Death penalty

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October 9th, 2008 at 04:01pm
Theres no death penalty here and im happy there isnt cause i want the murders to suffer in jail then get the easy way out
Suffer in jail? You mean get free food, free housing and fabulous health care all paid for by your tax money? Laughing
It's still a lot of liberty taking away from them. Dno
It's not excactly like they get a free vacation for doing a crime.
Age: 32
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Posts: 14389

October 10th, 2008 at 07:47am
I'm for it, in a way.
Like Kurtni said, fair enough they've been put in jail, but they get all that stuff that she listed. The person they've murdered have got absoulutly nothing. Their families have been scarred for life.
Tbh, If you take a life, you should be willing to give up your life for it.
Age: 32
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Posts: 14389

October 10th, 2008 at 07:49am

On another note, how do you think they'll find on their next case, about the man being put to death for molesting an 8 year old. The injuries she received required surgery to fix and she will permanently face psychological problems, if you're unfamiliar with the case. The guy is arguing that the punishment is cruel and unusual because no one has been put to death for anything but murder.

He should get beaten and then killed for something like that tbh.
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
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Mibba Blog
October 10th, 2008 at 03:07pm
He should get beaten and then killed for something like that tbh.

How very inhumane.
Subjecting people to physcal abuse and then killing them?
These are the actions of a corrupt military dictatorship, not of a civilised society.
Age: 32
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Posts: 14389

October 10th, 2008 at 03:31pm
He should get beaten and then killed for something like that tbh.

How very inhumane.
Subjecting people to physcal abuse and then killing them?
These are the actions of a corrupt military dictatorship, not of a civilised society.

And molesting an innocent child so much she needs surgery isn't inhumane at all then?
cabot gal
cabot gal
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October 10th, 2008 at 04:18pm
He should get beaten and then killed for something like that tbh.

How very inhumane.
Subjecting people to physcal abuse and then killing them?
These are the actions of a corrupt military dictatorship, not of a civilised society.

And molesting an innocent child so much she needs surgery isn't inhumane at all then?
So beating a man up doesn't make you just as bad as him?
Age: 32
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Posts: 14389

October 10th, 2008 at 05:10pm
He should get beaten and then killed for something like that tbh.

How very inhumane.
Subjecting people to physcal abuse and then killing them?
These are the actions of a corrupt military dictatorship, not of a civilised society.

And molesting an innocent child so much she needs surgery isn't inhumane at all then?
So beating a man up doesn't make you just as bad as him?

Maybe, Maybe not.
I just feel, if you have the nerve to destroy an innocent child's life, you deserve just as bad.
cabot gal
cabot gal
Age: 32
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October 10th, 2008 at 05:47pm
Maybe, Maybe not.
I just feel, if you have the nerve to destroy an innocent child's life, you deserve just as bad.
He may deserve it, but there are better ways to punish someone than turning into a violent criminal yourself.
achin' to be
Had A Life Before GSB
achin' to be
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October 10th, 2008 at 06:36pm
Two wrongs don't make a right.

I agree with it for the most part. Although has anyone ever seen the film The Life of David Gale? It's heartwrenching, seriously, but it's a really good film.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
October 11th, 2008 at 08:47am
I'm for it, in a way.
Like Kurtni said, fair enough they've been put in jail, but they get all that stuff that she listed. The person they've murdered have got absoulutly nothing. Their families have been scarred for life.
Tbh, If you take a life, you should be willing to give up your life for it.

imo, to willingly give up your life for it is one thing. to have it taken away from you as in the death penalty, is entirely another. What does that make the person who administered the lethal injection, or the chair? A killer. if they kill someone like that, what makes them any higher than the law than a common criminal? I agree, two wrongs don't make a right. especially when it involves human lives.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
October 12th, 2008 at 12:18pm
Mersey Beat:
what makes them any higher than the law than a common criminal?
That doesn't make any sense to me. Coolio You're using law to say that the death penalty shouldn't be allowed, but the law is exactly what allows it.
Age: 32
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Posts: 14389

October 12th, 2008 at 12:54pm
Mersey Beat:
I'm for it, in a way.
Like Kurtni said, fair enough they've been put in jail, but they get all that stuff that she listed. The person they've murdered have got absoulutly nothing. Their families have been scarred for life.
Tbh, If you take a life, you should be willing to give up your life for it.

imo, to willingly give up your life for it is one thing. to have it taken away from you as in the death penalty, is entirely another.

