Tré Cool Related Dreams
Author | Message |
Tre Cool's Lady Marmalade Board Parasite ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 39845 | I had a dream last night that i saw Tre at McDonalds.......i dont even like that place xD |
HavingAGreenDay Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 5699 ![]() | I had a dream last night that Marilyn Manson liked me ![]() |
John Entwistle Great Success! ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 55036 | I had a dream the other night about Tre, but it wasn't a good dream. Infact, it was bad. It was really weird. I was in this big city and all these homeless Tre Cools were laying around in the alleys and streets. There was a bunch of them. I looked away for a second, and when I looked back at them......they were all dead. Some were laying in the streets, some in piles of garbage in the alleys. It was sad and weird. Why would I dream that Tre was homeless and then dead. And why were there a bunch of them? ![]() |
DudeO King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Male Posts: 2543 ![]() | Stuck_On_Green_Day: LMFAO! Sorry thats just to funny. Homeless Tre's. ![]() I had a dream that Tre and I went to a grandma convention. They were illegally growing grandmas. They were everywhere! They were popping ot of the drawers! It was so creepy! And then we stole one and we took her jalopy and we had her in the back of the car and all of a sudden she pulled a cat out of her purse and she's going "Fluffy, attack! Attack, Fluffy!" And when I woke up I laughed so hard. |
dropkickingbeeatch Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 13 | Yeah I've had dirty dreams about him too...I'm kinda perverted in my dreams....well maybe perverted is too strong a word...."kinky" is better. hehe |
Verbatim. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 103 Gender: Female Posts: 3281 | demon_girl_121: LOL! They're both hilarious. Miiiiinnne was creepy. I think I posted it about 435438953487 pages back. I'll find it and quote it, as I can't be arsed to type it all again. Edit: It seems that I cannot find it o.O But that one was scary. I also had one involving a never-ending bouncy box, weightlessness, and crap chinese things. Oh, and Tré. |
beasleybeasley Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 59 | had this freakish dream where Tre and me had to save Billie and Mike from these killer bears. Oh! And we were in a mall and it was Christmas time. ![]() |
Ikickedyourdog Geek ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 135 | I had a dream recently That I found out Tre was my dad ![]() |
Weasel Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 50 | Mine wasn't so exciting. It was that some guy was trying to get Tre Cool to stalk me but he kept saying "No...I don't think I can do that..." |
Mark 'Lets TANGO.' Geek ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 262 | ok well, My mum, me, my brother, and sister were sitting in a car in the back of someones shitty back yard. And the yard was surrounded by a tall fance type thingy. Anyway, we were just sitting in silence when all of a sudden Tre came running through the yard screaming and laughing. He came by the car and was banging on it and stuff than he was about to run off when I stuck my head outside the window and went ' ![]() Than all of a sudden he stopped laughing and got the most serious look on his face...he started stomping over to the car and Im just like ![]() But he slammed the door open, his face was about 2 inches from mine and he said 'I CALLS EM AS I SEES EM.' Than he slammed the door shut, sneered at me, than walked away. Than once again I ![]() ![]() I looked at my mum and brother and sister and they gave me a dirty look too! Im just like ![]() so the point is, I made Tre angry somehow! ![]() I felt absolutely horrible when I woke up! ![]() ![]() |
just_call_me_dookie Addict ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 12902 ![]() | I had a dream once that it was my birthday and a big ass cake came and then we were getting ready to light it and shit, then Tre, Billie and Mike all popped out of the cake. But see, Tre was dressed in drag and he looked like a woman and it was really funny. But after they got out of the cake Tre started hitting Mike with his purple plasic purse saying that Mike had been a naughty boy in the cake and it was inapropriate to touch a lady there... ![]() |
cigarettesandvalentines Geek ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 149 ![]() | nice dookie. only you. ![]() |
Sunshine. Basket Case ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 19980 ![]() | I dreamed that i was imprisioned in a huge stone castle from the 1500s or when ever they were built. Anyway, my parents sent Tre to torture me. Tre of course did not fallow their orders (thankfully) and he took me to the dungeon and into an old torture chamber he tied me up and i panicked thinking he'd really carry out their plans. He untied me but made a nice area for me in the dungeon where i was supposed to stay. he made it nice so i could live there and my parents would think Tre was torturing me when in reality we were having great fun together. usually my dreams are dirty ![]() ![]() |
Melissa. Jackass ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 1260 | I had a dream that Tre' was at a fair giving people autographs and I was trying to ask him for one. It took a couple of hours because my teachers and police where trying to get me away from him. Then I got ramed in the butt from a bull and thrown over Tre's head and died from bulls and rams stomping all over me. | Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 41 | my friend had one (seriously my friend cos i dont have dreams where i remember them anymore) yea our band was playing for green day or somethin then Tre was setting up the drumkit for the girl who had the dream and complaining that she was a short ass cos he had to keep lowering everything since she is like a midget |
