Billie Joe Dreams

Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 122
December 26th, 2009 at 04:06pm
Oh ya, and. One dream that I remember..
I where on a GD concert and I stood in front of Billie Joe and he looks at me and sings; Dearly Beloved <3 aww. And I sing it back to him, of course.. And then suddenly BJ jumps in to the croud. He tries to come through everybody to me. Then he stands in front of me. And stands beside me and gives the mic to me and I sing the Dearly Beloved and, Billie Joe sings it too. And after the 'song' he hugs me..
And that's it, before I woke up... ;( I so wanted to see that dream.

And sorry, again, my english sucks..
Post Whore
Age: 28
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Posts: 24017
December 27th, 2009 at 09:30am
I've had 3 dreams about BJ :
1. I was BJ's girlfriend and suddenly,when we walked down to the park,somebody came and slapped me in the face. It was Tré. BJ starts to scream and slap Tré in the face when Mike comes and kiss me. Then Tré and BJ dissappeared and Mike went home or something. Suddenly Billie Joe kissed me and I woke up.
2. Tré and I was apparently together so on our wedding BJ comes through the door and screams "Don't marry Tré,I love you!!!!" and then Tré got angry at BJ and they started fighting over me "She loves me,go home Billie Joe!" "No she loves me!!!!! GO AWAY!" and I woke up.
3. I was on a GD concert and suddenly Tré jumps off the stage and the first I see is that BJ has a gun and he shot Tré. I started scream and shout at BJ and try to save Tré. Then BJ shoot Mike and he was aiming at me,but the suddenly Tré woke up and kissed me,then BJ dissappeared. Tré and I got married,and then apparently I was together with BJ again.
Post Whore
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 24017
December 27th, 2009 at 09:37am
I never have any green day dreams. I want to have one really bad. but *sigh* I can't make myself dream about them I've tried. I make myself think about them b4 I got to sleep&all this stuff. I do pathetic things to try and make myself dream of them, but it just becomes a fail. ):

Try to eat cheese,then you might dream about Tré at least. Wink
Post Whore
Age: 28
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Posts: 24017
December 27th, 2009 at 10:15am
I had a new dream a couple of days ago,that I can remember now! Very Happy

Alright,so Billie and I was on a concert,Tokio Hotel I think,and then all the sudden a helicopter came and somebody said "Kill Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day!!!!! He MUST die!!! Kill all of them!!" And we were running and running while people was shooting at us. We managed to hide in a closet in Tré's house. I started crying and Billie hugged me and said "Everything is going to be alright,it's just some stalkers." I got pissed on him cause that couldn't be stalkers,they're trying to kill us! So I just "STALKERS?!? I don't think so! Billie,they're trying to kill us! And we have to save Mike and Tré!" So we was looking for them,and I found Tré. "Tré,Tré!! Come on,we have to go!!! Some people are trying to kill us,and we have to get Mike!!!" I shouted. Then somebody shot Tré. Sad I shouted after Billie,but when I looked back,he was also dead! Sad
Then I just "No,no not Billie!!! You bastards!" henched over Billie's dead body.

I woke up crying. I don't know what happened to Mike,but I hope he was OK. Shocked
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 1064
December 27th, 2009 at 10:51am
wow that's a horrible dreammm!
Post Whore
Age: 28
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Posts: 24017
December 27th, 2009 at 12:35pm
I know,I was really like "braindead" cause of that dream in like a week. Shocked

Hope I'll never ever have such a dream like that again! Pray
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 122
December 28th, 2009 at 09:46am
I had a new dream a couple of days ago,that I can remember now! Very Happy

Alright,so Billie and I was on a concert,Tokio Hotel I think,and then all the sudden a helicopter came and somebody said "Kill Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day!!!!! He MUST die!!! Kill all of them!!" And we were running and running while people was shooting at us. We managed to hide in a closet in Tré's house. I started crying and Billie hugged me and said "Everything is going to be alright,it's just some stalkers." I got pissed on him cause that couldn't be stalkers,they're trying to kill us! So I just "STALKERS?!? I don't think so! Billie,they're trying to kill us! And we have to save Mike and Tré!" So we was looking for them,and I found Tré. "Tré,Tré!! Come on,we have to go!!! Some people are trying to kill us,and we have to get Mike!!!" I shouted. Then somebody shot Tré. Sad I shouted after Billie,but when I looked back,he was also dead! Sad
Then I just "No,no not Billie!!! You bastards!" henched over Billie's dead body.

