Dress codes
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Garrett Hanlund This Board Is My Home Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 30801 | Coff:I understand what you're talking about, but I was talking about appearence-wise... |
Kurtni Admin Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34289 | Coff: It was a rule at my school to not have "extreme" hair colors or styles. So I dyed my hair purple anyways and they were all " " and I told them if they wanted to pay for me to have it dyed back, to go for it. They didn't. Having purple hair didn't distract anyone, it didnt disturb the class. Although I did put some fake tanner on accidentally and turned orange and got called an Oompa Loompa, but it wasn't like I was being horribly teased, it was my friends doing it anyways. In the student handbook, it no longer says anything about hair color Image is important to me, it isn't everything, but I like clothes. I like make up. I love all those things, and as long as Im not offending anyone with them, I think I should have the right to wear them. |
heyyitsmichelle Geek Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 267 | our school is the least strict dress code i have EVER seen. They don't care what we wear. The dress code part in our handbook is two sentances. We just cant wear harmful things like studded braclets that are sharp and stuff that has references to illegal things to teens. But we can wear mini skirts and tops without straps and we can even show a bit of our belly. I think this is pretty awesome. |
ColleenStarship Addict Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 11991 | our school has a pretty decent dress code. when it comes to enforcing it - they are awful. no skirts that are to short, no shirts that say stuff like ''i smoke weed'' no thin straps , no exposed stomach but kids get away with it all the time i've never had anything said about my hair with is usually purple. |
the crucible. Idiot Age: 29 Gender: Female Posts: 621 | I think we should all just live naked. With global warmimg and all that, it's not too much of a bad idea. I really don't see the problem of our body in its natural state. I agree that if it's chilly, wear cothes, but after all, we all have it, so why hide it. I can also comprehend that some of all have some blemishes on our bodies, but I don't understand why people have to be so superficial. Ok, somebody's different to you. So what? The cavemen did it, so why can't we? I don't see why it's any more civilised to wear clothes. Ok, to the subject. We have no dress code or uniform at my school, but I'd rather have one myself. I get called goth incessantly, and it's very tiring. Ok, so I wear spiky wristbands and some eyeliner, does that mean that I slit my wrists in the toilets when you're not looking? No, it doesn't. In my eyes, there should be some restriction, like a certain form of clothing in the school colours, which should be rather modest. I agree with no slutty clothes, no stuff like that. I think the whole, 'don't die your hair unnatural colours is just ridiculous, as what does it really change? Also, I beleive that some (and I don't want to offend anybody) that say that, 'your clothes arent gonna get you bullied' are being rather naive. A majority of bullies will play on someone's weakness or self - conciousness, and of course their disadvantages. If some poor kid who doesn't have much money to buy clothes strolls by some bully, he's gonna scream 'bully me', isn't he? It's true that bullies are mostly superficial and play on something that doesn't really have any value, but the victim is still being bullied and I don't think he'd be really comfortable adding, as he cowers in some corner, 'you're so superficial, you great fat lump', or words to that effect, would he? Fact: bully victims do mostly not stand up to bullies. Bottom line: things as superficial as clothes are still gonna get you bullied, however you look at it. Unless people in your area are kind, sensitive, caring things, in all cases. Which is pretty much impossible.Point finale. In conclusion, I like the idea of a school uniform very much, regarding it's not too OTT. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, do not take any of what I said personally. |
Matt Smith Admin Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 31134 | Bad Wolf: Have you ever stood outside lately? Here in Europe, its freezing cold. This will be one of the coldest winters I can remember. Plus, its a common misconception that "cavemen" were all brutes who walked around nekkid. They didn't. Our ancestors, the Australopithecus, lived in modern day africa and were still covered with hair for insulation. Modern Humans (or Homo sapiens) lived through an Ice Age or two, and they also clothed themselved with animal hide or woven clothing. |
Plug In Baby. Addict Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 11334 | I_worship_tre_Cool: The second they see you with an extreme hair style or colour, you go home, and don't come back until it's out. I could say that to them, but in the end it's my parents that are paying for me to be at that school, so I'm just going to live with the fact that my hair has to stay a normal shade until school holidays. And I know you should have the right to wear them, but some of my friends don't have the money to wear them. My school is a mix of two types of people. the first is the majority of people, they come from the shire in which the school is located, and they are the people who come from expensive families, where their parents get them whatever they want, they always have the best of everything. The second are the people who come from around my area, mostly. They live outside the shire, in a dirtier, less materialistic place. They don't get everything they want, their parents aren't constantly on holidays, buying them things, because they just don't have the money for it. I know I sound like I'm discriminating against people who come from inside the shire, but I'm honestly not. There are some nice people from there, I'm friends with some of them. But mostly they are mean, and rich, and materialistic. And they do make fun of some of my friends for not having it all. I don't have a car, a shit load of jewlery, a horse, a new outfit for every day of the week, and an expensive handbag, as well as enough money to pay $40 for a fucking headband. My friends certainly don't. And I like the uniform, in that respect. Plus, at my school, I don't really give a shit anyways. I wear all the jewlery that I want, and I wear all the make up that I want, and if I'm told to take it off, I say "okay" and ignore them. |
