Dress codes

Plug In Baby.
Plug In Baby.
Age: 34
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December 10th, 2006 at 03:22am
STUPID IDEA!!!! dress codes and uniforms suck because:
1. they do nothing to stop kids judging each-other by appearance. people will stereotype and label no matter what you do.
2. they are ugly fuckers
3. they are uncomfortable and distract you from work
4. they dont make the school loom good, they make it look tight assy
5. they crush indivisuality and freedom to a pulp

1. Eurgh it would be a lot worse. Some of my friends couldn't afford new clothes all the time, but yet the majority of my school could. They already bitch about them behind their backs as it is ._.

2. Yeah, I'll give you that.

3. Not really.. they're made to be comfortable, and again, no they don't, that's half the purpose of them. It's proven, on days that are free dress days, most of my school is distracted by what everyone is wearing, judging, squealing, whatever, over it. On the normal days, nobody gives two shits.

4. No they don't. The public judge you on your appearence. If you're wearing your uniform properly, they'll think well of the school. If you're wearing is half-assedly, then they'll think badly of the school.

5. You're kidding, right? Are you seriously telling me that the only way you can express your freedom and individuality is through what you wear? That's a joke. Through my body language, how I act, what I say, the little bit of makeup I can get away with, the way I wear my hair, and the people I hang out with all tell a little bit about my personality.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 33
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December 16th, 2006 at 01:08am
STUPID IDEA!!!! dress codes and uniforms suck because:
1. they do nothing to stop kids judging each-other by appearance. people will stereotype and label no matter what you do.
2. they are ugly fuckers
3. they are uncomfortable and distract you from work
4. they dont make the school loom good, they make it look tight assy
5. they crush indivisuality and freedom to a pulp

1. Eurgh it would be a lot worse. Some of my friends couldn't afford new clothes all the time, but yet the majority of my school could. They already bitch about them behind their backs as it is ._.

2. Yeah, I'll give you that.

3. Not really.. they're made to be comfortable, and again, no they don't, that's half the purpose of them. It's proven, on days that are free dress days, most of my school is distracted by what everyone is wearing, judging, squealing, whatever, over it. On the normal days, nobody gives two shits.

4. No they don't. The public judge you on your appearence. If you're wearing your uniform properly, they'll think well of the school. If you're wearing is half-assedly, then they'll think badly of the school.

5. You're kidding, right? Are you seriously telling me that the only way you can express your freedom and individuality is through what you wear? That's a joke. Through my body language, how I act, what I say, the little bit of makeup I can get away with, the way I wear my hair, and the people I hang out with all tell a little bit about my personality.

i have a question about what you said about #3- if everyone was allowed to wear regular clothes ever day do you really think it would be such a big deal what people wore? I mean if people wore their clothes everyday there would be no need for a "free dress day" and people woulndn't squeal as much over stupid clothes...and then that would be the norm and nobody would give two shits.

and about #5- first of all i agree its not the ONLY way that you can express yourself but it is a BIG way. you are what you are no matter what. so why try to hide it behind some uniform, it doesn't change the way people treat other people. There will be cliques uniforms or no uniforms, so you might as well be able to wear whatever the fuck you want.
The Doctor
Falling In Love With The Board
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Mibba Blog
December 16th, 2006 at 11:40am
I wear uniform.

I express my individuality.

It's vaguely cheap.

It's plain coloured.

Viva half assed uniform rules
Peter Petrelli
King For A Couple Of Days
Peter Petrelli
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December 16th, 2006 at 12:20pm
I still express myself while wearing uniform. We can wear either black or grey trousers, and I like to wear grey because I'm one of the only people who does. I wiggle my multicoloured socks at people as well.
Age: 30
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Posts: 296
December 31st, 2006 at 12:42pm
you should be able to wear what you want at school. just as long as you get the education your paying for.
Age: -
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January 1st, 2007 at 06:10pm
I wish I knew some uniformed Catholic school boys. Mmm mmm mmm, I'm all for that!
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 35
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January 1st, 2007 at 06:16pm
Ha. Uniforms are crap, but what do I know.
Age: 32
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Posts: 147
January 9th, 2007 at 08:32pm
my school is considering a ban on t-shirts Shocked
oh and we'd have to wear our pants at our waist
Magazine Sickness.
Magazine Sickness.
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Mibba Blog
January 9th, 2007 at 09:28pm
I wear uniform.
I like it.

No, I'm not a brainwashed child of uniform and conformity.
I think it's better than having casual all the time.

Alot of kids can't afford a new outfit every week let alone every day.
Uniform keeps people EQUAL.
Instead of a handful of kids in non brand clothes there's an entire student population.

My uniform is comfortable plus all the schools here have uniform so I don't really know much else but I do know that I hate casual days.
They piss me off no end.

A bunch of prepubescent looking girls squealing over how 'hot' or 'not' someone's clothes are.

