Mike-Related Dreams
Author | Message |
ThisIsGreenDay Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 41 Gender: Female Posts: 6877 ![]() | I had a dream last week that I had a baby girl I had apparently adopted. She was about one and a half years old...and Chinese. She was wearing these pink pants and a pink sweater and I was crouched down behind her with me holding onto her wrists as she tried standing on her own, and Mike was standing behind me because in the dream I sensed we were supposed to be married or something. Anywho, we're in this living room that's dark except for one table lamp against the wall, near the front door, which was techincally on the side of this house we were in...*shrug*...and then all the suddent there are all these bees and wasps trying to get into the house from underneath the door, via the crack. Mike's telling me to fill it with tin foil and as I'm doing it, I'm yelling at him, "THIS ISN'T GONNA WORK, YOU DUMBASS! GET ME A BATH TOWEL!!!" I was panicking because all I wanted to do was protect our adopted baby Chinese girl. ![]() |
Toxic Narcotic King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 103 Gender: Female Posts: 3750 ![]() | I had a dream I was eatin at his house... |
Arcane-Inamorata King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 3278 ![]() | Just recently I had a dream that I was at my grandmas house and then all of green day came to see me and so did Estelle, Adie, Joey and Jakob. It was pretty cool, but anyways, mike taught me how to play the bass better and it was stellar. |
St. Lucie Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 4 ![]() | i've had a bunch of mike dreams................................. once, i was in my bed and mike and brittney were cuddling next to me, but i don't think they knew i was there.......and then they're all cuddly and brit says "oh i can't wait till we get married and start a family and have kids......" and then all the sudden mike has this death look on his face and he says "kids?" and then brittney stops hugging him and yells "MICHAEL RYAN PRITCHARD DIRNT!!!! ever since the first day you knew me, you KNEW i wanted to have kids!!!!" and then mike says "but i can't abandon Estelle....." and he looked reaally sad and that was it ![]() |
Bass_Babe Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 7 | I had one of the weirdest Mike dreams ever. Ok, well Tre and I went to Billie Joe's house to have a party. We were all waiting for Mike and it was getting really late and we started to get worried. Then all of a sudden I had this vision of Mike driving in the blue, beat up old car. The car explodes out of nowhere and catches on fire. So we all start crying because we think Mike's dead. Then the door bell rings and Mike's standing there dirty and with his clothes all torn up. I was so happy to see him I start hugging him and kissing him. Billie Joe asks him if he's ok and he says yes but the explosion made his foot fall off and he had to put it back on. When I looked at his foot it was on backwards! Then I woke up. I also had a dream that Tre had a baby and it was an empty coke can. He sang to it and carried it all wraped up in a blanket. He even taught it to play the piano. I have no clue how though.... |
Iam2fly4u Geek ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 102 | My first Mike dream was sorta weird. I was at some concert(not green day) and the band was horrible so I left and saw Mike outside. He asked me the time and I said," Um, I think it's ten." Then he asked me if I wanted an autograph! I was about to say yes but then I woke up, |
Iam2fly4u Geek ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 102 | Oh and one time I had a dream I dated Billie Joe's son, Joseph. Ew, it was the worst! |
SorryMa King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 2126 ![]() | my friend had a dream where this new mike amusment park opened and we all went in, there was a bouncy castle there and we all jumped on me and my friend along with other peoplees, then mike came along but he was like 70 feet tall and he picked us up and threw us over the hills and far away o_O |
Bass_Babe Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 7 | I had another dream last night.... Well, when I opened my front door there was this catalog sitting there so I started looking through it. In this one section you could buy famous people. Billie Joe and Tre were like a million dollars each. Then poor Mike was five bucks. So I called and ordered him. The next day I opened my Mailbox and he popped out with a whole bunch of stamps stuck all over his face. Then we got married and lived in a giant treehouse. This gay hobo named Alex kept trying to steal Mike from me so I had to murder him. Yeah that was a good dream.... ![]() |
Psyche Adrenaline Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 56 ![]() ![]() | i had this dream that mike was trapped in a checken coop cage thing that was in my neighbor's front yard and m friend nibz and i were walking by. we kinda gave im a weird look and walked to my friendshouse which magically turned into a starbucks and then walked back and i handed mike this little teeny tiny guitar and said "just incase you get bored" and walked home and nibz magically disappeared and then later that day there were a bunch of people skating around my street...but then nibz walked up to me and was like "GUESS WHO JUST GOT MIKE DIRNT'S LEFT NIPPLE!!??!" and i was all like "wtf" and then i woke up because of my stupid alarm clock... then i had this other one last night where i was running away from something and it turned out to be mystep-dad chasing me with a knife and i ran into mike and he like...picked me up...and started charging towards me dad with me in his arms and the knife went through mike's chest but then he automatically healed and he goes "im immortal" and kept running then gave me a piggy-back ride until we got to my friend mike's house (different mike) and i walked in and started playing drums and mike just kinda came up, hugged me, and walked away... |
