
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
June 16th, 2010 at 07:15pm
iViva La Hannah!:
This sounds more or less ignorant but I don't understand the thinking behind "If I eat this, I'll be harming animals". You didn't harm the animal; you didn't kill it and no one can hold you responsible for the death of it, you know?

well, you're harming it by proxy because your demand for meat necessitated the need to supply it which means the animal had to be killed. yes you didn't kill it with your own hands but the ethic behind vegetarianism says that by supporting the meat industry economically you're allowing it to continue which in turn means you're harming animals because the meat industry is widely considered to treat animals unethically before it kills them. plus i don't think it would be fair to only condemn the few people who work at slaughterhouses and who kill animals for a living and say it's all their fault when there's a whole industry and millions of consumers behind it. everyone who participates in it is ultimately responsible.
Board Parasite
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June 16th, 2010 at 07:35pm
^iawtc. Plus, whether you're directly responsible or not, in a vegetarian's mind you are still eating a dead animal's carcass and that animal has not died a natural death, or lived a natural life and that's your fault for buying meat in the first place.
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June 17th, 2010 at 07:32pm
i tried this vegetarian thing before. It didn't last to long when my mam slapped a burger on my dinner plate.
But I do show respect to those who can cut meat from the diet. I just think it's soooo tasty!
Falling In Love With The Board
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June 18th, 2010 at 07:16pm
Matt Smith:
iViva La Hannah!:
This sounds more or less ignorant but I don't understand the thinking behind "If I eat this, I'll be harming animals". You didn't harm the animal; you didn't kill it and no one can hold you responsible for the death of it, you know?

well, you're harming it by proxy because your demand for meat necessitated the need to supply it which means the animal had to be killed. yes you didn't kill it with your own hands but the ethic behind vegetarianism says that by supporting the meat industry economically you're allowing it to continue which in turn means you're harming animals because the meat industry is widely considered to treat animals unethically before it kills them. plus i don't think it would be fair to only condemn the few people who work at slaughterhouses and who kill animals for a living and say it's all their fault when there's a whole industry and millions of consumers behind it. everyone who participates in it is ultimately responsible.

True, true.... I respect you vegetarians, but I could never be one myself.
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June 19th, 2010 at 11:20am
I do respect those who can cut meat out of their diet. It's just not something I can do. I wish I could. I know Peta will be at Warped Tour and trying to make me a vegetarian but I can't do it.
Falling In Love With The Board
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June 19th, 2010 at 05:10pm
^ Neither can I. It's too much of a major change to make for an animal that's going to die regardless of what we do. Everything dies. lol.
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June 19th, 2010 at 07:30pm
iViva La Hannah!:
Everything dies. lol.

For me it's not that it dies, it's how it dies.
If I raised my own chickens I'd totally eat them.
But the fact that they have to wash the carcasses in bleach before packaging them to get rid of the bacteria is just too much for me.
I wouldn't want to eat anything that's been stewing in its blood and feces. [/gross]
Falling In Love With The Board
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June 20th, 2010 at 10:17am
^ D: But if vegetarians really want to do something, they should work on trying to get Industrial Farming to stop. Industrial Farming is really bad.
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June 20th, 2010 at 02:15pm
iViva La Hannah!:
^ D: But if vegetarians really want to do something, they should work on trying to get Industrial Farming to stop. Industrial Farming is really bad.

People should work on stopping industrial farming, not just vegetarians.
It's just gross. It's horribly unsanitary having all these animals and their waste packed into a building. Never mind that it's immoral.
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
June 21st, 2010 at 10:24am
balanchine brain.:

For me it's not that it dies, it's how it dies.

This. Admittedly, I'm not a vegetarian, but I eat meat very infrequently because I enjoy "vegetarian" meals more. Still guilty of eating it once in a while though.
ANYWAYS, what I was gonna say is that once or twice a year, when we visit family in the townships, there are local companies there which sell "free range" meat. The cows and chickens and whatnot were raised on a family farm and had more freedom and humane treatment, even when they were killed. So I don't think this is AS BAD.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 27
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June 21st, 2010 at 10:28am
Desmond Hume:
balanchine brain.:

For me it's not that it dies, it's how it dies.

This. Admittedly, I'm not a vegetarian, but I eat meat very infrequently because I enjoy "vegetarian" meals more. Still guilty of eating it once in a while though.
ANYWAYS, what I was gonna say is that once or twice a year, when we visit family in the townships, there are local companies there which sell "free range" meat. The cows and chickens and whatnot were raised on a family farm and had more freedom and humane treatment, even when they were killed. So I don't think this is AS BAD.