I woke up crying. I don't know what happened to Mike,but I hope he was OK. Shocked

OMG! That's like in a horror movie! Shocked Anyway, that was not funny..
Post Whore
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 24017
December 28th, 2009 at 09:51am
I had a new dream a couple of days ago,that I can remember now! Very Happy

Alright,so Billie and I was on a concert,Tokio Hotel I think,and then all the sudden a helicopter came and somebody said "Kill Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day!!!!! He MUST die!!! Kill all of them!!" And we were running and running while people was shooting at us. We managed to hide in a closet in Tré's house. I started crying and Billie hugged me and said "Everything is going to be alright,it's just some stalkers." I got pissed on him cause that couldn't be stalkers,they're trying to kill us! So I just "STALKERS?!? I don't think so! Billie,they're trying to kill us! And we have to save Mike and Tré!" So we was looking for them,and I found Tré. "Tré,Tré!! Come on,we have to go!!! Some people are trying to kill us,and we have to get Mike!!!" I shouted. Then somebody shot Tré. Sad I shouted after Billie,but when I looked back,he was also dead! Sad
Then I just "No,no not Billie!!! You bastards!" henched over Billie's dead body.

I woke up crying. I don't know what happened to Mike,but I hope he was OK. Shocked

OMG! That's like in a horror movie! Shocked Anyway, that was not funny..

No,no,no,no... I kept repeating that when I woke up,and I'll always protect my only GD poster if something is gonna happen! Shocked
And my CD.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 32
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Posts: 87
January 23rd, 2010 at 04:51am
okey that my dreams in my every night

first....i god a cool job at Adeline Records

and thenBillie Joe he meet me n say "Hi" to me

and he walk away haha

next day he's very hungry but everyone has busy becuase tomorrow has a big concert of them haha

i must to be his cooker i do Pad-Thai for him and then he very like it ! He say thats " awnsome how can u do that and he aks me to cooking 4 him agian haha

and he need me to cooks 4 him in every day >< waaaaa he happy untill someday he has a call from his wife she say " I have someone....for along time" "we're done"

he so sad cry he want me to sleep with him (just sleepppppyyy) he hugs me haha but i do not hug him ^^" and we go to travel shopping dinning together untill the next years leter Billie Joe aks me to be his girlfriend haha and 3 years later he mariied with me haaaaaaaaaaa the endddd
Age: 31
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Posts: 1065
February 2nd, 2010 at 11:27am
ok so i was in this room with Joey Armstrong. it was supposedly his room but it was like all pink and girly and we were hanging out and having fun and then his dad Billie joe arrives and is in the living room and he's like standing around this light game thing that is like one of those dome things at Chuck E Cheese. and he's signing something i go up to him and ask how the tour went and he says "good, it had alot of good footlifts" and im like "wtf are footlifts?" and he says "good air for kite flying" so him and joey go fly kites and im left alone cuz i dont have a kite. the next day i saw pic of billie and joey surfing together and i looked up what footlifts were and they are like terms for how high u get while kite surfing. so it's like all connected. KITE SURFING. in my dream they were flying kites and in real life they were surfing! wow lol
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
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Posts: 2299
February 2nd, 2010 at 02:42pm
Well I was stood at the back of the school hall in the dark bit by myself for some school bandnight thing when all of a sudden i hear this whispering in my ear. I turn around and its Billie Joe going ''Why are you here? These guys suck'' Im about to scream when he puts his hand over my mouth and says ''shhh, nobody knows im here, come with me...'' So suddenly then we somehow are at wembley stadium in London and Billies saying ''come with me'' as in, onto the stage. So im properly screaming at this point! Then they played East Jesus Nowhere and i got saved, just as billie pushes me over i wake up....
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 2299
February 2nd, 2010 at 02:42pm
Well I was stood at the back of the school hall in the dark bit by myself for some school bandnight thing when all of a sudden i hear this whispering in my ear. I turn around and its Billie Joe going ''Why are you here? These guys suck'' Im about to scream when he puts his hand over my mouth and says ''shhh, nobody knows im here, come with me...'' So suddenly then we somehow are at wembley stadium in London and Billies saying ''come with me'' as in, onto the stage. So im properly screaming at this point! Then they played East Jesus Nowhere and i got saved, just as billie pushes me over i wake up....
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 122
April 11th, 2010 at 11:28am
How can i be sad and happy at the same time...?