Psyche Adrenaline Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 56 ![]() ![]() | oh and i had another one...twas after a green day concert and i was taking my hoodie off of this LOOOOONG rack of hoodies and the mike was net to me getting his and billie was behind me and mike goes "beware, you're touching billie's hoodie) and then billie was like "DON'T EVER EVER TOUCH MY HOODIE!" and punched me.....then i woke up... |
derpina Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 5566 ![]() ![]() | last year, I had a dream that me and Estelle and Mike were taking a walk and we went to his apartment, which looked exactly like my cousins apartment and we went to a room (my cousins room) and we watched a DVD on the computer until my mom came to pick me up. |
ThisIsGreenDay Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 41 Gender: Female Posts: 6877 ![]() | I dream of Mike while I'm awake ![]() Teehee. |
FashionCastaway Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 46 | I had this dream that Green Day were in my school, dressed exactly how they were in BIAB, and Mike was walking across the playground, but I was too shy to speak to him! :'( |
Drewkid Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34 ![]() | I had this one dream where I was eating lunch with my friends and Mike popped out of the ice cream machine and screamed "I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM! WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM!" and my friend Graham tackled him. And then Billie Joe and Tre came in wearing suits and tophats and did the Cancan. O_O It was odd. |
*wierdperson* Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 89 | I had one Mike dream where he was sitting in my class room, and I somehow had gel in my had, so Mike told me to spike his hair, but when I went to spike his hair, he told me I smelt really bad, so I ran to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall and cried. o__0 |
*wierdperson* Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 89 | I have another one( Its not really about Mike, but its related to Mike). Estelle was a teenager, and I somehow met her in mall or something, but she wanted to talk to me, so we walked around, and she told me all about her problems and that she was a drug addict and stuff(0.o). . ..It was wierd. |
Demonic. Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 27 ![]() | I think I had a dream about him once, but I can barely recall what happened...just that he was there. I usually forget my dreams the very second I wake up. If I'm lucky, I can remember most of what happened. All I know is it was a good dream. ![]() |
ThisIsGreenDay Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 41 Gender: Female Posts: 6877 ![]() | Last night I had another Mike dream: We were walking in the hallway outside the entrances to some arena, and I was trying to talk to him but he was ignoring me, so I followed him into the men's bathroom where he was taking a piss, and when I tried to get him to talk to me, he turned around and yelled at me for being in there ["You're not supposed to be here"] and then pissed on the floor. ![]() Then, the dream changed just a little wherein I was walking inside the arena, but it was set up more like a high school auditorium, but with bleachers for seating. I was walking along the edge of this arena, then across the bleachers, while Green Day was playing on stage for a small crowd that was scattered directly in front of them...I was about 100 feet away. It was still a large arena thing. Then Mike gestures to/acknowlwdges me by saying, "That's my girlfriend. She's from Saskatchewan." I grumbled, threw him a dirty look he couldn't apparently see, and mumbled, "Oh yeah, now he wants to talk to me...and I'm from Buffalo, damnit! Not Saskatchewan." Then I walked off the bleachers and into the wings of stage right, but accidentally walk out onto the stage via some down-sloping ramp. I'm embarassed and scurry back into the wings because I went the wrong way, and make it backstage where I meant to go, and find Adrienne, who I tell that not only am I engaged to Mike but now I'm also pregnant! ![]() ![]() So, the dreams shifts slightly again, and I'm standing in some weird, curved hallway (I think), holding up a camera phone, looking through pics of The Doors, and The Who...I don't know why. I scan to the words "GREEN DAY 1" and I'm watching video of Mike sliding down this spiral slide, butt ass naked, in a metal washtub. ![]() ![]() Then I look away from the camera, in front of me, where Mike is sliding down again and I see his butt crack. And in my dream, he's lean like we all know...AND HAS A FABULOUS ASS. ![]() |
l10895 Geek ![]() Age: 29 Gender: Female Posts: 162 | I had a dream that mike was my substitute teacher, and started yelling at me for no reason. i had a dream like that, only billie joe was my teacher ![]() |
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