Plus I go to an all girls school so I know that I prefer uniform over hearing even more nasty little comments about people.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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January 23rd, 2007 at 04:36pm
I think it is stupid to wear uniforms. You wouldn't be able to show what you really like. If I had to wear uniforms I would be sooo PISSED!!!!!
Rotting On Here
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Mibba Blog
January 23rd, 2007 at 05:20pm
I like the idea of uniforms even though I don't have em because I go to a public school.
I like them because I don't have to run around every morning rummaging through my closets and drawers to choose an outfit. The uniform is just there. And you only have to clean every couple of days.
Pretty sweet, eh?
Brendon Urie..
King For A Couple Of Days
Brendon Urie..
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January 23rd, 2007 at 06:16pm
I don't like the idea of uniforms.
Let's just totally delete self-expression from the face of the planet.
I believe in a dress code.
It's school, not a strip club.
Nellie Lovett.
Nellie Lovett.
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January 23rd, 2007 at 10:20pm
my school has uniforms. i like em cos we look preppy.
the girls wear white blouses with red tartan piping, red tartan pleated skirt, white socks (i wear black) and you're meant to wear black shoes but no-one abides by that.
you get a green or a red tie too, so im happy.
the only thing i don't like are the jumpers. too hot and long but they're green ^ ^.

at my school you can tell who is who just by how they act really and what kinda bags they use.

you can pick im an 'alternate' from a mile away ^_^
Falling In Love With The Board
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Mibba Blog
January 26th, 2007 at 07:48am
My school had a uniform last year. It was a pinafore over a shirt for the girls and pant and shirt for the guys. The thing is, the pinafore/pants were this strange rusty orange color and we all looked like fucktards. For the most part, it was comfortable except when we played volleyball and stuff during lunchtime, my shirt kept hanging out from the sides of my pinafore and I'd have to go to the bathroom to tuck it back in. I hated that. Very annoying. And also, mosquitoes. When you where a skirt, they're free to sting wherever they like.

I think it's a symbol of the school and school pride. I wore the earrings I liked, I wore my hair how I liked, I put on makeup and necklaces. They changed the uniform though, so we don't have one until next year. Shake But the new one looks decent. Khaki colored pants and a shirt with weird plaid on it. But good weird plaid. And the girls in tenth and above can wear pants instead of a skirt. No pinafores!

Personally, other than the above mentioned discomforts, I liked having a uniform. Didn't have to worry about washing my clothes and stuff. I didn't have to worry about wearing my jeans out because I wouldn't wear them except on the weekends. But still, not having a uniform is nice too. It doesn't make much of a difference to me.

Thing is, if the school decides not to have a uniform, there needs to be regulations. Like in my old school. When you stand up and put your arms at your sides, where your middle finger reaches to is the limit for skirt shortness/ short shortness. And if you're wearing a sleeveless, the width of the strap has to be at least the width of your middle and index finger combined. Baggy clothes are acceptable as long as they don't present a safety hazard to the wearer or people around him/her. Underwear must be worn inside clothes (god knows why this is a rule. its more of a given). Underwear may not be worn outside of clothing. (guess Superman's not allowed.)

And content of tshirts also. Like no vulgar language on the clothing, no picturization of drug use in a positive light, etc.
paper shoes
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paper shoes
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January 26th, 2007 at 11:04am
My school had a uniform last year. It was a pinafore over a shirt for the girls and pant and shirt for the guys. The thing is, the pinafore/pants were this strange rusty orange color and we all looked like fucktards. For the most part, it was comfortable except when we played volleyball and stuff during lunchtime, my shirt kept hanging out from the sides of my pinafore and I'd have to go to the bathroom to tuck it back in. I hated that. Very annoying. And also, mosquitoes. When you where a skirt, they're free to sting wherever they like.

I think it's a symbol of the school and school pride. I wore the earrings I liked, I wore my hair how I liked, I put on makeup and necklaces. They changed the uniform though, so we don't have one until next year. Shake But the new one looks decent. Khaki colored pants and a shirt with weird plaid on it. But good weird plaid. And the girls in tenth and above can wear pants instead of a skirt. No pinafores!

Personally, other than the above mentioned discomforts, I liked having a uniform. Didn't have to worry about washing my clothes and stuff. I didn't have to worry about wearing my jeans out because I wouldn't wear them except on the weekends. But still, not having a uniform is nice too. It doesn't make much of a difference to me.

Thing is, if the school decides not to have a uniform, there needs to be regulations. Like in my old school. When you stand up and put your arms at your sides, where your middle finger reaches to is the limit for skirt shortness/ short shortness. And if you're wearing a sleeveless, the width of the strap has to be at least the width of your middle and index finger combined. Baggy clothes are acceptable as long as they don't present a safety hazard to the wearer or people around him/her. Underwear must be worn inside clothes (god knows why this is a rule. its more of a given). Underwear may not be worn outside of clothing. (guess Superman's not allowed.)

