
I silt my wrists for you
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
I silt my wrists for you
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September 30th, 2005 at 03:38pm
Okay what do you think about people being Gay? Cus I go to a church and they (but what church doesnt say this) that being gay is "evil" But why is it evil? I have a friend that is gay, He is one of my best friends I can trust him with anything! So why do people say that being gay is "evil"?
I silt my wrists for you
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
I silt my wrists for you
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September 30th, 2005 at 03:52pm
Seriously people, what is wrong with being gay? your not hurting anybody!
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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Posts: 8334
September 30th, 2005 at 03:55pm
There is nothing wrong with it in my opinion. But I can see why some christians [and other religions] find it wrong. It just a matter of opinion.
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September 30th, 2005 at 04:32pm
Okay what do you think about people being Gay? Cus I go to a church and they (but what church doesnt say this) that being gay is "evil" But why is it evil? I have a friend that is gay, He is one of my best friends I can trust him with anything! So why do people say that being gay is "evil"?

My church doesn't think homosexuals are evil. I'm sure some people are homophobic, but I go to a very open minded church.

I wrote a huge essay on this in seventh grade, it actually got a really good reaction from people.

As far as I'm concerned, homophobia is no different than racism and sexism. It's hating a group of people based on a stereotype, and the group of people can't control what it is that makes you hate them. If you're going to hate a gay man, hate him because he's a jackass, not because he's gay.
comfortably confused
Falling In Love With The Board
comfortably confused
Age: 36
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Posts: 5036
September 30th, 2005 at 04:45pm
Just because people are homosexual it doesnt make them any different. This is why i hate religion, my friend Matt recently came out and he got kicked out his church for it, he has lost all his faith now and that is so upsetting. It's hard enough for them to put up with what they do but when your own religion turns its back on you thats when you know the world isn't right.
I have many gay friends and they are just like my normal friends i dont treat them any different and i couldnt care less if the were gay, straight or purple with yellow spots no one can change who they are i love them all to bits.
comfortably confused
Falling In Love With The Board
comfortably confused
Age: 36
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Posts: 5036
September 30th, 2005 at 04:47pm
comfortably confused:
Just because people are homosexual it doesnt make them any different. This is why i hate religion, my friend Matt recently came out and he got kicked out his church for it, he has lost all his faith now and that is so upsetting. It's hard enough for them to put up with what they do but when your own religion turns its back on you thats when you know the world isn't right.
I have many gay friends and they are just like my normal friends i dont treat them any different and i couldnt care less if the were gay, straight or purple with yellow spots no one can change who they are i love them all to bits.
Also why does a man hate a gay man and say its 'sick' and 'unatural' yet will happily go home and watch lesbian porn?
I just dont understand homophobia.
Falling In Love With The Board
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September 30th, 2005 at 04:47pm
alright, no one her ethinks it's evil Rolling Eyes
I don't know why people make these topics, and act so unsure, everyone here is alright with it, even me, and I go to church as well
the people there don't think it's evil, they think it's a sin, different things
just because you think it's a sin doesn't mean you have a problem with it, (if you believe in this) God thinks on a higher plan than us, so obviously we won't reach the same conclusions

I'll lock this in a few hours
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September 30th, 2005 at 04:51pm
i dont mind gays my best m8 is gay and i'm going to his wedding soon.gays are cool friends especially for girls cus there more feminine
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
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September 30th, 2005 at 04:58pm
Rolling Eyes
I think you all are still unfair to homophobics, just as they are unfair to homosexuals
try to see both points of veiw before making a desicion....and you're decision can involve a mix of both, it doesn't have to be black and white
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
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Mibba Blog
September 30th, 2005 at 05:11pm
I suppose homophobics are to be pitied in a way, i mean they are obviously either fairly misguided or ignorant.
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September 30th, 2005 at 05:12pm
Rolling Eyes
I think you all are still unfair to homophobics, just as they are unfair to homosexuals
try to see both points of veiw before making a desicion....and you're decision can involve a mix of both, it doesn't have to be black and white

I have tried. I can't see the other side. I can on most issues, but gay rights, I don't see what the problem people have with it is.
Saying we're being unfair to homophobes is like saying someone who doesn't like racism is being unfair to racists.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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Posts: 8334
September 30th, 2005 at 05:34pm
Rolling Eyes
I think you all are still unfair to homophobics, just as they are unfair to homosexuals
try to see both points of veiw before making a desicion....and you're decision can involve a mix of both, it doesn't have to be black and white

See the message I wrote above ^
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September 30th, 2005 at 05:38pm
I have no problem with gays

Of course the fucking church is going to say they're 'evil'......religion's based on splitting people up, telling you what you can and can't do.

