Billie Joe Dreams

Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 27
August 15th, 2009 at 08:07pm
woah that was a lot of crazy dreams,, okay well since i keep obsessing over the Green Day concert I am going to in Bay Area tuesday i had like a looot of dreams about going to the concerts like a few nights in a row one time but i cant remember all the details but heres what i remember:

I was in the concert place but it was all seats mostly and a small stage and no one was on the floor so i could go right to the front but then i ended up a little far away but Billie Joe was talking to me from the stage and we were having a conversation but in a wierd language i think like ooogabooga bla bla bla bal it was funny

another one was that i was in the front on teh floor but before the concert started billie joe made everyone filll out this piece of paper with all these stupid questions on it but i think the guy didnt really look like BJ but it was supposed to be him and it was very annoying and hard to answer these questions

also there was one where i was in the front and he was right there singing to me i think

before this earlier, I was in my college dorm and Billie JOe was sitting on my roommate's bed without her.. and there were some other people there and we all won a contest so he was there and we were sitting in a circle and passing around stuff and he was talking and then i said something wrong and he was mad at me but i dont remember the details but then it was okay again ..

a few nights ago i was also in this gym with food and 21st century breakdown was playing in the big gym and i started singing a long...
and then i ended up in Adrien's hotel room? or his and some guy let me in and i didn know why he did and hten i looked at her stuff and then i wanted to get out cuz i wasnt supposed to be there but i kept going into different rooms and couldnt find my way out and i saw the bathroom and i wanted to see what kind of eyeliner billie joe used but i just tried to get otu and then some music alarm woke me up...

sorry thats a lot of boring dreams but i had to say it
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Age: 31
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August 15th, 2009 at 08:16pm
They do sound hella weird mind.
iAmSoBeautiful :3
King For A Couple Of Days
iAmSoBeautiful :3
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August 18th, 2009 at 12:57pm
I had an awesome dream about billie last night.

it went like this.
At this HMV place or building green day was signing cd's
and i was last and also i was the only one in the building including my firends and
billie joe armstrong, when me and my friends were walking towards the booth were Green day was supposed to be signing stuff (remember we're the only onees in theroom) It was only billie at the table and he was cleaning up this huge mess on the table. and when he seen me he asked i fi want an autograph so i obvs. said yes and he gave an autograph he said do you want any thing pacific on it and i said yes and he like put my name and put i love you from billie and he like put a demented looking heart by his name and he took me backstage to get mike and tre's autograph and when we went backstage he like started crying cause of a text he got. and i like tryed to comfort him and it worked and he told me his wife filed a divorice and I felt really sad and i asked why? and he said that its cause he goes on tour to much and she thinks he might cheat on her so before anything happens she might as well file a divorice. and billie started crying even more, and i like comforted him some more and for some reason it worked again, and he wiped away his tears and took me to see tre' and mike and i got tre' and mikes autographs and for some reason my bff ashley was sitting on tre's lap and they where dating, i do not know how that happend. and When i seen mike he was smoking thsi huge cigar and he signed my cd. and it said 2 days later and like i woke up next to billie in dream. and i was like wooah! we did it and my eyes went realy big cause i was so iunno. shocked and in my dream i was 20 years old Razz and then i waited for billie to get up and billie asked me "did you have fun last night" and i was thinking i dont even remember last night. and i said to billie yeah obvs. lol. and billie was telling me how much he likes me and that he want s start a family with me and i said iunno we should wait and he said to me what ever floats your bot my darling... and my dream ended
Age: -
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August 19th, 2009 at 12:51pm
I had another dream last night....

At first I was at a Foxboro Hot Tubs concert, right at the front, basicly on the stage. And they were playing this random song which was meant to be Mother Mary. (Weirdly Green Day played that in San Jose last night...creepy...)

Then random non-Green Day related stuff happened.

Then I was waking round a sports centre with Billie talking about Foxboro Hot Tubs.

I asked him when they were coming to the UK. He said they played in Manchester already.

Then I was kinda annoyed with myself coz I never went/found out about it.

