Why no child is safe from the sinister cult of Emo

King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
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June 5th, 2008 at 03:06pm

Suicide is NEVER because of taste of music( ok, maybe some kinds of death metal). I'm emo... Yes I think about suicide... No because music- I'd do that without music. Bands like My Chemical Romance( people plz, they're not emo- it's a kind of alternative&punk), A Static Lullaby or even Green Day, helped me a lot. They didn't save my life but helped, really.
I think that people commit suicides because life sucks at all. It doesn't matter that you're emo or not. It's also because another persons, or sometimes someone wants only attenion.

Maybe it's complicated, sorry about that ...
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
June 5th, 2008 at 03:15pm
ok, maybe some kinds of death metal
Why is it ok to blame death metal, but not "emo" music?
Love my insanity
Love my insanity
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June 5th, 2008 at 07:31pm
My chem is in NO WAY punk.
They are simply rock.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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June 6th, 2008 at 12:50am
Love my insanity:
My chem is in NO WAY punk.
They are simply rock.
Cheese This isn't a debate on the genre of a band.
Rotting On Here
Age: 32
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June 6th, 2008 at 12:38pm
Love my insanity:
My chem is in NO WAY punk.
They are simply rock.
Cheese This isn't a debate on the genre of a band.
but my chemical romance don't show any type of punk in their music
so they're not punk
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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June 6th, 2008 at 08:46pm
Love my insanity:
My chem is in NO WAY punk.
They are simply rock.
Cheese This isn't a debate on the genre of a band.
but my chemical romance don't show any type of punk in their music
so they're not punk
Either way it shouldn't matter what genre they are because it shouldn't define the music of a band. Just because a band i labelled "emo" doesn't mean they deal with dark themes. "Emo" was a genre that was initially defined by their poetic lyrics...
Basket Case
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June 7th, 2008 at 08:24am
Every single genre deals with negative, depressing lyrics. Emo, punk, even pop, rap, hip hop, whatever.
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Mibba Blog
June 7th, 2008 at 05:33pm
Dude, nobody gives a fuck. Everyone's so sick of hearing about the "emo controversy" and nobody's blaming the real issues: School. Home. Bullies. Peers. Parents. Families. Abuse. People who don't fucking understand.
These are the things that make people kill themselves. Instead people blame and shun the things that might be kepping them alive: Their music. Their friends. Their interests. Their culture.
So if you mess with a kid and they kill themselves, juust remember: You had a hand in their death.
Rotting On Here
Age: 32
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Posts: 47505
June 7th, 2008 at 09:01pm
Dude, nobody gives a fuck. Everyone's so sick of hearing about the "emo controversy" and nobody's blaming the real issues: School. Home. Bullies. Peers. Parents. Families. Abuse. People who don't fucking understand.
These are the things that make people kill themselves. Instead people blame and shun the things that might be kepping them alive: Their music. Their friends. Their interests. Their culture.
So if you mess with a kid and they kill themselves, juust remember: You had a hand in their death.
These people are blaming the music, yes.
But... shouldn't they just keep doing the things that they like and hanging out with the people that they like?
That;s not a reason to kill yourself.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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June 7th, 2008 at 11:21pm
In the end it's all up to the individual. These same influnces, whether they are music, friends, family or whatever, are going to have different effects. It's all up to our perception. These things should never hold the "blame".
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
June 10th, 2008 at 04:09pm
Sky Loves Green Day:
Dude, nobody gives a fuck.
Except for the little fact that many people do. Coolio If no one cared, this wouldn't be so controversial. Parents and music clash a lot. They definitely care, ask Marilyn Manson. Mr. Green
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
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June 10th, 2008 at 11:19pm
You raise a good point Mhairi... I think if a band has such a positive aspect it is hard to draw a strong negative aspect. Either way I think that it's not something intentional. Everything has two sides to it and people can take the side they choose.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
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June 15th, 2008 at 11:22am
anyone seen the lastest 'fight back' in this weeks Kerrang! mag??
made me laugh...
if they want the press to leave them alone,
they should stop saying the things that they are,
in this case instead of fighting they should let it die,
and not worsen the situation =/
bless them and their 'MCR' saved my life bannerz! Laughing
Age: 33
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Posts: 222
July 3rd, 2008 at 10:05pm
I'd say it has nothing to do with the music

music helps us cope.

I listen to music about killing women.

that is why i no longer fantacize killing women as much as i fantacize killing men, because i get all of my agression out by screaming lyrics at the top of my lungs.
Songs like 187 (senses fail) Filthy (elysia) and My Heart is the Worst Kind Of Weapon (fall out boy) help me cope with my hatred for women (by this i mean that part of humanity. i have nothing against women separate than that that i have of men)
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 34
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July 4th, 2008 at 05:38pm
I hate it how as soon as something bad happens to a child they blame it on music. All my teenage years, my parents would blame my "rebelous behaviour" on the music that I listened to. For example, I had loads and loads of Green Day stuff on my walls, and one day when I came back from vacation, they had ripped everything down because it was "the devils music". From my own experiance, I think people should look a little deeper before pointing the finger.

