Micro Sheep Falling In Love With The Board Age: - Gender: - Posts: 7584
December 3rd, 2007 at 09:21pm
I just wish that after I die..someone,at least a person remember me for making their life better.Not just cry for a day and then completely forget me forever ._. I mean...remember me for doing something great for them, helping them in some way, that's what I want to be remembered for.
I'm not saying they can't. But, technically, if you were a Christian, you shouldn't fear death. In my belief, this life is just a short stage before I'm reborn into Heaven and everything is safe and perfect. So in a way, I welcome death- when it's my time.
Sylar Falling In Love With The Board Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 5703
December 6th, 2007 at 09:34am
This is exactly why I'm not a Christian. I don't want to be plagued with that smarmy, superior complex that many of them have.
If you don't worship ytheir god, in their way, you go to hell. Pfft.
Nobody reply to this please, that discussion belongs in the Religion thread
Personally I'm not scared of dying because it'll happen one day, I'm just concerned on how I die. I mean will it be in a road crash, will it be cancer, will I kill myself or die at a party?
Who knows? Dying is a part of life.
Sylar Falling In Love With The Board Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 5703
December 7th, 2007 at 06:24am
I think we'd all prefer a peaceful death, but in the end, we don't usually get to choose do we?
i am totally scared... we go to heaven or hell... i'm scared of hell .... it's not easy going to heaven, you have to be a good, nice person & pray
The Doctor Falling In Love With The Board Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 8786
December 8th, 2007 at 12:10pm
I don't fear death, I fear the afterlife. I hope it's an optional thing.
Anyway, I had a weird dream last night. (There is a point in this, trust me) I was in this huge, huge building, kinda like a skyscraper. All these people were rushing around in suits and they had those Bluetooth headset things on. I looked down and I seemed all scruffy in my pyjamas. I walked up to this desk clerk guy. He had blonde hair in spikes and was called Peter. Anyway, he looked at me in a calm way and asked me my name. I game him it and he just asked all these questions (like Address, date of birth...etc). After a while (he was tapping all the information into a white laptop) and he sighed.
"Another atheist. Oh well, I'll just pick an afterlife." he said. He typed up some things and the computer gave a sorta 'ding'. "Christianity. Okay, that's Unit 23, just look for the door with a crucifix on it".
I went to this door and went inside. Inside, was a few people in white suits, looking at me. I suddenly realized it was a similiar set up to the X Factor (Or American Idol or whatever) auditions. They asked me how I lived my life and those were the deciding factors to whether I went to Heaven or Hell.
I think that would be good if it was like that, y'know? Whatever religion you are, you get that afterlife, regardless.
Miley Cyrus Basket Case Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 15185
December 9th, 2007 at 08:15pm
I got a lot more afraid of death... and fire since my friend died.
I mean, it could be... anyone, 16 like him or 100.
I think evryone is afraid when i get deep in it i pass out!
the scary part is the subjeect is totally unknown, What happens to us? Its scary i... think ..im going...
*passes out*
The Doctor Falling In Love With The Board Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 8786
December 13th, 2007 at 11:50am
I think evryone is afraid when i get deep in it i pass out!
the scary part is the subjeect is totally unknown, What happens to us? Its scary i... think ..im going...
*passes out*
I don't find it 'scary' and I'm pretty sure there are others.
FandomLocked King For A Couple Of Days Age: 27 Gender: Female Posts: 4387
March 23rd, 2011 at 05:14pm
I'm not afraid of Death...It can actucally be intresting.... I mean yes it is sad when a loved one one or a friend or a pet dies,but it's the way life works
You Live.....You Die,you just have to accept the fact that we'll all die someday,"immortallity" doesn't actucally exsist but It would be cool if it did,but if no one died the world would become overpopulated,so sometimes people have to die in order to avoid starvation(all though some already are dying from this) and also even more deaths than possible. What I mean is if the world was too populated with more people than it could mean more killers and with more killers there's more killing. The reason Death can be intresting is the ways you can die,it makes me wonder about my own death there are many different ways to die
Tradgedy.....in your sleep.....old age.......saving someone elses life the possibilities could go on forever,theres no way to cheat death so it's best to just accept it.If anything I'm more afraid after death heaven or hell,which am I going to,we probably all hope for heaven,i'm pretty sure about that. But it shouldn't be scary because we all have our time to go and when it's time it's time theres no way in changing that
but with every death brings new life,so the world will continue for a long long time
Dana. This Board Is My Home Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 30055
March 23rd, 2011 at 08:58pm
I'm not afraid of Death because I've had a lot of family members die throughout my life and I've come to accept it as a normal thing. Just the thought of dying and not being a part of the living is interesting to me. I'm hoping that my death is a peaceful one because I don't want to be in pain when I die, but I'll see it when it's my time.
Squid. King For A Couple Of Days Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 2940
March 24th, 2011 at 04:49pm
I'm a Christian, so I'm actually not afraid.
I'm not a Christian, and I actually am not afraid to die.
NIK JONUTZ Moderator Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 24429
March 24th, 2011 at 07:19pm
I'm a Christian, so I'm actually not afraid.
I'm not a Christian, and I actually am not afraid to die.
I'm Christian and I AM terrified of dying! So what if I get to go to heaven?! I mean, maybe I'll feel differently when I'm 96 and have piles of grandchildren, but as of right now, I am terrified to die, I don't even care if I get a guaranteed place in paradise.
NIK JONUTZ Moderator Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 24429
March 24th, 2011 at 07:26pm
it's so strange to me when people talk about dying and how they are afriad of it because it's just never something that crosses my mind ever . i guess that's cause i don't believe in heaven or hell, i believe that you are reborn as someone else and things that happen to you in life somewhat affect what happen in the nexts persons life.
Chile D. Guy Basket Case Age: 33 Gender: Male Posts: 15969
March 24th, 2011 at 07:28pm
I'm more concerned with life. About death, what really would upset me is how my family would deal with the loss.
NIK JONUTZ Moderator Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 24429
March 24th, 2011 at 07:30pm
Chile D. Guy:
I'm more concerned with life. About death, what really would upset me is how my family would deal with the loss.