
Age: 30
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May 30th, 2010 at 04:58pm
I tend to eat meat with every meal except Pasta or noodles, or things that you wouldn't necessarily have meat with. If I ask my mum what's for tea and she just tells me like a salad, I'd be like ' What's the meat? '
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 33
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May 31st, 2010 at 01:03pm
Sometimes the veggie meals just taste better Dno

It does get annoying when I buy one and everyone is immediately like; "omg are you vegetarian?!" Like non-vegetarians have to eat meat with every single meal.

I'm totally with this. I tend to go for the veggie option most of the time anyway, without anything to do with vegetarianism. I just like my vegetables!

I got a veggie paella the other day and my Mum's boyfriend's sister was really rude - "You're not one of those vegetarians, are you?"
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May 31st, 2010 at 01:44pm
I had salmon last night with a quinoa salad and a yoqurt and dill sauce and a cucumber salad type thing. It was good.
Age: 30
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May 31st, 2010 at 07:12pm
Doctor Watson:
Cheeky Bastard.:
I couldn't be a vegetarian or vegan, I mean I love animals, but I love food more :3
And I love dairy products.
But I have seen videos on how these animals are killed and the pure conditions some live in, and I don't mind them at all. Either I'm really cold hearted (I am, pretty much Neutral ) Or more likely I couldn't care less.

Says someone with little, innocent foxes as their avatar.... Confused

Also, the only reason I had a fox as my avatar is because I still love kiddie movies.. Rolling Eyes
Board Parasite
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May 31st, 2010 at 10:37pm
I had salmon last night with a quinoa salad and a yoqurt and dill sauce and a cucumber salad type thing. It was good.
What does that have to do with vegetarianism?
This Board Is My Home
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June 1st, 2010 at 11:52am
Dean Winchester:
I had salmon last night with a quinoa salad and a yoqurt and dill sauce and a cucumber salad type thing. It was good.
What does that have to do with vegetarianism?
It didn't have any meat, but there was fish.
Age: 35
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Posts: 11782

June 1st, 2010 at 12:52pm
^ Vegetarians don't eat fish either, it's still flesh from an animal.

If you don't eat meat, but you eat fish then you're technically a pescetarian.

I like words. Shifty
a rock and roll girl
a rock and roll girl
Age: 29
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June 1st, 2010 at 09:24pm
i gess u would call me a Vegetarian i do not eat or like meat of any kind i find it stupid when ppl ask well do u eat fish it is all dude i just said i dont like meat but ya it isnt cuz any real reson other then i just dont like it and i never have so i have been a Vegetarian my hole life but i dont really eat healthy like one i eat like major junk lol like when u think Vegetarian u think skinny ppl lol well i am not at all lol i am like 5 feet and like 1 inch but like 165-170 lbs so ya pretty nasty lol
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
June 3rd, 2010 at 09:06am
I don't understand this "vegetarian except for fish" business. Why would fish be excluded? I'm not a vegetarian, but it seems to me that you would not want to eat anything THAT WAS ONCE ALIVE? Kind of contradictory to say "oh but fish are OK"
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
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June 3rd, 2010 at 12:58pm
Desmond Hume:
I don't understand this "vegetarian except for fish" business. Why would fish be excluded? I'm not a vegetarian, but it seems to me that you would not want to eat anything THAT WAS ONCE ALIVE? Kind of contradictory to say "oh but fish are OK"

If you still eat fish then you are a fake vegetarian Pescetarian.
But I haven't heard of a vegetable called 'fish', have you?? Wink.
Age: 35
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Posts: 11782

June 3rd, 2010 at 01:33pm
Sherlock Holmes:
Desmond Hume:
I don't understand this "vegetarian except for fish" business. Why would fish be excluded? I'm not a vegetarian, but it seems to me that you would not want to eat anything THAT WAS ONCE ALIVE? Kind of contradictory to say "oh but fish are OK"

If you still eat fish then you are a fake vegetarian Pescetarian.
But I haven't heard of a vegetable called 'fish', have you?? Wink.