And content of tshirts also. Like no vulgar language on the clothing, no picturization of drug use in a positive light, etc.
lmfao lmfao
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Mibba Blog
January 27th, 2007 at 06:09am
My school has uniforms and I'm quite happy about it. It's a real drag trying to find something to wear everyday, and when I'm in my unifrom I couldn't really care less if it got dirty. If I could change anything, I'd let us choose which uniform to wear depending on the weather etc. By the end of winter, it usually starts to get really hot already, and I die with stockings on.

But I think a natural ammount of makeup, highlighted hair and hair left out should be allowed, just because - I don't see why not.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 32
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Posts: 14
January 29th, 2007 at 04:07pm
ok so um
i am always getting in trouble with my principal for wearing a black t-shirt with graphics(not bad ones) under my polo
he yells at me constantly and my mom had enough and wasted money and bought like $100 in clothes for me to wear to schoo;
i hate it when she wastes money like that
it makes me wanna cry cuz we have like no money to begin with
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

January 30th, 2007 at 05:13am
I realised something today in school.

I'm a bit of an early bird when it comes to getting to school. I usually arrive an hour before we're supposed to register and I work. Sometimes I listen to music while I work, but today I didn't. Today also happened to be a non-uniform day for all the smaller kids.

Now when I work, on a normal uniform day, it is dead quiet outside. A bit of mild chat, but otherwise almost nothing. Today, at around 7:00 when people start pouring in, it was noisy beyond belief. Right outside my classroom I had to go out several times to tell a couple of year 7's off for shouting, while I was working. It was just a non-uniform day, not special in anyother way.

So naturally I concluded that these stupid uniform wearing year 7's are for some reason, a lot more roitous when they aren't wearing uniforms, which I maybe jut didn't think about before.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

January 30th, 2007 at 05:26am
STUPID IDEA!!!! dress codes and uniforms suck because:
1. they do nothing to stop kids judging each-other by appearance. people will stereotype and label no matter what you do.
2. they are ugly fuckers
3. they are uncomfortable and distract you from work
4. they dont make the school loom good, they make it look tight assy
5. they crush indivisuality and freedom to a pulp
If the only way you know how to express your individuality and freedom is by what you wear, then you have a serious individuality problem. Nowadays, if you're not in a uniform at school, what do you wear? Studded belt? What, ripped up jeans? A little pee-wee skirt? A band T-shirt? Maybe a spaggetti strap? Eyeliner?

Look, I don't know what you wear, but I assure you it probably isn't at all creative or individual. Everybody likes to fit in. Weird people like to fit in. Why then you they go out of their way to look like freaks? Because they still fit in, just with people they like. Even if you're a punk with green spikey hair, tattoos, a studded belt, aleather jacket, hey, now that's a fucking uniform right there, buster. They are still conforming to what they are. And you know what, that's a bad example cause they sure as hell aren't punk.
You think being different is cool. You think that being different is creative and free and rebellious. People wich twenty piercings on their face are rebellious? No they aren't. Maybe if they had like sixty then they are, but otherwise, they still are exactly the same as eachother.
Being different now isn't the same as being different in the 70's or 80's when our baby boomers were hippies and being different was cutting your hair short. Now, some of those liberals are beginning to realise that now their children are in school, maybe uniforms are good, like the conservatives always insisted.
The problem is that all the teenagers are still hooked up on the past that their parents had. Being different from everyone. Well, it's too late. That era is gone. Different isn't really different anymore. Maybe in this day and age different, is the same.
Basket Case
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

January 30th, 2007 at 05:36am
Amongst the uniform wearing kids, from years 7 till 11, everyone looks the same. I don't mean they all actually look the same, but they're all doing the same thing. The guys are wearing T-shirts under their polo shirts which are not allowed, girls are wearing skirts which are 10 centimetres short, everyone has too many barcelets or necklaces, girls are wearing too much make up, guys' pants are falling off and their boxers are in full view when they bend over, so on so forth. Everyone is breaking rules and they all think it's cool. Truth is, all the kids are too scared to conform to the rules, so instead, they conform to the society of the students who wear uniforms. In the end, it's is all one big uniform in which they are wearing the school uniform, with their own rules. Rules which everybody follows and thats what makes them all the same.

All the same except for two twins who I presume are new this year because I haven't seen them before. I have to say, these are the two coolest boys in the school. They wear their pants properly, at their waist, with a belt, and their shirt tucked in. No undershirt, and proper leather shoes, not trainers painted black. They are the only two students who dress like that, they are not conforming at all to 'society's' expectations or the student's expectations and they are just so cool. I really congratulate them, from the bottom of my heart because they get so teased, and yet they are just so cool, and so unique, and daring to be different, that they shove all that aside and are still looking proper. Not like they need to piss at any moment and are in the process of pulling down their pants. They are so punk, I swear.