Isn't that the same as being murdered, having your life taken away from you?
Great Success!
Age: 32
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October 15th, 2008 at 08:03pm
But there's always the possibility that the person you think murdered or molested someone actually didn't do it, and you're taking away two innocent lives.

I'd rather have a person in prison, so you can atleast try and correct the mistake, than kill a person in the belief that the person did something very wrong when really, they didn't.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
October 16th, 2008 at 02:59pm
ocean avenue:
But there's always the possibility that the person you think murdered or molested someone actually didn't do it, and you're taking away two innocent lives.
By that logic, we shouldn't punish anyone for anything because we might be wrong.
Miley Cyrus
Basket Case
Miley Cyrus
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October 19th, 2008 at 12:27pm
ocean avenue:
But there's always the possibility that the person you think murdered or molested someone actually didn't do it, and you're taking away two innocent lives.
By that logic, we shouldn't punish anyone for anything because we might be wrong.
no, but we shouldn't go to extremes like killing
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
October 19th, 2008 at 01:02pm
Miley Cyrus:
ocean avenue:
But there's always the possibility that the person you think murdered or molested someone actually didn't do it, and you're taking away two innocent lives.
By that logic, we shouldn't punish anyone for anything because we might be wrong.
no, but we shouldn't go to extremes like killing
Any kind of punishment is something we shouldn't do. We typically shouldn't lock people up in cells and strip them of their freedoms- but we do that when we send them to jail. We shouldn't take peoples money- but we do that when fine people. However, I doubt anyone is suggesting we stop sending criminals to jail or or fining people for wrong doings, so that particular logic just seems flawed to me.
Basket Case
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Mibba Blog
October 21st, 2008 at 11:02am
ocean avenue:
But there's always the possibility that the person you think murdered or molested someone actually didn't do it, and you're taking away two innocent lives.
By that logic, we shouldn't punish anyone for anything because we might be wrong.

wrongful imprisonment or unlawful taxation can be reversed with compensation if a mistake has been made. There's no going back after killing someone.

There's isn't a single government who is perfect and we know this you only have to see the mess we're in right now as evidence of that.

In the uk during the late 90's early 00's There was a series of over a 100 court cases surrounding cot death epidemics when one or more child had died due to an unknown genetic disorder now associated with cot death, because if was unknown in the majority of cases the prosectution rested on the statements of 'Professor Sir Roy Meadow' who fundamently assured the jury that it was impossible that these children had died through natural causes. making dozens of parents child killers, they were then sentenced from a minimum of 10 years to life, not just one or too parents but dozens and dozens. The majority of these people who've spent the last 7 years away from their families and imprisoned have now been released on appeal as new science evidence has overturned what there ''proffessionals' deemed impossible.

But the point stands if these parents had been convicted in pro death penalty country's as their victims were young toddlers they would have been sentenced to death and seeing as the time frame between the new findings and when they were convicted in some cases lapsed over 10 years they more than likely would not be still waiting on death row.

That is just one case of when the law has got it terribly wrong and how the severity of the crime has overshadowed common sense and it has become a witch hunt.

speaking of witch hunts, weren't the innocent defendants in the salem witch trials all hanged before the accusers spoke up of the falsehood. History has a problem of repeating itself.
Age: 33
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Posts: 102
November 4th, 2008 at 09:53am
i think its suitable in certain circumstances like when they hung Sadam Hussain he deserved it
but im glad we dont have it england
id hate the fact that people were being killed, prison and rehabillatation can solve the problems of criminals just as good
Age: 31
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Posts: 24429

January 19th, 2011 at 07:46am
it kills me how life in prision here is 25 years
i think if you're a friking serial killer you no longer have the right to live. how can someone so disgusting get to live.
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
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January 19th, 2011 at 01:14pm
it kills me how life in prision here is 25 years
i think if you're a friking serial killer you no longer have the right to live. how can someone so disgusting get to live.