Why no child is safe from the sinister cult of Emo

Age: 33
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Posts: 13565
December 3rd, 2008 at 08:05am
Viva La Gloria:
Viva La Gloria:
I think she killed herself 'cause she thought that was 'cool' or something.
I just laughed my ass off so much
because I kinda agree

you're gonna get verbally beaten the shit out of though.

It's true and you agreed. File OH COME ON YOU KNOW THATS TRUE PEOPLE.

I do.
Perhaps she really had issue's but there is a fat chance she just thought it was cool..its sad
Rotting On Here
Age: 32
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December 3rd, 2008 at 12:07pm
there are alot of different personalities on this planet... ALOT
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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December 8th, 2008 at 11:46am
She was probably too young to realize she wouldn't be able to safe herself if necessary and actually die.

Not saying 13 always means you're too young, just that at that age, people have different levels of maturity.
Age: 27
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Posts: 1890

December 9th, 2008 at 02:28am
She was probably too young to realize she wouldn't be able to safe herself if necessary and actually die.

Not saying 13 always means you're too young, just that at that age, people have different levels of maturity.

She must have been really dumb and immature. Must have.
Age: 27
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Posts: 1890

December 12th, 2008 at 02:27am
get famous:
Chemical Heart:
She was probably too young to realize she wouldn't be able to safe herself if necessary and actually die.

Not saying 13 always means you're too young, just that at that age, people have different levels of maturity.

She must have been really dumb and immature. Must have.

it's a bit harsh calling her "really dumb and immature." i think saying she was a confused teenager pretty much sums it up.

Confused, maybe. But it doesn't take much of a brain and much sense to work out what she was doing was stupid and as a result died and you can't fix that.

It makes me sad though that if she had mental problems people around her didn't address it and couldn't prevent this happening.
Age: 29
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Mibba Blog
December 27th, 2008 at 01:14pm
I read somewhere that she just did it because she wanted to be emo and someone who didn't like her told her that if you want to be emo you have to try to kill yourself, in which case it is a cult, but it's sad that she was stupid enough to believe it if that's really the case. It's just really sad that people are so stupid that they'll do anything to 'fit in' and they'll kill someone they don't like. That fucker's gonna burn in hell (the one that told her to do it)

But i know people who want to be emo and so they cut themselves and whatnot because they think that "that's what emos do." I blame the media. File
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
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December 27th, 2008 at 02:46pm
As well as blamming the media, to some extent I blame the 'emo' culture for heightening the situation.
Age: 33
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Posts: 13565
December 28th, 2008 at 06:47am
I would say that some blame rests on the shoulders of the emo. I mean if you look at some of the pictures they have on whatever profile site they have, the text they post the things they say. They do in some way insinuate self harm and suicide. And ofcourse the media is gonna freak out about it, I mean: young children killing them selfs? That is spectacular, horrible and weird. And sure enough they will overreact as well.
I say that hey are both to blame.
Age: 29
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Mibba Blog
December 29th, 2008 at 08:16pm
It goes hand-in-hand, I suppose. If the media didn't advertise this stuff, it wouldn't happen as much. But the media advertizes it because it's happening so much.

It's like you can't get rid of it without killing the world. File

But why the hell does the media blame the music? It's the three P's: Parents, Peers, and Pressure.

Their parents are being hard on them and taking away the music which is really what helps them. The peers are picking on them to the point where they snap. And the pressure is just all the hardships of life combined with the other two P's that completely finishes the job.

Like I said, you'd have to kill everyone in the world to stop people from killing themselves, which some people are really dumb enough to try.
Age: 29
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Posts: 68084

Mibba Blog
January 2nd, 2009 at 04:22pm
She was probably too young to realize she wouldn't be able to safe herself if necessary and actually die.

Not saying 13 always means you're too young, just that at that age, people have different levels of maturity.

omg i'd like to think that most 13 year olds would recognize that they can't save themselves if they try to kill themselves
Age: 27
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Posts: 1890

January 2nd, 2009 at 10:13pm
Okay, well she was kind of dumb and must have been mis-informed because a few weeks prior to the whole suicide incident she showed cuts on her wrist to her dad saying it was an 'initiation to emo.' Even if emo is a pile of BS, I really don't think that's how beome 'emo.'