And Billie was very unsympathetic.

I can't remember anything else.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 347
August 23rd, 2009 at 06:03pm
I had another dream last night....

At first I was at a Foxboro Hot Tubs concert, right at the front, basicly on the stage. And they were playing this random song which was meant to be Mother Mary. (Weirdly Green Day played that in San Jose last night...creepy...)

Then random non-Green Day related stuff happened.

Then I was waking round a sports centre with Billie talking about Foxboro Hot Tubs.

I asked him when they were coming to the UK. He said they played in Manchester already.

Then I was kinda annoyed with myself coz I never went/found out about it.

And Billie was very unsympathetic.

I can't remember anything else.
Pat don't fret..i'm sure real-life Billie would be sympathetic for you
Age: -
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Posts: 1718

August 24th, 2009 at 10:56am
I had another dream last night....

At first I was at a Foxboro Hot Tubs concert, right at the front, basicly on the stage. And they were playing this random song which was meant to be Mother Mary. (Weirdly Green Day played that in San Jose last night...creepy...)

Then random non-Green Day related stuff happened.

Then I was waking round a sports centre with Billie talking about Foxboro Hot Tubs.

I asked him when they were coming to the UK. He said they played in Manchester already.

Then I was kinda annoyed with myself coz I never went/found out about it.

And Billie was very unsympathetic.

I can't remember anything else.
Pat don't fret..i'm sure real-life Billie would be sympathetic for you

He better. XD

I had another one a few nights ago.
I was at a Green Day concert that was in my primary school playground and every one was crosslegged on the floor.
Then I shouted 'STORYTIME' coz Jason started playing Before The Lobotomy.
And then Billie told a story. (Can't remember what it was though...)
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 40
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Posts: 6877

August 30th, 2009 at 03:06am
And then Billie told a story. (Can't remember what it was though...)
Probably a story that ends with this....

Billie Joe: "...Everything in this room is eatable. Even I am eatable. But that, my dear children, is cannibalism and is frowned upon in most societies."
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 40
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Posts: 6877

August 30th, 2009 at 03:06am
Joel McHale.
King For A Couple Of Days
Joel McHale.
Age: 29
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Posts: 3974

August 30th, 2009 at 03:44am
And then Billie told a story. (Can't remember what it was though...)
Probably a story that ends with this....

Billie Joe: "...Everything in this room is eatable. Even I am eatable. But that, my dear children, is cannibalism and is frowned upon in most societies."
Epic win on the Charlie and the Chocolate factory quote
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 52
Gender: Female
Posts: 1
November 23rd, 2009 at 03:49am
i had dreams last night, me and my hubby bought tickets 'which we havnt as all there tours are in stupid places' sold the tickets for £30 the pair i was fuming in the dream. then same night i was sitting front row able to touch billie with camera ready thats all i can remember.
Age: 31
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Posts: 2227
November 23rd, 2009 at 10:38am
You live in Durham right? Thats only 2 and a half hours away from Manchester!! Thats not far!!
I have to travel over 6 hours!
Get tickets fooool!
Spoonful of Jimmy
King For A Couple Of Days
Spoonful of Jimmy
Age: 27
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Posts: 2581
November 23rd, 2009 at 11:02pm
Sadly, I can barely remember any of my dreams D:

BUT, I do have Green Day daydreams :3
Saturday, I was cleaning my room ALL day. So I stuck myself to one thought: Pretend Billie's coming over and you want your room to look perfect!
But, I thought that wouldn't be enought to motivate me. So then I thought: Not just Billie, the whole band!
Still not enough. Ok, screw that! Billie's coming over for Thanksgiving dinner. No.. the whole family! And I managed to finish cleaning by 9:30 pm. I've got a really messy room!

