
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 4675
October 2nd, 2005 at 08:05am
Ok, listen to this: (It has nothing and everything to do with the topic) God created us in his image(I din't say that I belive it, or that it was what happened, but read along, this is hypothetical) "In his image" as in "The part of him that humans could talk to and that looked like a human(or we looked like him)" It was the part of him that was un-pure enough (even if it was pure, the rest of "him" was onother level) that is the devil. You startin to get the poin? WE were created in God's image, the part that's now the devil. DEVIL. We're all created in the image of the devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel, he wanted everone to be equal and tried to rise his throne to the level of god's. Anarchy. Communism. You name it.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 40
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Posts: 4936

October 2nd, 2005 at 08:27am
Ok, listen to this: (It has nothing and everything to do with the topic) God created us in his image(I din't say that I belive it, or that it was what happened, but read along, this is hypothetical) "In his image" as in "The part of him that humans could talk to and that looked like a human(or we looked like him)" It was the part of him that was un-pure enough (even if it was pure, the rest of "him" was onother level) that is the devil. You startin to get the poin? WE were created in God's image, the part that's now the devil. DEVIL. We're all created in the image of the devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel, he wanted everone to be equal and tried to rise his throne to the level of god's. Anarchy. Communism. You name it.

That made absolutely no sense to me, nor can I see it's relevance to what John and Capri were saying. Can you explain it better, or is it just the nature of what you are saying that doesn't make sense to me?
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 4675
October 2nd, 2005 at 08:32am
Ok, listen to this: (It has nothing and everything to do with the topic) God created us in his image(I din't say that I belive it, or that it was what happened, but read along, this is hypothetical) "In his image" as in "The part of him that humans could talk to and that looked like a human(or we looked like him)" It was the part of him that was un-pure enough (even if it was pure, the rest of "him" was onother level) that is the devil. You startin to get the poin? WE were created in God's image, the part that's now the devil. DEVIL. We're all created in the image of the devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel, he wanted everone to be equal and tried to rise his throne to the level of god's. Anarchy. Communism. You name it.

That made absolutely no sense to me, nor can I see it's relevance to what John and Capri were saying. Can you explain it better, or is it just the nature of what you are saying that doesn't make sense to me?
I don't usully make sense, but it does solve the christian prospect of the problem, if you think of it...
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8334
October 2nd, 2005 at 11:09am
Ok, listen to this: (It has nothing and everything to do with the topic) God created us in his image(I din't say that I belive it, or that it was what happened, but read along, this is hypothetical) "In his image" as in "The part of him that humans could talk to and that looked like a human(or we looked like him)" It was the part of him that was un-pure enough (even if it was pure, the rest of "him" was onother level) that is the devil. You startin to get the poin? WE were created in God's image, the part that's now the devil. DEVIL. We're all created in the image of the devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel, he wanted everone to be equal and tried to rise his throne to the level of god's. Anarchy. Communism. You name it.

I'd never thought if it like that before.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 5484
October 2nd, 2005 at 12:32pm
Does the church have any problem with bisexuals?
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8334
October 2nd, 2005 at 12:38pm
Does the church have any problem with bisexuals?

I dunno
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 4675
October 2nd, 2005 at 01:45pm
Ok, listen to this: (It has nothing and everything to do with the topic) God created us in his image(I din't say that I belive it, or that it was what happened, but read along, this is hypothetical) "In his image" as in "The part of him that humans could talk to and that looked like a human(or we looked like him)" It was the part of him that was un-pure enough (even if it was pure, the rest of "him" was onother level) that is the devil. You startin to get the poin? WE were created in God's image, the part that's now the devil. DEVIL. We're all created in the image of the devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel, he wanted everone to be equal and tried to rise his throne to the level of god's. Anarchy. Communism. You name it.