Matt Smith
Matt Smith
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Mibba Blog
June 3rd, 2010 at 02:29pm
Desmond Hume:
I'm not a vegetarian, but it seems to me that you would not want to eat anything THAT WAS ONCE ALIVE?

vegetarians eat stuff that used to be alive all the time. plants are still living organisms, there's just no ethical issue over harvesting and then eating them. it's a misconception that vegetarians don't eat anything that has ever been alive. unless people don't believe plants were ever alive. which seems strange to me. then again, personal opinion - i believe plants are living organisms.

i think the only people who really fit that bill are strict fruitarians (who only eat that which can be harvested without killing the plant it came from - so fallen fruits, nuts and seeds). but then again, i still think of it as living.

this isn't me having a go at everyone who eats vegetables, btw. obviously i think vegetables are great and there's no issue in eating them. i just think they were/are alive because they are/were living organisms and so saying 'vegetarians never eat anything that's been alive' is not strictly accurate.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Age: 31
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June 3rd, 2010 at 03:24pm
Sherlock Holmes:
Desmond Hume:
I don't understand this "vegetarian except for fish" business. Why would fish be excluded? I'm not a vegetarian, but it seems to me that you would not want to eat anything THAT WAS ONCE ALIVE? Kind of contradictory to say "oh but fish are OK"

If you still eat fish then you are a fake vegetarian Pescetarian.
But I haven't heard of a vegetable called 'fish', have you?? Wink.


That is the biggest 'owned' the I have ever been delivered.
I will now sit down.
Age: 30
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Posts: 132
June 3rd, 2010 at 03:27pm
^ tehe
Age: 35
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June 3rd, 2010 at 03:59pm
Matt Smith:
vegetarians eat stuff that used to be alive all the time. plants are still living organisms, there's just no ethical issue over harvesting and then eating them.

Getting back to being serious. (Sorry Sherlock tehe)

This is actually a really interesting point that I hadn't considered before.
Age: 32
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Posts: 10418

Mibba Blog
June 3rd, 2010 at 05:48pm


LOL. omg. day is made.

Matt Smith:

vegetarians eat stuff that used to be alive all the time. plants are still living organisms, there's just no ethical issue over harvesting and then eating them. it's a misconception that vegetarians don't eat anything that has ever been alive. unless people don't believe plants were ever alive. which seems strange to me. then again, personal opinion - i believe plants are living organisms.

i think the only people who really fit that bill are strict fruitarians (who only eat that which can be harvested without killing the plant it came from - so fallen fruits, nuts and seeds). but then again, i still think of it as living.

this isn't me having a go at everyone who eats vegetables, btw. obviously i think vegetables are great and there's no issue in eating them. i just think they were/are alive because they are/were living organisms and so saying 'vegetarians never eat anything that's been alive' is not strictly accurate.

Biologically that's 100% true, I do consider plants as living, I guess I just didn't think of that in the same context.

I'll rephrase as living to... thinking? I mean I know fish don't think all that much but they have a brain xD

I've actually never heard of a "fruitarian" before, I hadn't considered that either.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Age: 31
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Posts: 10375
June 4th, 2010 at 10:50am
Is it weird that I don't think about being a vegetarian now, it's strange, I just think it's the norm, I just assume most people know this. I went out for a Chinese (worst meal ever, no veggie options), and a few of my friends didn't even realise that I didn't eat meat.
My Mum also doesn't cook for me like fullstop any more, I normally did it myself anyway but she said that I'm so picky that she 'can't be fucked' any more. She still cooks for my 21 year old Brother though Grr
Age: 102
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June 16th, 2010 at 11:03am
My parents still don't know and I'm going on two months. D:
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 27
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June 16th, 2010 at 06:43pm
This sounds more or less ignorant but I don't understand the thinking behind "If I eat this, I'll be harming animals". You didn't harm the animal; you didn't kill it and no one can hold you responsible for the death of it, you know?
Age: 31
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June 16th, 2010 at 07:14pm
lol it's gonna die either way so