Billie Joe Dreams

Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 24429

July 14th, 2010 at 12:41pm
i was at a green day concert and i was in the very front then i leaded over to billie and said "you picked me to go on stage last year and i just wanted to say thanks. you made me dream come true and it's a moment i'll never forget." then he smiled and pulled me on stage then said "what's your name" and obvi i said "jess" then he went "EVERYONE THIS IS JESS. SHE IS KICKASS!!!" then the whole crowd cheered and i got to stay on stage the rest of the concert. then i went back stage after and .. yeah......

good dream Smile
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 30
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July 17th, 2010 at 04:47pm
This one time, had an odd but nice dream of him. My best friend hates him, she thinks he's 'creepy' ¬_¬ which kinda makes this even funnier!

I was at a school disco/dance whatever you want to call it, and Green Day were playing. My friend came with me, and neither of us knew they were playing. We paid entrance fee and the hall was empty and large. We walked into the crowd and Billie just ran out of nowhere and kissed me me(: he then went to kiss my friend but she almost vomited and then he chased after her. He ran back over to me and let me see his jockey underwear :3 Oh what a dream!
Age: 26
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Posts: 218
July 18th, 2010 at 01:00am
hahaha...niiiice tehe

I had a dream about a day ago....where i was adrienne..........yeah....i cant really get into details....but let me just say.....THAT WAS SEXXAAAAY!
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 347

July 23rd, 2010 at 03:14am
A couple nights ago I dreamed that I was going to kill myself (and I really almost did kill myself that night, but then I called the suicide prevention hotline and changed my mind, obviously) and me and Joey were really good friends in my dream, so I called his house and told Billie that I was going to kill myself and he was like, "No you're not. Not as long as me and Joey are here for you. We'll catch a plane right now and bethere in half an hour. Stay put." (And they really could get here in like an hour or something on a direct flight from Oakland 'cause I live in Southern California.) So I waited for them and they sang "She" to me asnd calmed me way the fuck down and they both slept on the floor in my room. When my parents got up the next morning in my dream, they were like, "What the hell are they doing here?" But I woke up before any of us told them what happened or lied about it or something.
King For A Couple Of Days
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July 26th, 2010 at 01:09pm
It was odd and a little interesting. It was just last night too.
Just randomly out of no where, I was walking around in my old school's park (the school was from like 3rd grade and the park is really still there) and I randomly seen Adie and Billie standing outside the tennis court (which I, for some unknown odd reason call my "sex cage" 'cause no one EVER uses it). One of my old friends was on the swing and I went to the swings. Then, I was all of a sudden dressed up like Billie, eyeliner and all. I sat on the swing and my friend started pushing me. She pushed me too hard and I flew off and hit the ground. I didn't pass out or anything and Billie and Adie came over to me. I got up and said I was OK then me and Billie had this moment where we just looked at each other. Adie was like "Hello?" And we both said "Sorry." For some odd reason, their kids were never born and they didn't want kids (o.o). Me and Billie went through a bunch of our little "moments" (y'know the moments people have when they like each other and they do stuff like stare at each other and smile a lot?) and Adie was getting mad about it and neither of us was noticing. Then one time, Adie walked in the room and me and Billie were kissing and she was like "You know what? That's it! We're done! I'm serious!" She left and Billie got all sad and I did too. I was telling him how sorry I was and I would do anything to help and then, next thing I know, he's taking his anger out on me with sex (O.O). Then I woke up and was like "Whoa...weird..."
Age: 29
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Posts: 264
July 30th, 2010 at 01:26pm
I was dreaming I was sleeping, and when I woke up I wasn't in my room anymore!
I freaked out a little, but then i turned around and saw Billie sleeping next to me, like an angel...
And i was all quiet cause i didn't want to wake him up, and i was like staring at his face for a half an hour.
Than he woke up, looked at me, smiled and said "Hi!"
I freaked out.
Then he got up and made me pasta.
I looooove pasta Very Happy
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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July 30th, 2010 at 05:18pm
A couple of days ago I dreamed that Billie was at my school doing a speech and then the next day at school he decided to stay and be my substitute teacher. So then the majority of my dream was crazy school days with Billie Joe as my teacher. It was amazing! <3
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 27
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August 2nd, 2010 at 12:48pm
He was in one of my dreams a couple days ago, but I honestly don't remember what happened. I think there was like a dragon of some sort but that's it. Now I'm really bothered because I want to remember it :/
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August 3rd, 2010 at 05:10pm
Ahhhh I see dreams about him 4 or 5 times a week !!!

God !!! Generally we kiss !!! Laughing Holy shit !

I whish they become real !!! Mr. Green
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 347

August 4th, 2010 at 02:13am
This is half of a really old post I made on this thread o July 1st 2008, but all I changed was the picture.