You want evil? How about corrupting the minds of kids in schools, telling them what to believe.....what about sexual predators.... you can be male, can be a fucking dog for all I care, that shit ain't right

Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8334
September 30th, 2005 at 05:47pm
I have no problem with gays

Of course the fucking church is going to say they're 'evil'......religion's based on splitting people up, telling you what you can and can't do.

You want evil? How about corrupting the minds of kids in schools, telling them what to believe.....what about sexual predators.... you can be male, can be a fucking dog for all I care, that shit ain't right


That's not what religion is about at all. That's total bullshit and you know it.
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September 30th, 2005 at 05:53pm
I have no problem with gays

Of course the fucking church is going to say they're 'evil'......religion's based on splitting people up, telling you what you can and can't do.

You want evil? How about corrupting the minds of kids in schools, telling them what to believe.....what about sexual predators.... you can be male, can be a fucking dog for all I care, that shit ain't right


That's not what religion is about at all. That's total bullshit and you know it.

I guess it's safe to assume you've never had religion repeatedly shoved down your throat, then been punished for questioning it....

Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8334
September 30th, 2005 at 05:58pm
I have no problem with gays

Of course the fucking church is going to say they're 'evil'......religion's based on splitting people up, telling you what you can and can't do.

You want evil? How about corrupting the minds of kids in schools, telling them what to believe.....what about sexual predators.... you can be male, can be a fucking dog for all I care, that shit ain't right


That's not what religion is about at all. That's total bullshit and you know it.

I guess it's safe to assume you've never had religion repeatedly shoved down your throat, then been punished for questioning it....


Yes actually I have. I'm a Wiccan. My entire family is Christian. I respect their beliefs yet they don't respect mine. It's not exactly fair, but that's life, I just move on. I get abused constantly for my faith off loads of religious people but I get over it.
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September 30th, 2005 at 06:08pm
I have no problem with gays

Of course the fucking church is going to say they're 'evil'......religion's based on splitting people up, telling you what you can and can't do.

You want evil? How about corrupting the minds of kids in schools, telling them what to believe.....what about sexual predators.... you can be male, can be a fucking dog for all I care, that shit ain't right


That's not what religion is about at all. That's total bullshit and you know it.

I guess it's safe to assume you've never had religion repeatedly shoved down your throat, then been punished for questioning it....


Yes actually I have. I'm a Wiccan. My entire family is Christian. I respect their beliefs yet they don't respect mine. It's not exactly fair, but that's life, I just move on. I get abused constantly for my faith off loads of religious people but I get over it.

Fair enough, it's your business

...I see you've still got that tolerance for the whole thing.....admirable....I had that rather violently taken from me several years ago...

Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8334
September 30th, 2005 at 06:11pm
I have no problem with gays

Of course the fucking church is going to say they're 'evil'......religion's based on splitting people up, telling you what you can and can't do.

You want evil? How about corrupting the minds of kids in schools, telling them what to believe.....what about sexual predators.... you can be male, can be a fucking dog for all I care, that shit ain't right


That's not what religion is about at all. That's total bullshit and you know it.

I guess it's safe to assume you've never had religion repeatedly shoved down your throat, then been punished for questioning it....


Yes actually I have. I'm a Wiccan. My entire family is Christian. I respect their beliefs yet they don't respect mine. It's not exactly fair, but that's life, I just move on. I get abused constantly for my faith off loads of religious people but I get over it.

Fair enough, it's your business

...I see you've still got that tolerance for the whole thing.....admirable....I had that rather violently taken from me several years ago...


Aww *hugs*
It used to bug me loads. But then I started letting things go rather than getting angry and it works. Now I concentrate on other things, like my meditation etc. Plus I think my family are slowly, very slowly coming round to the idea of Wicca.
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September 30th, 2005 at 06:17pm
N_I_N.....thanks for the support......and GOOD LUCK with the whole thing

live YOUR life........change for NO-ONE...........Don't let the BASTARDS grind you down.....

SHINE ON, You Crazy Diamond!!!
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8334
September 30th, 2005 at 06:20pm
N_I_N.....thanks for the support......and GOOD LUCK with the whole thing

live YOUR life........change for NO-ONE...........Don't let the BASTARDS grind you down.....

SHINE ON, You Crazy Diamond!!!

I love you. Hehe, thank you too.
And isn't that quote by General someone or other?? I forgot his name lol!!