I'd never thought if it like that before.
That is what you get if you just read the bible straight forwards, and doesn't try to "read" anything else from it. It solves the problem, though...
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Posts: 681
October 2nd, 2005 at 02:51pm
Its a fucking disgrace that so many people are homophobic. I'm bi and i didnt think anything of it till someone at school found out (eavesdropping into a conversation my best friend and i were having) and got it round the entire school. Suddenly i'm public enemy number one? Rolling Eyes Its pathetic. Got fed up, stood on a table and shouted 'RIGHT. YES, IM BISEXUAL. ANY PROBLEMS WITH IT?' and nobody said a word...
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
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Posts: 8588
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:19pm
Headfirst For Halos:
Yea i agree that is very hypocritical, like, I grew up being Catholic, so i see their side to everything, but im agnostic/atheist now, and i-m bi, i have been since i was like 9, but thats me, i agree with that whole thing, this is about gays but their dissing religion more. This is what the religious people think, this is what we think, you all have an opinion, but we shouldnt really bash the religion for believe what the believe.
I'm bi and Chrisitan, as long as I don't go out banging guys then it's not a sin
So do you think you'll ever actually do anything other than be attracted to guys...would you ever have a boyfriend? (Sorry, I'm just curious-I used to know a guy who worked with my mum who was blatantly gay, but ended up getting married because of his religion.)

I don't think being gay is evil. But I also think the fact that quite a few people bashing Christians on this thread is unfair. After all, it does say in the bible that is is wrong to be gay, and while I think this is untrue, I can realise why a Christian, especially a fundamentalist Christian, would think this-because their bible says so. Althought what I don't understand is that if God is an all-loving God, why would he not love gay people too?

he "loves the sinner, not the sin"
and I might, I don't know
the Bible says homosexuality is an act, not a temptation, so I don't know what dating would mean, since back then you'd marry at thirteen instead of dating
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
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Posts: 8588
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:24pm
Its a fucking disgrace that so many people are homophobic. I'm bi and i didnt think anything of it till someone at school found out (eavesdropping into a conversation my best friend and i were having) and got it round the entire school. Suddenly i'm public enemy number one? Rolling Eyes Its pathetic. Got fed up, stood on a table and shouted 'RIGHT. YES, IM BISEXUAL. ANY PROBLEMS WITH IT?' and nobody said a word...
people just thought, "what a retard, publisicing something they don't know for sure but go ahead and parade around with it and wear it like some fucking Brownie Badge while bashing anyone who says something Billie Joe doesn't like"
but they didn't want to embarrass you like that
though I have no problem telling you to not tlak about being bi in a gay thread, seriously, too many people say they are and unless you use it to make a point then don't use it
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
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Posts: 8588
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:30pm
Ok, listen to this: (It has nothing and everything to do with the topic) God created us in his image(I din't say that I belive it, or that it was what happened, but read along, this is hypothetical) "In his image" as in "The part of him that humans could talk to and that looked like a human(or we looked like him)" It was the part of him that was un-pure enough (even if it was pure, the rest of "him" was onother level) that is the devil. You startin to get the poin? WE were created in God's image, the part that's now the devil. DEVIL. We're all created in the image of the devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel, he wanted everone to be equal and tried to rise his throne to the level of god's. Anarchy. Communism. You name it.

That made absolutely no sense to me, nor can I see it's relevance to what John and Capri were saying. Can you explain it better, or is it just the nature of what you are saying that doesn't make sense to me?
I don't usully make sense, but it does solve the christian prospect of the problem, if you think of it...
no it doesn't
you just took the verse out of comtext which is considered propaganda and not appreiciated here
the verse said in his image, but we still sin
and it never said in the image of an angel, it never tells you what an angel looks like dipshit
you're making crap up hoping we'll blindly support you; we're not all dumb, you'll have to make an actual argument rather than hoping we'll just play along with confusing nonsence: yeah, I understood it, and it was just plain ridiculous
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
Gender: -
Posts: 8588
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:34pm
Capri's dead. Happy?:
Heeeeeeere's Jonny!:
Is there actually an issue here? I don't think anyuone on this site has a problem with homosexuals. (I hate gay as a plural.)
Most people here are supportive. That's good.

Yeah, it is good. I'm not really sure if this argument is going anywhere. I know people are saying that it's unfair to bash Christians for their views, and I agree with them, because I'd never want to hold religion against anyone just because I don't personally believe it.

But when its the root of prejudices against you its really hard not to resent it. People can believe that homosexuality is wrong, or it's not normal, that's their point of view I guess and while I don't like it, it's not going to change my life. But when they start viewing me as a bad person because of it, that's when it's tough to take.