Yeah -- would vegetarians eat meat if the animals were raised good, fed properly and cared for?
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June 21st, 2010 at 10:51am
iViva La Hannah!:
Yeah -- would vegetarians eat meat if the animals were raised good, fed properly and cared for?

It would depend on the individuals reason for being a vegetarian, but I should imagine the majority wouldn't.
I'm vegetarian not just because of the animals welfare, I don't like the fact that an animal has to die so I can eat (although I know someone is bound to argue it's the 'natural order' of things) but that is my personal opinion.

I've also been (pretty much) Vegan for the last two weeks, since I was staying with someone who is vegan, and tbh it was amazing and something I really want to do. But it's expensive since there's only a few shops that have a decent selection of tofu and soya (soy) items (that I know of). So it'll be one of those things to do once I have a job. Very Happy
girl almighty
girl almighty
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June 21st, 2010 at 03:00pm
i'm a vegetarian because eating meat makes me feel unclean, so how it's raised and killed doesn't impact my decision not to eat it; it's the fact that it's meat, full stop. but my dad's wife is a pescetarian because she doesn't like the treatment of animals in the meat industry, and she said that if she could raise a lamb herself and know how it had been treated, and that it had been killed humanely, she could eat it, no problem.
Age: 32
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June 27th, 2010 at 10:39am
I am an vegitarian.
I resently had to become one because i needed to eat healthy food because i have gallstones, wich im getting operated for in september so ill be able to eat whatever and drink again WOGHOOO

but yeah i am actually going to contineu being a vegitarian because once you try it its really great
you feel lighter and more healthy.
I have nothing against people who eat meat, that's just stupid.
People eat what they want to eat.
I dont miss meat at all.
I like the veggie bean-meat better because it tast more and it keeps you from getting hungry by hours and hours.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
June 27th, 2010 at 04:07pm
Buddy Holly.:
This sounds more or less ignorant but I don't understand the thinking behind "If I eat this, I'll be harming animals". You didn't harm the animal; you didn't kill it and no one can hold you responsible for the death of it, you know?
Other than the fact that your money funded all the dirty work Mr. Green
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
June 27th, 2010 at 04:09pm
Buddy Holly.:
^ Neither can I. It's too much of a major change to make for an animal that's going to die regardless of what we do. Everything dies. lol.
I'm not trying to pick on you because vegetarianism isn't for everyone, but that is terrible logic. Are you going to be a racist just because racism will exist no matter what you do, or will you be sexist just because sexism will exist no matter what you do?

"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it."
Gandi, naturally.
Board Parasite
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June 27th, 2010 at 04:38pm
Big up Mohandas Karamchand! XD
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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August 7th, 2010 at 04:54pm
I am a vegetarian, and have been since I was seven when my class went on a field trip to see how meat (ground beef) was ground and packaged, and a video of how the cow was made into beef. It was brutal, and no one should ever do that to another living thing. Would you want someone to grind you up like that?
Post Whore
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August 8th, 2010 at 01:46am
I am a vegetarian, and have been since I was seven when my class went on a field trip to see how meat (ground beef) was ground and packaged, and a video of how the cow was made into beef. It was brutal, and no one should ever do that to another living thing. Would you want someone to grind you up like that?
omgno I saw something similar to that, I cried. That didn't really turn me, actually the taste of meat did. Does it count if you only eat chicken? Cause that's like the only animal I eat...I hope. My parents haven't really understood that I won't eat meat anymore. ):
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
Age: 33
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Posts: 31134

Mibba Blog
August 8th, 2010 at 05:58am
James Paul McCartney:
omgno I saw something similar to that, I cried. That didn't really turn me, actually the taste of meat did. Does it count if you only eat chicken? Cause that's like the only animal I eat...I hope. My parents haven't really understood that I won't eat meat anymore. ):

not really. there's ~flexitarianism~ but i personally think it's a bit of a cop out and a fancy way to say someone's a picky eater. even though you say you only eat chicken, i'm guessing your dietary choices don't extend to excluding all products with traces of animal products (for example, some cheese, wine, sweets, chewing gum, sugar and even some types of camera film contain traces of animal bones/skin/fluids). so you probably are eating or using stuff with traces of meat in your everyday life, you just don't know it (which would make you not a vegetarian). if you're not, then well, chicken is still animal flesh and there are just as many concerns surrounding the treatment of poultry as there are for other animals.