I blame her parents and whatever or whoever told her that to become 'emo' you had to harm yourself.
toybox trash
toybox trash
Age: 29
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Posts: 1364
January 3rd, 2009 at 11:45pm
y'know, i don't really worry about things like this anymore.
the word "emo" makes me sick to my stomach.

the daily mail makes shit sound so much more dramatic than it is. i think the daily mail might relate to the american magazine "national inquirer" & now i think the americans might be able to laugh a little because that magazine is full of shit, mind my language.

they make my chem and green day sound like madmen who want to drink cyanide when a star shines or some weird stuff like those cult people did a while ago. how can anyone seriously believe any of that? i mean seriously, suicide cult band..
how much more ridiculous can it get?
Age: 29
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Mibba Blog
January 4th, 2009 at 03:17pm
Demolition Lover:
Okay, well she was kind of dumb and must have been mis-informed because a few weeks prior to the whole suicide incident she showed cuts on her wrist to her dad saying it was an 'initiation to emo.' Even if emo is a pile of BS, I really don't think that's how beome 'emo.'

I blame her parents and whatever or whoever told her that to become 'emo' you had to harm yourself.

i don't think her parents would have told her to harm herself to become emo
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 1890

January 4th, 2009 at 06:37pm
Demolition Lover:
Okay, well she was kind of dumb and must have been mis-informed because a few weeks prior to the whole suicide incident she showed cuts on her wrist to her dad saying it was an 'initiation to emo.' Even if emo is a pile of BS, I really don't think that's how beome 'emo.'

I blame her parents and whatever or whoever told her that to become 'emo' you had to harm yourself.

i don't think her parents would have told her to harm herself to become emo

No, I got my wording wrong :O What normal parent doesn't step in when they're child is cutting them self ? It's a cry for help.
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January 6th, 2009 at 01:49pm
i don't blame the media at all.
they should have enough sense to know that cutting yourself all the time is serious and it's not cool.
Age: 29
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Posts: 68084

Mibba Blog
January 7th, 2009 at 03:13pm
Demolition Lover:
Demolition Lover:
Okay, well she was kind of dumb and must have been mis-informed because a few weeks prior to the whole suicide incident she showed cuts on her wrist to her dad saying it was an 'initiation to emo.' Even if emo is a pile of BS, I really don't think that's how beome 'emo.'

I blame her parents and whatever or whoever told her that to become 'emo' you had to harm yourself.

i don't think her parents would have told her to harm herself to become emo

No, I got my wording wrong :O What normal parent doesn't step in when they're child is cutting them self ? It's a cry for help.

oh okay
i agree with you. if i was a parent and i found out my kid was selfharming i'd stop at nothing to help them. i don't see why her parents didn't.
Age: 29
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Posts: 1608

Mibba Blog
January 8th, 2009 at 07:25pm
Anyone who partakes in this self-harm shit for coolness is just fuckin stupid and needs a life and a brain. They're taking away from the severity of it and now everyone who actually does it because they need help is getting picked on and the death toll goes up because of people just wanting to fit in. Bleh.
And parents don't help much either. They think they're helping and they don't really listen to their kids and what they want/need, and therefore they take away the music in an attempt to 'save their child' and then when their child offs themselves the fucking parents go and protest the music and say 'this killed my son/daughter and he/she SHALL BE AVENGED!!!' Well, not in those exact words, but still.

People are just dumb by default.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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February 8th, 2009 at 12:23pm
I really doubt anyone could possibly want to commit suicide simply from hearing a certain form of music (I'll hold back on making a joke about them killing themselves because the music sucked so much). However, if this girl was really influenced by music to kill herself, then there was clearly something wrong. I mean, I would assume most sane humans wouldn't want to end their because of the music their into.

But really, I think this article is a load of crap. "Suicide Cult Rock?" Give me a break here. Most modern "emo" is hardly violent compared to other forms of music. If these people really think that of My Chemical Romance, I'd love to see their reaction to a Slayer album.
u r a smeghead
u r a smeghead
Age: 29
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Posts: 724

February 9th, 2009 at 06:03am
Rahm Emanuel:
I'd hang myself if I listened to My Chemical Romance

I'm sick of hearing about emo quite frankly.

i been listening to MCR for almost a year now, and im okay.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
February 9th, 2009 at 10:45am
Rahm Emanuel:
I'd hang myself if I listened to My Chemical Romance

I'm sick of hearing about emo quite frankly.

i been listening to MCR for almost a year now, and im okay.
I believe she was implying that MCR is so bad, she'd hang herself, not that the dark content of the music would cause her to hang herself... Coolio