It irritates me that people can base their views on homosexuality on the belief that our sexual orientation is a choice. I've known I was gay since I was about ten years old, I've never actively chosen to be that way, that's just how it happened. And without experiencing it, people can't understand that, and it annoys me that so much prejudice can come from something that people don't understand.
i have friends that think it's something that homosexuals decided on Rolling Eyes
you have no idea how hard a time i had trying to convince them otherwise. and i still came out not-victorious
ah, well, they weren't about to start bashing any gays/lesbians so i guess that's something
Christians don't say the temptation's wrong, the Bible says the sexual act is wrong
Christians are told to "love the sinner, not the sin", so anyone who veiws a gay as a bad person is dumb anyway
and the choice thing....well yeah, it's bull shit Christians need to quit with that
Pretty Like Drugs
King For A Couple Of Days
Pretty Like Drugs
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 2643
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:40pm
Capri's dead. Happy?:
i have friends that think it's something that homosexuals decided on Rolling Eyes
you have no idea how hard a time i had trying to convince them otherwise. and i still came out not-victorious
ah, well, they weren't about to start bashing any gays/lesbians so i guess that's something
Christians don't say the temptation's wrong, the Bible says the sexual act is wrong
Christians are told to "love the sinner, not the sin", so anyone who veiws a gay as a bad person is dumb anyway
and the choice thing....well yeah, it's bull shit Christians need to quit with that
those friends? Mormon, Muslim.
do their religions have something against gays too? i'm not too sure
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
Gender: -
Posts: 8588
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:45pm
[QUOTE="Caprino religion has anything against gays
most think it's a sin, which is simply a moral fault, we all have tons of them, so having gay sex is just as bad as lying and such
today's society accepts gays pretty much, how do they not?
there are some extremists on both sides, but it's pretty even (though the media doens't spin it that way)
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8334
October 2nd, 2005 at 07:58pm
Ok, listen to this: (It has nothing and everything to do with the topic) God created us in his image(I din't say that I belive it, or that it was what happened, but read along, this is hypothetical) "In his image" as in "The part of him that humans could talk to and that looked like a human(or we looked like him)" It was the part of him that was un-pure enough (even if it was pure, the rest of "him" was onother level) that is the devil. You startin to get the poin? WE were created in God's image, the part that's now the devil. DEVIL. We're all created in the image of the devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel, he wanted everone to be equal and tried to rise his throne to the level of god's. Anarchy. Communism. You name it.

That made absolutely no sense to me, nor can I see it's relevance to what John and Capri were saying. Can you explain it better, or is it just the nature of what you are saying that doesn't make sense to me?
I don't usully make sense, but it does solve the christian prospect of the problem, if you think of it...
no it doesn't
you just took the verse out of comtext which is considered propaganda and not appreiciated here
the verse said in his image, but we still sin
and it never said in the image of an angel, it never tells you what an angel looks like dipshit
you're making crap up hoping we'll blindly support you; we're not all dumb, you'll have to make an actual argument rather than hoping we'll just play along with confusing nonsence: yeah, I understood it, and it was just plain ridiculous

It was just her opinion.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
Gender: -
Posts: 8588
October 2nd, 2005 at 08:00pm
Ok, listen to this: (It has nothing and everything to do with the topic) God created us in his image(I din't say that I belive it, or that it was what happened, but read along, this is hypothetical) "In his image" as in "The part of him that humans could talk to and that looked like a human(or we looked like him)" It was the part of him that was un-pure enough (even if it was pure, the rest of "him" was onother level) that is the devil. You startin to get the poin? WE were created in God's image, the part that's now the devil. DEVIL. We're all created in the image of the devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel, he wanted everone to be equal and tried to rise his throne to the level of god's. Anarchy. Communism. You name it.