There's got to be something seriously wrong with someone if they want, and try, to take their own life. People have to realise that the music isn't to blame, in many cases it can help.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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July 10th, 2008 at 10:32pm

[B]Do you think that it is wrong for the death of a 13-year old girl to be blamed entirly on her music taste and the so called 'emo' culture?[B]

Yes, I do think that it is wrong for the death of a 13-year old girl to be blamed on the music and the emo culture. Music is music. The fact that the music is being blamed is completely stupid. If anything music saves lives rather than driving people to kill themselves. Music is bassically a form of medication. People turn to music for any mood. Theres songs that can take you out of one mood and into another. Not only that music is misunderstood. The musical artist could be saying something very important, but music being so metaphorical and such can be extremely misunderstood. People tend to take it the wrong way most of the time. Another example would be the columbine massacre. So many people blamed Marilyn Manson as an influence to the kids who committed the murders, but all in all it wasn't. What it truely comes down to is, Parenting, the environment the person is in, and the mental status of the person. As for the emo culture, how is that to blame either? To most its just a fad. It's a way to fit in, and do what's cool to the crowd or people they want to hang out with. To others, its just their actual feelings. The question that really needs to be asked is, did the parents try to communicate with the daughter after she became 'emo'? Did they try to find any reasoning in it, or any major changes in the girls personallity that would've pointed to things that would lead to suicide? Like Bi-polar/ Manic depressive disorder, or depression, troubles at school, or even something going on within their home. In my opinion Daily Mail is being extremely biased.


Also should the 'emo' culture be banned from schools and other such places in a bid to boycot this growing fad?

I personally do not feel that the 'emo' culture should be banned from schools. It may be a fad, but none the less it is a way that kids express themselves. Why does this culture be singled out and banned? What about other cultures, like the punk, the goth, rave, or any other cultures? How come they aren't being banned, or considered to be banned like this culture. The 'emo' culture, is just like any other in my eyes, and shouldn't be treated any differently. They should allow the kids to express themselves how the please. If they wanna be 'emo' then let them. It isn't anybody's bussiness other than the person whom it concerns.
paper shoes
This Board Is My Home
paper shoes
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July 11th, 2008 at 05:40pm
I'd say it has nothing to do with the music

music helps us cope.

I listen to music about killing women.

that is why i no longer fantacize killing women as much as i fantacize killing men, because i get all of my agression out by screaming lyrics at the top of my lungs.
Songs like 187 (senses fail) Filthy (elysia) and My Heart is the Worst Kind Of Weapon (fall out boy) help me cope with my hatred for women (by this i mean that part of humanity. i have nothing against women separate than that that i have of men)
...what the hell
Age: 33
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July 16th, 2008 at 02:09pm
""There are websites that show pink teddies hanging themselves," she said."
to be fair I draw some seriously messed up shit and look at as well but at the same time its to get rid of feelings of actually doing it, same with music, if I'm down, especially about relationships, I'll listen to Dido. So yeah its the people not the music, its how they've chosen to read into it, same with the quran and stuff.... not all people who read the quran bomb people, but some people have read into it like that.
toybox trash
toybox trash
Age: 29
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July 19th, 2008 at 05:18pm
You know what I find incredibly crazy

5,380 youths are arrested
4,219 youths get an std
3,610 are assaulted
80 are raped
2,861 drop out of school
1.377 become mothers [note the POINT]
1,106 have an abortion
1,000 get drunk/drink
500 do drugs
400 are arrested for drugs

6 commit suicide all in one day.

So here's my time to rant.

I was very close to one of my best friends in middle school. I moved to Pennsylvania and sorta lost contact aside from a phone call once or twice a week. I learned that he had shot his head off in his bathroom from depression. He left a note and it said LOVE in capital letters. I'm so glad this wasn't publisized because he didn't deserve anything like that. Another best friend of mine who was close to the both of us found a very "good" escape from everything. Sex, drugs and alcohol. He was arrested three times and is now a dad and he's only 15.

It's really funny how today's generation of sixth graders could tell you sex positions and how to give a good blow job but if it were the 70s or 80s that kind of shit would be unheard of coming from an eleven year olds mouth.

Hannah Bond was probably a really nice girl. I saw this really sad video on YouTube of her and she was really pretty and almost looked like she didn't have much to lose but I guess people just don't understand a lot today.

That's probably the saddest video I've seen of her.

With suicide, it's never the victem's fault. Maybe they had an off night or something but I would never blame her for the Daily News' act of stupidity.
toybox trash
toybox trash
Age: 29
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Posts: 1364
July 19th, 2008 at 07:07pm
Harry Potter.:
paper shoes:
what the hell

You know what I find incredibly crazy

5,380 youths are arrested
4,219 youths get an std
3,610 are assaulted
80 are raped
2,861 drop out of school
1.377 become mothers [note the POINT]
1,106 have an abortion
1,000 get drunk/drink
500 do drugs
400 are arrested for drugs
6 commit suicide all in one day

With suicide, it's never the victem's fault. Maybe they had an off night or something but I would never blame her for the Daily News' act of stupidity.
I don't know where you got your information from girl but I'd say it's out of wack considering at least 500 youths in just my suburb do drugs everyday. And as for everything else; yeah it just seems like you pulled those numbers from anywhere.

I don't really think that you can say it's never the victims fault because there isnt really anybody to blame in that sense. It's not like it was an accident like you pushed me and I fell over and died and it was your fault.
People who commit suicide make the decision to end their life and they feel like it is a rational decison. Obviously everything that ever happens to a person makes them who they are and so EVERYTHING has to do with a suicide. If they have depression they are far far more likely to want to end their life than not but once again it is not about fault. Emo shouldn't be blamed for sucide, because only you and you yourself have the power to end your own life willingly.

The only thing that could ever be blamed for suicide in my opinionwould be a mental illness which is the cause of most suicides I would say.

I found it here:

I think it sounds pretty true. Idk what's up with your neighborhood though.

[I like your icon btw Smile]