinking "damn, look at all the stuff I missed out on".
It leads me to enjoy my life here, now, but not go over-the-top trying to do everything I possibly can, living my life like every day is my last.
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October 18th, 2007 at 11:58am
Matt Bellamy:
It's obviously a whole lot easier for those who believe in afterlife or reincarnation.
People who think death is the end, the end of everything they knew, the end of all their feelings and knowlegde are mostly terrified of it.

I disagree, I think it's the opposite.
People who believe in an afterlife have no idea what's coming. The unknown is pretty frightening.

But they do have an idea. Coolio At least more than those who don't believe in things like that.

...I guess it depends on your view.
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October 18th, 2007 at 12:06pm
I'm not scared of dying. Its life, it happens whether we like it or not. I don't really care how I die, because I'll be dead. I don't believe in god or heaven so I think I'm just gonna be put into the ground to rot.
Age: 33
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October 18th, 2007 at 02:46pm
I'm not scared of dying but of getting old. Coolio
Board Parasite
Age: 39
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October 18th, 2007 at 03:31pm
Cassie I can't wait to get old. tehe

I am gonna wear loads of big skirts and pettycoats and take up the pipe, get loads of cats, a big open log fire and a rocking chair and be 'the mad old cat lady on the hill'!! Ah