But omg, last night, I had the best dream ever <3
So, I were on a Green Day gig and well BJ sings Jesus of Suburbia. Then, after the song Tré jumps of the stage (it was like about 2-3 meters between the crowd and stage) and shout's something and everyone (maby 10 guys) starts to run at the stage, yelling and squeeze their way to get closer to the stage, where Tré stands whit his hands in the air. Billie Joe shouts something too, and Mike smiles. I made my way to the stage and I reach my arms to Tré and he pulls me up there. I'm like freaking out!
Then BJ comes and I start to cry, and scream. I'm like happy, ya know. The BJ ask's my name and I answer at the same time when I'm holding BJ around my arms. "My name is Rosa. Can you say it right?" And I smile while tears flushes down on my cheeks. I'm happy. Billie takes a marker pen, a pink one, and signs my tee. And my belly. He also draws a little character on my hand and kisses my cheek.
When the gig is over, I'm full of autographs of Mike, Tré, BJ and Jason F. Everyone suddenly disappears (of the crowd) and Billie asks if I could come to their tour buss. And there we go hand in hand whit Billie to the buss, where Tré and Mike already waits on us. Then they offer me a coke, while they take some alcohol or something..(i dunno what it was..) Then whe just hang out and Tré did teach me how to play the drums. And we sing and just have a good time. And Billie Joe hugd me many times (not cause he wad srunk or something!), it was like just like magic. <3

My dream ends when Tré, Mike, Billie and me are playing some board game and Tré wins. And then he knocks me over, of course it didn't hurt. <3

I love that dream, ya may not get it but if someone had the very same dream you would understand.

And soooory my english sucks :O Coffee
Age: 30
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Posts: 122
April 11th, 2010 at 11:40am
And a couple days ago. I had a scary dream.

It was playing all the time the very beginning of wake me up when september ends. Something happedes to Billie Joe and he was badly hurt. And Mike too. Tré wasn't in this dream. Ummh, so they where bloody and looked like they really needed help. And suddenly a bomb explodes behind them and that was the end.

It was really creepy, when wake me up when september ends was playing in the background, but just the very beginning not any singing just the guitar playing. ;(
Mr. Freese
Mr. Freese
Age: 30
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Posts: 351
April 15th, 2010 at 10:15am
I had a bad dream that Mike and Tre died in larva and that me and Billie Joe had to look after this random baby. Could of been Brixton.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 27
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Posts: 7651
April 17th, 2010 at 06:09pm
I had a dream that I was in some kind of stadium thing with one of my friends, and then she gave me a camera, and I went onstage before the concert and I got a picture with Billie Joe. It was fun times.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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Posts: 5734

Mibba Blog
June 8th, 2010 at 04:48am
I dreamt that he was at a Frankie Boyle concert(is that what you call it for stand-up comedians?). It was really odd, he was sitting at a table with McFly, can give no explanation for that one, and Frankie Boyle started making fun of them then came over. He had no idea who Billie Joe was but for some reason they hugged.

That was really odd, I don't think Frankie Boyle is the hugging sort of guy haha
King For A Couple Of Days
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June 8th, 2010 at 08:50pm
I posted this somewhere else, but I was in some kind of candy land & Billie Joe was swimming in a Kool-Aid pool or was CLEAR Kool-Aid and he wasn't wearing ANY-THING.....*nods* Where do you think I'm going with this????
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: -
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Posts: 3336

June 8th, 2010 at 08:53pm
[quote="Tre Hugger"]
I never have any green day dreams. I want to have one really bad. but *sigh* I can't make myself dream about them I've tried. I make myself think about them b4 I got to sleep&all this stuff. I do pathetic things to try and make myself dream of them, but it just becomes a fail. ):

ok this ocasionally works...;listen to A LOT of GD music, THEN try and fall asleep to the music listening to it the 2nd or 3rd time.
Post Whore
Age: 28
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Posts: 24017
June 11th, 2010 at 06:48pm
Ok ok sooo...

Billie died.

Shocked *cries*