Mike-Related Dreams

Age: 103
Gender: Female
Posts: 895
September 7th, 2006 at 03:13pm
My mom...
one time i did it in a bus while sleeping... my had bumped against the window,
i sang songs and talked @_@
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 3708
September 7th, 2006 at 05:09pm
i had a dream last night with mike in it...it was really weird.
he was this helper teacher and me him and all these student were going to wales (why i dont know)
me, mike and my mum (i have no idea why she was in my dream) and all these other student was in this room.me and mike was talking about something then he started to tease me and repete everything i was saying.eventually i got annoyed and jumped on him and we ened up rolling around in the room.and later he helped me into a oufit. thats about all i remember
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 570
September 7th, 2006 at 08:01pm
i had a dream mike was jogging then i walked out and i saw him so i threw my elastic band ball at him??? and then he fell to the ground and then said my shirt was melting? and i looked down and i had no legs?? it made no sense.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 12902

September 10th, 2006 at 09:59am
I remember this one time I had a dream (Now beware, none of my dreams make much sense.) That I won a trip to go on vacation with Green Day. Billie brought Adie with him for no reason. Then Tre came and Mike came too. We were in a beach house thingy. And I was trying to show Mike this web site, GSB, on a projector thingy like at school and he was too busy eating a jelly doughnut I gave him. So he wouldn't pay attention. And I really wanted to get into Tre's pants at first, but Tre wouldn't talk to me cause he was trying to find MY mom to bone her... Shocked
Anyway, me and Mike had to share a room and for some reason there was only one bed, so we had to sleep in the same one. I tried to get in bed with him and he pushed me out and threw a cupcake at me which came out of no where. And then some other shit happened that I don't really remember all that much. Then I remember that I got up one morning and Mike was coming out of the bathroom, and he just grabbed me and started making out with me... Not that I minded. Wink but yeah, that's about all I remember.
One Nut Wonder
One Nut Wonder
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 304

October 9th, 2006 at 11:11pm
I had a dream where the Green Day gang jumped out of an airplane and landed on my trampoline while my friend and I wer eon it. Mike fell through it with Billie and Tre. Jason W., Jason f., and Ronny completely missed the trampoline and laded on my roof. It was sooo funny. I was laughing my ass off at Billie, Mike, and Tre. Mike sat up and poked his head through the hole he and the band made and said his number one pick up line, "HI, I'm Mike. I'm a tourist." IT WAS SOOO FUNNY!
One Nut Wonder
One Nut Wonder
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 304

October 10th, 2006 at 05:47pm
Last night I had another dream. Me, Mike, and Tre were sitting in my living room, and I was sitting on Mike's lap. I asked where Billie and Adie were and Mike was like "Using your room." and I stared at him to figure out what he was saying. Then I got up and ran down the hall to my room and I opened my door to fing Billie and Adie fucking like bunnies on my bed. I ran down the hall screaming something about them dirtying up my good sheets. I ran into the livingroom crying and Mike stood up and held his arms wide open and I ran into him. Then the scene switched to where my wrists were tied to my bed with two belts and my feet were spread out wide andf I was nakey. Shocked Mike was also nakey and he climbed ontop of me and I think you get the rest.......... [/u]
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 12902

October 10th, 2006 at 06:13pm
One Nut Wonder:
Last night I had another dream. Me, Mike, and Tre were sitting in my living room, and I was sitting on Mike's lap. I asked where Billie and Adie were and Mike was like "Using your room." and I stared at him to figure out what he was saying. Then I got up and ran down the hall to my room and I opened my door to fing Billie and Adie fucking like bunnies on my bed. I ran down the hall screaming something about them dirtying up my good sheets. I ran into the livingroom crying and Mike stood up and held his arms wide open and I ran into him. Then the scene switched to where my wrists were tied to my bed with two belts and my feet were spread out wide andf I was nakey. Shocked Mike was also nakey and he climbed ontop of me and I think you get the rest.......... [/u]

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Posts: 112
October 10th, 2006 at 06:32pm
One Nut Wonder:
Last night I had another dream. Me, Mike, and Tre were sitting in my living room, and I was sitting on Mike's lap. I asked where Billie and Adie were and Mike was like "Using your room." and I stared at him to figure out what he was saying. Then I got up and ran down the hall to my room and I opened my door to fing Billie and Adie fucking like bunnies on my bed. I ran down the hall screaming something about them dirtying up my good sheets. I ran into the livingroom crying and Mike stood up and held his arms wide open and I ran into him. Then the scene switched to where my wrists were tied to my bed with two belts and my feet were spread out wide andf I was nakey. Shocked Mike was also nakey and he climbed ontop of me and I think you get the rest.......... [/u]


lol!!! Twisted Evil -gets evil thoughts-
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Posts: 112
October 10th, 2006 at 06:37pm
i had a dream last night.