That made absolutely no sense to me, nor can I see it's relevance to what John and Capri were saying. Can you explain it better, or is it just the nature of what you are saying that doesn't make sense to me?
I don't usully make sense, but it does solve the christian prospect of the problem, if you think of it...
no it doesn't
you just took the verse out of comtext which is considered propaganda and not appreiciated here
the verse said in his image, but we still sin
and it never said in the image of an angel, it never tells you what an angel looks like dipshit
you're making crap up hoping we'll blindly support you; we're not all dumb, you'll have to make an actual argument rather than hoping we'll just play along with confusing nonsence: yeah, I understood it, and it was just plain ridiculous

It was just her opinion.
yes, but my opinion was that she's bull shit: her whole facade and talk is bull shit: just my opinion
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8334
October 2nd, 2005 at 08:01pm
Ok, listen to this: (It has nothing and everything to do with the topic) God created us in his image(I din't say that I belive it, or that it was what happened, but read along, this is hypothetical) "In his image" as in "The part of him that humans could talk to and that looked like a human(or we looked like him)" It was the part of him that was un-pure enough (even if it was pure, the rest of "him" was onother level) that is the devil. You startin to get the poin? WE were created in God's image, the part that's now the devil. DEVIL. We're all created in the image of the devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel, he wanted everone to be equal and tried to rise his throne to the level of god's. Anarchy. Communism. You name it.

That made absolutely no sense to me, nor can I see it's relevance to what John and Capri were saying. Can you explain it better, or is it just the nature of what you are saying that doesn't make sense to me?
I don't usully make sense, but it does solve the christian prospect of the problem, if you think of it...
no it doesn't
you just took the verse out of comtext which is considered propaganda and not appreiciated here
the verse said in his image, but we still sin
and it never said in the image of an angel, it never tells you what an angel looks like dipshit
you're making crap up hoping we'll blindly support you; we're not all dumb, you'll have to make an actual argument rather than hoping we'll just play along with confusing nonsence: yeah, I understood it, and it was just plain ridiculous

It was just her opinion.
yes, but my opinion was that she's bull shit: her whole facade and talk is bull shit: just my opinion

I didn't say your opinion was wrong. I was stating that that was her opinion. Pretty pointless post I suppose but...whatever. It's a free country. Or IS it...?
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
Gender: -
Posts: 8588
October 2nd, 2005 at 08:09pm
Ok, listen to this: (It has nothing and everything to do with the topic) God created us in his image(I din't say that I belive it, or that it was what happened, but read along, this is hypothetical) "In his image" as in "The part of him that humans could talk to and that looked like a human(or we looked like him)" It was the part of him that was un-pure enough (even if it was pure, the rest of "him" was onother level) that is the devil. You startin to get the poin? WE were created in God's image, the part that's now the devil. DEVIL. We're all created in the image of the devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel, he wanted everone to be equal and tried to rise his throne to the level of god's. Anarchy. Communism. You name it.

That made absolutely no sense to me, nor can I see it's relevance to what John and Capri were saying. Can you explain it better, or is it just the nature of what you are saying that doesn't make sense to me?
I don't usully make sense, but it does solve the christian prospect of the problem, if you think of it...
no it doesn't
you just took the verse out of comtext which is considered propaganda and not appreiciated here
the verse said in his image, but we still sin
and it never said in the image of an angel, it never tells you what an angel looks like dipshit
you're making crap up hoping we'll blindly support you; we're not all dumb, you'll have to make an actual argument rather than hoping we'll just play along with confusing nonsence: yeah, I understood it, and it was just plain ridiculous

It was just her opinion.
yes, but my opinion was that she's bull shit: her whole facade and talk is bull shit: just my opinion

I didn't say your opinion was wrong. I was stating that that was her opinion. Pretty pointless post I suppose but...whatever. It's a free country. Or IS it...?
it is, but watch what you say
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 37
October 2nd, 2005 at 08:13pm
so true
Age: -
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Posts: 1186
October 3rd, 2005 at 10:10am
You know, church forbids so much. You can't have sex with a condom or other anti conception. But church is also against AIDS. You guys tell me how the fuck you are gonna destroy the AIDS-virus when everyone has unsafe sex??

My opinion about gays, with all do respect for the people who are gay: Being gay is not a crime at all. I don't have a thing against gays, they can't harm me, cause I'm a girl. No serious, when I got something against gays, it must be because they really act girly. And that's something I hate. I'm not gonna look at you in a bad way just because you fall in love with someone of the same sex. It's normal and I believe that animals in the wildlife can be gay too.