Lucifers Angel King For A Couple Of Days Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 4751 | Bloodraine: yeah i agree because we had a late/longer warmer summer we will be getting a hard winter and you can bet anything that we will not be ready for it like they are in Norway, we will still be breaking down and complianing that it is to cold. |
the crucible. Idiot Age: 29 Gender: Female Posts: 621 | Lucifers Angel:Hey, I was just saying that instead of hiding our bodies in clothes, when it gets really hot, like in the summer for example, get naked and don't be ashamed! Everyone's all like 'ooooh, it's disgusting and pervy' and it shouldn't be like that. Ok, if you live somewhere cold, I agree, cover up. But I'm just saying clothes shouldn't be obligatory and it shouldn't upset people if they see someone naked. Clothes really should be just seen as something to keep warm, not things that are meant to hide our wobbly or private bits. Yes, here in Europe it's winter. And yes, it's getting cold. But I was really talking about the summers in places like Australia and Thailand, which are really very hot. I've just had a thought though. In Thailand, you cannot enter places like the Grand Palace without covering your arms and legs, it's a rule. I was sweating in my full length skirt and long sleeved t-shirt. Inpratical, if the world suddenly decides to go naked. Edit: It's really very unlikely, that the world decides to go naked. I mean, you get arrested for running around in your birthday suit. Also, I wans't saying that cavemen always were naked, it's just they really didn't care if anybody saw their privates. You know you always see those pics of the ancient women with robs or stuff of the sort around her lower body, not covering her breasts. Clothes weren't seen as musts back then, just survival. |
SynGatesrocksmybed King For A Couple Of Days Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 2870 | I think there should be dress codes but no uniforms and I dont think girls shoudl be able to wear such short skirts it's weird and dumb I ahte the fact that my shcool doesnt allow us to wear gloves |
billiejoeroxx Geek Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 200 | the code should be you can wear whatever you want but it cant be to reveling. that is my school rules. |
Indie rock and roll Geek Age: - Gender: - Posts: 281 | I have a uniform. (Grey pleated skirt, navy knee socks, white oxford, navy vest from nov. 15 to april 15, uniform shoes.) I actually don't mind it because its easier than picking out my clothes in the morning. We have a few weeks of dress down every year. Most of the people in my school are rich and preppy. I'm not preppy. I hate designer clothes. I think they're pretty pointless. The uniforms are an equalizer. The only thing I really mind are the shoes. They're uber-ugly. I wish I could wear my own shoes. We even have gym uniforms. (navy shorts, grey tshirt with the school name on it.) But you can wear your own pants or jumper when it gets cold. So we're really not limited to that. The only thing you have to have are white socks. |
ColleenStarship Addict Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 11991 | we have no uniform, in a way i wish we did. i think individulaity is great and all but school is a place for learning; not fashion (well of course the exception being you go to fashion school lol. ) but i don't think we should be restricted to doing things suc as dying our hair and piercings. I don't think those are half as distracting/bad as what some kids wear. and i've been told the vice pricipal hates me because i dye my hair. wtf. |
no wai, Mikey Wai! Falling In Love With The Board Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 6232 | i think you should be allowed to wear what you want, as long as you are exposing anything. I also think hats should be allowed |
Flaming Phalanges! Basket Case Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 17669 | chool uniforms are a good idea, in my opinion, firstly, because of the whole, everyone's the same thing so no one gets picked on for what they're wearing, secondly, because when you're on school trips and you're trying to find someone, you can look out for the uniform, and likewise see anyone who's with you who's not supposed to be with you, and just in general so there's less argument about what's suitable. However, I go to college now (sixth form, not university) and we don't wear uniform there, and nobody really gets picked on. I think the level of maturity matters, and people need to decide what's suitable and what isn't. Most people between the age of 16 and 18 can do that fairly efficiently so there's no need to have many regulations. But, uniforms for staff in shops is a must, because most of the time, if people don't wear some sort of uniform, I've got no idea if they work there on not. So again, recognition comes into it. Yeah, ok I'm bored of writing now. |
Smile, you're dead! Jackass Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 1111 | We don't wear uniforms and i'm so happy for that. Same clothes everyday? |
Peter Petrelli King For A Couple Of Days Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 4161 | The sweaters that we HAVE to wear for Sixth Form cost £26 each... I mean, dress codes are one thing, but that's bloody extortion. It's not even like I can afford it. |
I love CHURTLES!! Geek Age: - Gender: - Posts: 219 | I have a dress code and I don't mind it.. but everything is so expensive! The pants are like 30$ and the shirts are 25$.. I usually have to order them out of a catalog too because no one carries them in the stores.... (our school only has 146 people for 7th-12th grade) |
BillieStoleMyVirginity Geek Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 359 | STUPID IDEA!!!! dress codes and uniforms suck because: 1. they do nothing to stop kids judging each-other by appearance. people will stereotype and label no matter what you do. 2. they are ugly fuckers 3. they are uncomfortable and distract you from work 4. they dont make the school loom good, they make it look tight assy 5. they crush indivisuality and freedom to a pulp |
BillieStoleMyVirginity Geek Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 359 | my school blazer cost $200 and is such crappy quality. our uniforms are ripoffs |
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