i woke up and saw billie sitting at my computer and i yelled "WTF!" and mike ran in and i said "OMFG!" and mike came over to me trying to calm me down. i asked where my parents were and mike said "in west virginia" and i asked why and they said they didnt know. i asked them why were they there and they shrugged.. then i fell off my bed and i landed on mike who was sitting indian style and he laughs at me and i sit up in a sitting position and hes watching me and it was freaky and so i kissed his cheek and ran to the bathroom and then there was a big bang on the door and i woke up from my dream

it was so weird
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Posts: 720

Mibba Blog
October 10th, 2006 at 10:10pm
It's been a while since I had a dream. This one involved a woodstock-like stage, but smaller. It was some sort of bassist convention. Everyone was carrying their basses upright, one hand on the neck, one hand on the body, so that the head was above your own. Mike was some sort of inspirational speaker, but instead of talking he just played. Tré was there too, something about "the other half of the rhythm(sp?) section". We all got to go to these sessions with a bassist of our choice. So, I wound up in a dingy room, with him showing me how to play my song. If only I could remember what he suggested. Molly
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 39

October 10th, 2006 at 11:11pm
I had a dream where I watched them at a show and went backstage and Mike let me play his bass... That was all.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 117

October 19th, 2006 at 07:54pm
I had a dream that turned into a story. (Unloved, Until He Opened His Eyes...) I don't really wanna talk about it because I don't want to give what's ahead, but ya, you can read it

Unloved, Until He Opened His Eyes...
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 79
November 7th, 2006 at 07:53pm
lol I had a dream that for some reason I was pregnamt and he was my doctor so he like gave me a C section and when that baby came out he said "Congrats Its a Beauitful baby rino!!" and then watermellons started coming out of me.....Yeah wiers I know
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 41
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Posts: 6877

November 26th, 2006 at 12:36am
Last night I dreamt that I had been pregnant with two boys at the same time but the catch is: they had different fathers and one was conceived 4 weeks before the other one. The older was Tre's son, and the younger was Mike's! And I was in this doctor's office once they were already a few months old and carrying them in their car seats and they were soooooo adorable and looked like their fathers! Shocked Shocked Shocked
Age: -
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Posts: 173
December 8th, 2006 at 07:24am
i had a dream where mike owned a motorbike shop and he took me out on his bike and i was lyk YAY!!!! then we drove through a forest and he pulled ova and led me into the forest and wel, u can guess what happened next IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!
Age: 103
Gender: Female
Posts: 895
December 8th, 2006 at 08:15am
Get some proper typing, please O_o'
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: -
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Posts: 6
January 3rd, 2007 at 10:35pm
i remember having this dream a few months ago where i was walking outside of a store, and all of these people were asking for my autograph and to take pictures with me.
after that, i get into this van and mike is sitting there completely naked. he acted like it was nothing..
'_' i loved it.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 200
January 4th, 2007 at 12:10am
I had a dream I was at the Can't Fail Cafe and he came in, sat down at my table, and started eating my food.
And then I woke up...which was sad because it was interesting. (hee hee...I posted my dream as a what if in the what if thread)
cabot gal
cabot gal
Age: 33
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Posts: 76863

January 6th, 2007 at 06:40am
Had a saucy dream last night Meg

Me and Mike were in my kitchen and we were sat on the floor. I was wearing a corset type top and he was sat behind me and was undoing it and kissing my back as he went along...

Then he kissed me and his tongue was in my mouth and rawr it was hot tehe

Then he was taking too long to get his pants off or something so I bit him on the shoulder and he told on me Eh
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 14
January 9th, 2007 at 03:40pm
my first mike fream.. do i have to say this? lol
I was in hospital he had been in a car accident and i was there in someone esles shoes ya know. and it was his last few moments, and i was crying lsitteyr crying. it was weird, thne he said " come here," i did he hugged me and said ill be fine then he just.. died.. i stood back up and then i woke up still crying.. it was weird yes i know its.. fraaky.. lol