Billie Joe Dreams

Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 1561
December 27th, 2007 at 12:59am
this is really weird, but funny.

I had a dream that Green Day was doing this, christmas-like show thing, (mind you i had this dream in September), and they were choosing one person to be in the show thing with them, and they picked me. Anyway, my part was to stay inside this little house type thing, and open the door for them to come in and quick shut it. The only thing inside of the house was a bed, one window, and a door, so it was kinda freaky.

This is where the weird/funny part comes. Well, I'm standing there looking out the window thinking 'Where the hell are those guys', when I see Tre running towards the house, being chased by a mob of angry Santa Clauses. ya, you heard me right, ANGRY SANTA CLAUSES. lol. He started yelling at me to open the door, so I did. Quickly he ran in the room, and I shut it as fast as he got in there. He got down and rolled under the bed. I bent over and looked under. "Tre, what are you doing?" I asked him. "GET THE FUCK UNDER HERE!" he whisper-yelled, (does that make sense?), and pulled me under. "Hey! What's the big idea!" I said. "Look." and he pointed out the window. We could see the Santas but they couldn't see us, and they cupped their hands and looked around for us, but couldn't see us, so they left. "whew! that was a close one!" Tre said. at this point, i was laughing my ass off. A grown man running away from a huge frickin mob of Santa Clauses, lol. Then we sat there and talked for awhile, and every couple of minutes i would get out and look for Mike. it took quite a bit, but finally i saw him coming. He, unlike Tre, was being chased by a lot of snowmen. I was amazed, considering that snowmen can't move, but apparently anything can happen in dreams lol. So when he got close enough, I opened the door for him, and as soon as i did he dove under the bed. yet again, i was yanked under the bed as the snowmen peered through the window.

We talked for a long time until Mike finally said "What's taking Billie so long?" to which Tre replied: "yeah, isn't he supposed to be here already?" Just then we heard a pounding at the door, and "WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS!!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING FOR ME!!!!!" I got up as fast as I could and let Billie in. When I let him in, i quick looked out the window, and apparently Billie had been chased by reindeer. "my god!" he said, "any later and those reindeer would have made me into a fuckin shish-kabob!" (spelling?)

then my mom woke me up for school.
I was pissed Mad
Post Whore
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Mibba Blog
December 30th, 2007 at 04:25am
I dreamt that Billie Joe was in my room and that he and I were cuddling. My head was in his lap, and he was stroking my hair. Then we began to have a serious make-out session. Just as things really began to heat up, I woke up! Sad
The Brightside.
The Brightside.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
January 5th, 2008 at 09:43pm
I dreamt one time that I was riding my bike along the bike track near my old house and Billie was there and he confessed that he was gay and then he gave me a red tie. Neutral
Disappearing Girl27
Disappearing Girl27
Age: 30
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Posts: 1091
January 30th, 2008 at 11:13am
i had one last night and one a few days ago..

the one i had last night i was in a car with billie joe, tre cool, and 80 and they stoped at my house and we watched some movie...and my mom came home and everyone sneeked out the basment(very loudly) was wierd.

and another i had was i was at my grandmas and billie and 80 droped there kids off becuase they had to go on to some tv show...=/
Age: 31
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Posts: 994

February 3rd, 2008 at 10:44pm
i had this dream where i was 80 and i was cheating on billie with tre. i have some damned weird dreams, eh?
Age: 30
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Posts: 3013
February 4th, 2008 at 11:53am
I Am Sheena:
i had this dream where i was 80 and i was cheating on billie with tre. i have some damned weird dreams, eh?
Ewww. Shocked Tre is one nasty little booger. I'd never sleep with him over Billie. xD

Then again, 'twas just a dream. Smiley
i worship billie joe
Falling In Love With The Board
i worship billie joe
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 5509
February 4th, 2008 at 07:53pm
i dearmed that my death wish was that i could meet bj and a wk. later someone knockd on my door and i opened it i ran cuz i was happy. he chased me.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 994

February 4th, 2008 at 09:01pm
another dream was i was talking with billie and mike and they told mey they were brothers.
Age: 33
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Posts: 777
February 10th, 2008 at 09:01pm
The other night I dreamed he died. It was seriously the worst dream I think I have ever had. Crying or Very sad
I woke up so depressed and I immediately said, "Thank God, it was just a dream". It sucked so bad. Sad
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 994

February 11th, 2008 at 05:24pm
ive had those and then someone akmost beat me up so i was on the verge on crying.... i'm so emo
Age: 30
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Posts: 1561
February 11th, 2008 at 05:35pm
I had a dream that i accidentally somehow got Billie's Instant Message screen name, and we stayed up really late instant messaging eachother.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 994

February 11th, 2008 at 08:47pm
mostly i have billie slash dreams
Bloody eyed darkness
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Bloody eyed darkness
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 20

February 14th, 2008 at 08:18pm
I've Had 2:

First One: (To Warn You I Was A Teenie Then) K, So Me And BJ Where Getting Married And Then Jacob Came Running Up And Yelled Very Loudly, "Get Away From My Father! He Doesn't Love You! He Loves Tre!" So Tre Came Running Up And Took Off My Dress Put It On. And I Magically Had New Clothes On. So Tre And BJ Got Married Instead.