A couple nights ago, I had this really weird dream that Billie was gonna kidnap me.
First, I was in a hardware store with my parents, and for some reason, Billie worked there, and he looked all scruffy, like he hadn't shaved for about a week, and he had on that jean jacket he wore during the show they did on American Idol. Here, just use this picture for reference, but keep in mind that it does not apply to the rest of my dream, just the hardware store part.


I had like, been crouched down behind a display with hammers and stuff, and when I stood up straight again, he was on the other side of the display, and we shook hands for a really long time.

And then somehow we both magically appeared at my grandma's house, which is in the desert, but my grandma and grandpa were nowhere to be found, and Billie told me to hide under the botton bunkbed in my room. I did, and I could see through the sheet, and I was really scared for some reason. Ten I eneded up laying on the botton bunk and these two little girls who looked to be about eight years old that my mind made up for the dream were lying on their stomachs on the floor. They asked my why I got to lay on the bed while they laid on the floor, and I told them it was because I was older than them. Mind you that Billie was off somewhere else, so don't start thinking perverted things. But then when Billie came back I was under the bed again and the other two girls had disappeared somehow.

It was never actually said in my dream that he was taking me or kidnapping me or whatever. Nor did he tell me to put extra clothes and stuff in a plastic grocery bag, but I did anyway. Up until then, I had thought, Oh, cool, this rock star's gonna kidnap me, but then it just scared me because we'd be leaving in a few minutes, and I didn't wanna go anymore. It was while I was packing in my grandparents' room that my grandma appeared and I started crying and told her I was going away and that I'd never see her again. I think I must've told that it was Billie who was taking me, because when I went outside, the cops were there and they chased him to my great aunt's yard (she lived right next to my grandma in my dream) and he almost fell in the manmade lake there. Then he was arrested and I was never kidnapped.

I have weird dreams, yes. And I just magically appear at places, there's no travel time in a lot of my dreams.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 30
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August 15th, 2010 at 02:27pm
I had a dream I met Billie and I got to hang out with him for a couple hours, except he was being a total dick the whole time Molly
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September 23rd, 2010 at 12:48am
This is my dream.
Also- it's my first time on GeekStinkBreath so please help me out a bit!

Ok so it was 1994 and me and Billie where sitting in my room. We where both 17 for Some reason.
We sat on my bed and talked for what felt like hours, obviously we where best friends.
Billie told me that he had a tour to start tomorrow and I got really mad. I yelled at him that I thought his friends meant more then a tour.
He got mad at me and told me to fuck off.

Somehow I managed to end up in a bar in Oakland, I'm 21 now.
I sat beside a scraggly haired man, who was drinking glass after glass of vodka.
We talked and then I realized it was Billie!
Billie told me he wished he never became famous and he wanted to go back when we could sit and talk and not worry about life.
He told me he met a girl named Adie and he loved her!
I kissed his cheek and told him to love her and marry her.
Then he said he loves another person more.
I asked who and all of a sudden he kissed me!
He said it was me. And grabbed my crotch (I was a man for some reason)
and we Ended up doing... Things in the bathroom.
Then my dog started barking and I woke up Mad
I sound like a tweenie but it twas a good dream!
platypus of suburbia
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
platypus of suburbia
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March 14th, 2013 at 10:02am
Ok so I had this dream the other night that Green Day was on stage at this club. I was with my stepdad who wont let me listen to them. So GD was playing AI but really sloppy like they despised it, and Billie was singing really bad. The whole crowd was singing with them, but I was mad because I knew thats not how it goes so i got on stage and played it right. Smiley
Age: 31
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March 14th, 2013 at 11:39am
I had a dream that I was at a Green Day CD signing. I was waiting my turn but then the time was up. I felt sad, but Billie saw me and walked up to me and gave me his guitar pick. I was so jazzed.
Roxy Roadster
Roxy Roadster
Age: 28
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Posts: 102
July 10th, 2013 at 10:08pm
I had a dream that Billie started posting Instagram videos of himself doing thot things like working out and in the shower.
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March 27th, 2015 at 03:49am
I had a dream last night that I was with my dad and Billie Joe was there. But Billie was being rude to my dad, so my dad beat him up and cut out his tongue. It made me very upset and I tried to nurse him back to heath. Also, I kept his tongue and sewed it back on.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 14
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April 15th, 2024 at 11:55pm
i remember i had a dream about Billie and tre and mike and i was sitting at my couch at home and then tre Billie and mike BUSTED in trying to rob me but i was wearing like a kerplunk shirt or something and they saw and they said "wait you listen to green day?" and i said "uh yeah" and they took off their masks and then we hung out and became friends