I kinda spaced out, thinking about Thanksgiving and what it might be like for the Armstrongs to have dinner with my family.
Pfft. Billie and my stepdad were watching football. My mom and Adrienne were talking about stuff.. and then Joey, Jakob, and I were playing Rock Band 2 on the Wii that i'm getting.. for Christmas... this year... o.o;;
Spoonful of Jimmy
King For A Couple Of Days
Spoonful of Jimmy
Age: 27
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Posts: 2581
November 29th, 2009 at 03:50pm
Dude, monday night i had the best dream in my life.

Okay, so i *found* a time machine. i went back to 1985. For some reason i was in Rodeo, and not in Florida.... somehow, i enrolled in the middle school that billie went to. I became best friends with him and mike. and then so i ended up being in the band that we all know and love as green day. it was a little confusing, actually o.O
Age: 27
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Posts: 1064
November 29th, 2009 at 04:26pm
Viva La Whatsername:
Dude, monday night i had the best dream in my life.

Okay, so i *found* a time machine. i went back to 1985. For some reason i was in Rodeo, and not in Florida.... somehow, i enrolled in the middle school that billie went to. I became best friends with him and mike. and then so i ended up being in the band that we all know and love as green day. it was a little confusing, actually o.O

That is an amazing dream. I wish I could really do that in real life. Dance
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 3
November 29th, 2009 at 05:56pm
man, I have green day dreams every week...
and the week before the concert in copenhagen , I dreamt like... every night, about how billie would get my backstage and I would become his best friend and shit.
After most of my dreams I wake up crying and screaming, 'cause I just know it's never gonna happen, you know ? and I really really really want it to !!!!!!!<3
When I'm bored, I just pretend that Billie comes by, and that we're old friend.
I can sit and "talk to him" for hours !
My dreams are not that special.... I remember one time... I dreamt that I was in the bus on my way to school. Suddenly Billie is sitting next to me, asking me a lot of questions about myself, and we end up being best friends(like always!)
I woke up crying :ć
Spoonful of Jimmy
King For A Couple Of Days
Spoonful of Jimmy
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 2581
November 29th, 2009 at 06:03pm
Viva La Whatsername:
Dude, monday night i had the best dream in my life.

Okay, so i *found* a time machine. i went back to 1985. For some reason i was in Rodeo, and not in Florida.... somehow, i enrolled in the middle school that billie went to. I became best friends with him and mike. and then so i ended up being in the band that we all know and love as green day. it was a little confusing, actually o.O

That is an amazing dream. I wish I could really do that in real life. Dance

If that had really happened, Billie wouldn't be the lead singer, I would Dance
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 1064
November 30th, 2009 at 12:09am
I never have any green day dreams. I want to have one really bad. but *sigh* I can't make myself dream about them I've tried. I make myself think about them b4 I got to sleep&all this stuff. I do pathetic things to try and make myself dream of them, but it just becomes a fail. ):
Spoonful of Jimmy
King For A Couple Of Days
Spoonful of Jimmy
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 2581
December 1st, 2009 at 06:02pm
I never have any green day dreams. I want to have one really bad. but *sigh* I can't make myself dream about them I've tried. I make myself think about them b4 I got to sleep&all this stuff. I do pathetic things to try and make myself dream of them, but it just becomes a fail. ):

when i had my time machine dream, it was the last thing i had thought about before sleeping, then I fell asleep listening to 1,000 hours x]
finger fucker XD
finger fucker XD
Age: 29
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Posts: 322
December 3rd, 2009 at 12:59pm
I had a dream that me and my friends Marie and raena went to a green day concert and raena was dissing Billie after the concert and me and Marie were like shut the fuck up , then Billie came and beat the shit outta raena then took me and marie back to his hotel Lick
then i woke up before anything happend
Age: 30
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Posts: 122
December 26th, 2009 at 03:56pm
I have pretty often...
BJ where in my school, and everybody took pictures of him. And when I tried to take a pic, then BJ made a funny face and before I took the pic, he turned his face away and he did it every time I tried to take a picture. And I started to cry and soon after that BJ come's and hugs me. His hug was very warm and he whisper's something in my ear, that I cant remember..

And a nother dream too, but I can't remember it Sad But it was cute too ^^

Sorry my english sucks..