Second: Billie Was Trying To Molest My Shoes And Was Stealing My Shampoo.

those are awsome dreams!
Bloody eyed darkness
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Bloody eyed darkness
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 20

February 14th, 2008 at 08:25pm
i had a dream that i was at a concert, and after green day played, i went back stage to talk to them, me an like five other friends went back and slept with them. ive had it many times Faith Shifty i don't know why, Laughing its really odd i have weird dreams Laughing
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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Posts: 5734

Mibba Blog
February 15th, 2008 at 10:45am
ok, I know this isnt exactly a dream but it was very weird and I didnt know where else to put it

But anyway, well last night I had my blind completly shut, and I have those black out ones that don't let in any light at all except last night a little slither managed to make its way through but the only place it light up was one on my GD posters and it made it look as though Billie Joe had a halo above his head!!!!!

I swear the only bit of light in my room was right above his head, the angel that he is, lol!!!
Joel McHale.
King For A Couple Of Days
Joel McHale.
Age: 30
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Posts: 3974

February 17th, 2008 at 11:52am
Elegant Rubble:
ok, I know this isnt exactly a dream but it was very weird and I didnt know where else to put it

But anyway, well last night I had my blind completly shut, and I have those black out ones that don't let in any light at all except last night a little slither managed to make its way through but the only place it light up was one on my GD posters and it made it look as though Billie Joe had a halo above his head!!!!!

I swear the only bit of light in my room was right above his head, the angel that he is, lol!!!
FAther Billie lol
i worship billie joe
Falling In Love With The Board
i worship billie joe
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 5509
February 18th, 2008 at 02:29pm
^ lol
Board Parasite
Age: 35
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Posts: 38824
February 19th, 2008 at 09:35pm
Uuuuh huh!

Anyways. Last night I has the most brilliant and awesomest dream ever. (I am only really writing this for Erin, because she was in it)

So me and Erin got to go a PHGP show, butit was totally by accident. We were in cali (mourns) and we stumble into a bar, We walk in and there is a commotion at the back, we can't get through because people were blocking out way, so we go to this balcony bit and when we get there we see a stage and PHGP setting up. Billie Joe gets all set up and he is talking to people as there wasn't a massive crowd only like 50-60.

So they start playing a bunch of songs and I drop some money over the balcony and for some reason it really upsets me. So after finishing the song they were playing (song of my returning). Billie Joe calls over to me and asks me if I am ok, but I am crying a little so Erin explains. He goes to the back of the stage and starts to go through his jacket. He comes back with money and says I could have it and that me and Erin could each pic a song for them to play. But he can't really reach me properly because I am a little high up, so he stands on a chair. When he clambers back down I turn to Erin and squee "OMG he had to stand on a chair OMGyes"

So we both went for the obvious PHGP song choices (and if you know us then you will know what we chose). When the show is over we go over to speak to him. I wanted to thank him for what he did. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turns 'round, grins and gives us both a hug. He starts telling us that he had been waiting for us to come and that he thought we would never get there. I was going to ask him what he meant but I was woke up by Bethany shouting "LAURA CAN I HAVE YOUR MANICURE SET?"

Sodding Half Term Finger
St. Dude
St. Dude
Age: 31
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Posts: 60057
February 20th, 2008 at 12:14am
on several occasions, i dreamed that i was in a large store and i ran over to the music place and i picked up Billie's guitar. the guitar looked like:


yeah its only a short dream
So Damn Bored
Falling In Love With The Board
So Damn Bored
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February 20th, 2008 at 07:21am
I woke up this morning crying in bed
I had this terrifying dream.... Found BJ dead.... Sad

Lying on stage... dead.. with blood coming out from his neck and his eyes open (that was the most shocking thing.)

The crowd started to scream and cry. I could actually see their faces. Desolation faces everyone thought he was DEAD.
Mike noticed something was wrong. threw away his bass and tried to wake up Billie.... He opened his eyes but he was a little confused by the situation. A doctor came and asked him what his name was just to be sure everything was ok. (beside the bleeding thing...) When Billie said his name I woke up then I ran away to the bathroom and my mum bumped into me. She saw me crying and asked what happened. I said that I had a nightmare.. She said "Let me guess.... Billie Joe died in your dreams" , I was like Shocked and said yes......

......It really freaked me out...

............I´m a bit paranoid Aleckz and WORRIED.....