Sunshine. Basket Case ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 19980 ![]() | I dreamed Tre choked me with his 'you know what' xD He stuck it down my throat, i didn't actually see anything in the dream..everything was dark and then he came by and choked me ![]() |
One Nut Wonder Geek ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 304 ![]() | I had a dream where the Green Day gang was at my house and I was like 21. (they were still 34) Tre and I were alone in my room talking, when all of a sudden he kisses me! He pulled away and I was sitting there stunned. And then he kissed me again and licked my bottom lip. I felt him lick my lip too! I could also smell his cologne. Then it turned into a full blown make out session, but my dad came in and woke me up for school. Later I came to the realization that my dog could've licked my face though. ![]() |
Verbatim. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 103 Gender: Female Posts: 3281 | Okay, well.... It's a long one... It all started when I was walking through these random underground tunnels, and I heard all these people going crazy, so I went to have a look, and Billie was stood right up to the crowd shouting at them for not leaving them alone xD! But then he said "awh, okay. I'll let a few of you guys have some stuff signed. Get in line folks!" But, OH NO! I didn't have anything for them to sign! So I went running off home, and I picked up my Tré Cool action figure, My Tré Cool drumstick, a Green Day book and a couple of other things that I can't remember xD! But, once i'd got there, there were no more places in the line ![]() So, I went off home, and as I was walking up the street, Green Day were walking down it! So, I went up to Tré and said "Uhm, hi... do you mind signing a few things for me? I missed out earlier ![]() So, Tré started taking emo-pose photos of himself so, naturally, I jumped on his back just in time for the photo! And we'd taken a few photos, one of them where I was biting his lip LOL! *wishes they were real photos* Anyway, I realised that I didn't have a camera with me so I couldn't get any photos, so I said to him "Is there any way I can get them pictures to me?" And he was like "oh crap, no... I don't think there is ;(" so I went "Well, what's your msn address? If I add you, you can send me the photos that way " He was a little bit unsure about giving his msn address out, so I said "Look, I wouldn't tell anyone. It's unfair of me to do that, I wouldn't want you to not trust me, I wouldn't do anything like that to you." And he just smiled and said, "well... what's yours?" So I played him at his own game and I said "well, I don't want anyone giving my address out, but I'll tell you how you can get it." Then I told him to go on my profile on IC, and have a look at the forum while he was there xD!!! I also told him that Idiot Club was a big fat rip-off LOL! o.O And we were talking for ages about pretty much anything, and Mike and Billie were lying in the grass, drinking and having a nice time, but not keeping an eye on me and Tré ![]() It ended up in lots of kissing (And I can tell you, he's a goooood kisser!) And a certain amount of clotheslessness o.O He was really gentle, and I could tell he cared. ^.^ But then we were both really disappointed because when I turned around, this freaky girl from my college was sat next to us And Tré said "wtf? Damn, I suppose we can't go 'all the way' then, can we?" And then Billie and Mike were shouting for him because it was time for them to go, and we were both really sad, and he just hugged me and said "I'll be in touch, don't you worry." Then he went. Then I woke up. I guess i'll never know if he added me to msn. But I do know that I got my stuff signed, I picked it all up when he went, and they'd signed everything. Tré had written "I <3 U" all over all my stuff XD! |
wish_i_was_adie Jackass ![]() Age: 43 Gender: Female Posts: 1092 ![]() | This is more of a Green Day Dream . . . There's this other thread on GSB that asks if we would buy Green Day's album if it was rap or hip hop. Anyway, the night after I saw this thread I dreamt I was at a concert. First, Michelle Branch was singing, but as soon as the 'main' performers came in, she stopped, mid-song. Then Nas (rap/hip-hop artist) comes into the venue with a whole bunch of security and gets on stage. He and his dancers are joined by Green Day. Billie Joe is wearing his typical black shirt with red tie but is wearing blue jeans. I don't see Mike. Tre is wearing a drill seargeant type uniform with a belt buckled across his chest. They (plus Nas) start dancing to this hip hop song when Tre stops halfway. He goes to BJ saying that this type of music isn't their style, blah, blah, blah. They're talking quietly on stage but I can somehow hear them. Then Tre's chest belt falls off. Tre and BJ share a hug. Then I woke up. I'm not sure what I ate before going to bed, but it must've been rotten |
Zzzonked. Jackass ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 1894 | i dreamt that i asked Tre to be my dad and he said yes, it was weird, but i guess that was because i want a new dad because my dad was being a right asshole at the time. |
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