Are your beliefs yours????

King For A Couple Of Days
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October 16th, 2005 at 10:53am
My parents have never forced a religion on to me..possibly because they don't follow one...and as for politically..we discuss things but we tend to debate them as opposed to me being told i have to agree with them...
Falling In Love With The Board
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October 16th, 2005 at 10:57am
My school try to force us to be a good catholic and most people are like "OMGJESUSRAWKSMYSOCKS." but there's another bunch of people, including me, who think for ourselves.
As for the political stuff, nobody at my school really cares about politics anyway, and even if they did I still wouldn't care.
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
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Mibba Blog
October 16th, 2005 at 11:17am
My beleifs come from various different influences, but i've sort of changed them slightly so they have become my own.
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October 16th, 2005 at 11:42am
i think that we all have influnences, if my parents were jewish, well when im born i would probley be jewish...and by the time yo uare old enough to decide what your belifes its kind too late......but my opinons are all MY OWN!
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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October 16th, 2005 at 03:54pm
my mom and dad push christianity and homophobia on me.
the problem is that im the second most liberal person in my town. the most liberal person is a good friend of mine. hes a buddhist hippie. and i respect that. im atheist. when my dad says the word "liberal" he makes it sound so filthy. i had to work to keep from yelling at him for it.
my parents would prolly disown me if i told them i was atheist. but thats okay because my religion is my own business, and they dont need to know.
i think my parents have influnced me in some ways because they always encouraged me to do what was right by me. they didnt really say that we were a good christian family and we were all republicans and that was right, they encouraged me to discover that myself. my mom is a registered republican. in my county, its difficult to get a job where youre employer will take you seriously if you arent. but really, my mother is borderline democractic. and i yell at her for not voting and for voting based on her registration rather than her actual beliefs.
and thats funny and ironic, because parents should be preaching the importance of voting to their kids, not vice versa.
Basket Case
Age: 32
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October 16th, 2005 at 03:59pm
well music is my religion and well no one has influenced my political views.i'm really quite independant.
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October 16th, 2005 at 05:32pm
Viva La Stupid:
Your religious and political beliefs....were they influenced by your parents, the media or personal choice.

lol all of the above. except the personal choice. everyone is sort of brainwashed i guess.
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October 16th, 2005 at 05:34pm
Get Your Guns.:
My school try to force us to be a good catholic and most people are like "OMGJESUSRAWKSMYSOCKS." but there's another bunch of people, including me, who think for ourselves.
As for the political stuff, nobody at my school really cares about politics anyway, and even if they did I still wouldn't care.

same. our skool tries to enforce the religion too. it sucks Razz not that im gonna turn away from catholicism because of it but it certainly makes things a lot more boring and repetitive.
Basket Case
Age: 36
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
October 16th, 2005 at 05:50pm
your own choice is based on a mixture of your parents beliefs, media and what type of environment you live in, so the whol idea of 'personal' choice is deabtable, because no one really has their own choice.
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October 16th, 2005 at 07:00pm
your own choice is based on a mixture of your parents beliefs, media and what type of environment you live in, so the whol idea of 'personal' choice is deabtable, because no one really has their own choice.
yep.. like i said, "brainwashed"
Basket Case
Age: 36
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
October 16th, 2005 at 07:24pm
your own choice is based on a mixture of your parents beliefs, media and what type of environment you live in, so the whol idea of 'personal' choice is deabtable, because no one really has their own choice.
yep.. like i said, "brainwashed"

it's not really brainwashing, because everyones beliefs are based on this, so it's just life, if it was brainwashing then their would be a person organising it, but their isn't, but i understand what you mean.
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October 16th, 2005 at 07:34pm
yaa lol. its not really brainwashing.

that wud be like hitler O_o but lets not even talk about hitler.
Terminal Preppie
Terminal Preppie
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October 16th, 2005 at 11:48pm
I was influenced by my parents, they are Christians and I am Atheist. My parents showed me what happens when you label yourself to have a sertain religion and still manage to go against it every single day of your life.
As for politics.. I'm not very informed on the topic, the media hardly has any say considering that I hardly watch tv, and I don't listen to radio. Green Day got me to learn about politics but not to hate Bush. All that homosexual crap got me to study The Declaration Of Independence and I proved whoever wants to make it illegal wrong, which isn't even that hard... I guess I take it back then.. the media influenced my political choices aswell.
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October 17th, 2005 at 05:35am
my parents never influence me although they try

im my own person...with spellin mistakes and everythin
Age: 35
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Posts: 1303
October 17th, 2005 at 12:25pm
I believe what i want. My dad thinks i'm stupid cos i believe in stuff like the afterlife and spirits and karma... i told him where to shove it... although that resulted in something he believes strongly in... I got grounded Laughing
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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October 17th, 2005 at 12:32pm
I'm not really religious.
The Rev
The Rev
Age: 37
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October 17th, 2005 at 01:21pm
I believe what i want. My dad thinks i'm stupid cos i believe in stuff like the afterlife and spirits and karma... i told him where to shove it... although that resulted in something he believes strongly in... I got grounded Laughing

lmfao !, aw poor gem, i too believe in that
Age: 35
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Posts: 1303
October 17th, 2005 at 02:17pm
No Stranger To Shame:
I believe what i want. My dad thinks i'm stupid cos i believe in stuff like the afterlife and spirits and karma... i told him where to shove it... although that resulted in something he believes strongly in... I got grounded Laughing

lmfao !, aw poor gem, i too believe in that

OMG! How do i have more posts than you!!!!

And yaaay, i'm not alone, lol
The Rev
The Rev
Age: 37
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Posts: 14004
October 17th, 2005 at 02:22pm
No Stranger To Shame:
I believe what i want. My dad thinks i'm stupid cos i believe in stuff like the afterlife and spirits and karma... i told him where to shove it... although that resulted in something he believes strongly in... I got grounded Laughing

lmfao !, aw poor gem, i too believe in that

OMG! How do i have more posts than you!!!!

And yaaay, i'm not alone, lol

lol no you're not alone, and since this new 300 page rule kicked in , in this past week alone, ive lost around 600 posts Sad
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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Posts: 8334
October 17th, 2005 at 02:36pm
Think yourselves lucky, I've lost around 1150 or something.