Death penalty
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Kristmas_Tsanne Great Success! Age: 31 Gender: Male Posts: 59161 | Skintight: But where do we draw the line? How do you figure that it's okay to end some people's lives, and not others? Would it take a scale and how do we determine that? I disagree with death penalty, because yeah, two wrongs don't make a right, and I don't think we should meddle with life like that, neither should the murderer, but that's when punishment, like life in prison, is better imo. |
a-a-a-a Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 57 | I agree to a large extent about the Death Penalty. I'm all for it. People need such a good kick up the arse, especially in this country. We actually discussed this recently in R.E, and we watched a video about a man called Robert Harris get electrocuted. These people do not even deserve to rot in jail. What's a life sentence going to do? I mean, if somebody like him (or, let's say, Myra Hindley) did something to someone i loved, then i'd like to see them suffer. Sure, it might seem harsh, but the way i see it; if you can't take it, don't dish it out... |
Deernt. Rotting On Here Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 48258 | ScottishReplica:Though I strongly disagree with your opinion, I must say that making that alleged criminal suffer for your happiness is just as bad as the murder itself. Why would you kill someone when a murder has already erupted? It sounds redundant. |
a-a-a-a Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 57 | Will Forte.: Of course it sounds hypocritical and all, that's just my opinion. I just feel like they shouldn't have done the crime in the first place. Hey, i'm only talking about murder here, any other crime, well, i think that would be a bit drastic. However we were discussing paedophilia. (sp?) |
Deernt. Rotting On Here Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 48258 | ScottishReplica:True and I agree that there is probably some psychological malfunction in these individuals who take part in murder and other life taking activities. Pedophilia is federal offense like anything else, just something the death penalty should stay out of. |
WhoTheFuckIsCool? Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 92 | Well, As far as the death penatly goes, Im against it. I mean I think that people that go to prison can have it .. In a way 'too good' In some prisons over here, they get given fags, and TV's and all sorts of luxurys, So I think that life in prison should be harder. Much harder. But people shouldn't be killed. They should be left with just the basics just enough to surive and live a miserable life waiting for death in a way., and in some cases people have been killed then proved innocent .. that would stop that happening as well. |
a-a-a-a Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 57 | Yeah, true, and sure the murderers background can have a great deal of effect on their actions. For example, a person from a stable family background would most likely (but not always) grow up to be a sane, stable person. Whereas a person from an unstable and abusive background, would probably grow up to be an abusive person. |
PCG Jackass Age: 29 Gender: Male Posts: 1608 | I believe in the eye for an eye thing, but you can never really tell who is really innocent or not. So I'm kinda torn here. |
Spider Billie Post Whore Age: - Gender: - Posts: 20514 | Nobody deserves to die if decided by some guy. I mean, for all we know, the dude can just be picking the people he doesn't like for the penatly. |
wanderlust Addict Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 10418 | StephonaNobisPacem: If you're Canadian, as I am, I would hope that you have heard of the David Milgaard case. The long and short of it is, David Milgaard is a Canadian who was wrongfully accused of raping and murdering a young nurse when he was around 17 or 18. He was sentenced to life in prison, and it was about 25 years later that evidence was uncovered that proved he did not in fact kill her. Yeah, a good chunk of his life and youth were wasted in prison, but at least he wasnt dead. I am against the death penalty because i believe that no one has the right to take away another human life. So a guy kills another guy. you call him a murderer and sentence him to death. What does that make the guy who injects him? in my opinion, a murderer. To me there's no way around it. You are lowering yourself to the level of a killer, and that makes you no different. No one should be able to decide who lives or dies. |
Anji Basket Case Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 | And there was the Scottish guy in America on death row who luckily got an appeal and was cleared of all charges due to insignificant evidence or something. It's sad to think what could have happened. |
Miley Cyrus Basket Case Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 15185 | we shouldn't have to kill in order to feel a sick sense of satisfaction. laws are created to keep people safe, not dish out revenge. |
Kurtni Admin Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34289 | Miley Cyrus: How do you distinguish between revenge and a punishment? |
Anji Basket Case Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 | Kurtni:Revenge is a subjective reaction to an experience or event causing an occasionally false justificaton for punishment. Punishment is based on pre-defined ethics or laws whichcoe into play once broken due to some form of a binding agreement, be it religious or social. I mean that's not too difficult. The difficulty comes when alaw is to be changed probably based on some discreet form of revenge that has manifested itself into the legal/ethical system. Such was the case when one of the Ten Commandments, thou shalt not kill, was changed to 'thou shalt not murder' in order to justify the killing of Muslims in particular during the Crusades, which is based on subjective revenge rather than objective laws of some sort. |
Chile D. Guy Basket Case Age: 33 Gender: Male Posts: 15969 | Here in Brazil, several times were proposed plans to approve death penalty. However, the main reason is the OVERLOAD of the prision facilities. Yes, too many delinquents for little space. A lot of human beings paying for their crimes in cells that are littler than the actual capability (i.e. 16 men in a jailcell that can fit to only 9). In this case, it's somewhat pointless, since most of the convicts here are on the cooler because of stuff like burglary and drug-related crimes. We do have true criminals that done a lot of other depreciable crimes, amongst them murders and such, and they don't seem to ever be 'corrected' enough to be set free into society. But for several people into little cells, that's a deeply stupid crime commited by the own government. In a general context, can terrorists and serial killers regenerate themselves to get back to society? Not that they cannot, but that's sometimes an argument in favor of death penalty. |
Kurtni Admin Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34289 | Anji: Miley Cyrus: The death penalty is predefined by laws, so I don't think it's rational, based on what Anji said, to consider it revenge. A bad law perhaps, but I don't think it's about revenge. |
icegirl. Jackass Age: 27 Gender: Female Posts: 1890 | i just can't stand the death penalty. though if they murdered someone, or ALOT of people don't they deserve the equal as punishment ? But then again, two wrongs don't make a right. I live in australia and the death penalty was phased out when an innocent person was killed, that happening is just horrible i think. |
Spider Billie Post Whore Age: - Gender: - Posts: 20514 | My sisiter's friend's father got killed of by the terrifying electric chair. RIP |
Ally Way Geek Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 284 | Theres no death penalty here and im happy there isnt cause i want the murders to suffer in jail then get the easy way out |
Kurtni Admin Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34289 | MadAsRabbits:Suffer in jail? You mean get free food, free housing and fabulous health care all paid for by your tax money? |
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