Ana/Mia websites
Author | Message |
Magazine Sickness. Geek ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 443 ![]() ![]() | Personally, I like guys that could actually protect me if I was in a fight with someone. &I bet that if those guys lived with an anorexic they would hate it. Plus.. honestly wouldn't it be rather uncomfortable to fuck a bag of bones? o.o |
Nellie Lovett. Geek ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 280 ![]() | Chandramukhi.: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() woah. very skinny, boney women have no boobs and ass. I just guess those guys Mom's didn't raise them properly. |
anti-christ of suburbia Idiot ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 986 ![]() | from a young age society teaches us that skinny is beautiful, so we try and be like that. its a mental thing. the drive to be 'beautiful' and the peer pressure to conform to the current idea of beauty drives people to the extremes. |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | anti-christ of suburbia:Actually, it depends on which 'society' you're from. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | I have some comics here that are extremely relevant. They're Luann, which happens to be my favorite comic ever. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Society is changin'... |
Magazine Sickness. Geek ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 443 ![]() ![]() | anti-christ of suburbia: true, very true. |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | SAINTâ„¢:Some tribes in Africa, women strive to be fattest. But it's the same idea, pressure. |
Nellie Lovett. Geek ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 280 ![]() | pressure is the real killer. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | But that's the thing, these girls don't feel like they're under pressure. They think they're doing something right and healthy. They know that they have a disease, but they think it's a good thing. I found a post from someone saying "Okay, as long as you're not joinging to tell us we're doing something wrong, that's fine." See? |
*muffin_girl* Jackass ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 1066 | I dont see how killing yourself is doing any good... and IT IS killing yourself i watched a facinating program on BBC3 called child annorexics or something like that... and i recognised of of my friends from ages ago on there and was relieved to see that she ended up doing really well and i hated it that she was told off for eating pasta 2 days in a row even though it had completely differnt dressings and stuff when at least she was eating! i think treatment needs a balenced mixuture of harsh realities *in some cases more than others* as in you WILL die. no doubt about it if you continue. and gentle encoragement cos i knew one of the girls personally and i knew she had the power to get over it she just had to want to.... switch her mind to controlling her diet in good ways not starving herself... and i would have been devastated if she'd died from it cos she's an amazing person... right now ive been getting skinnier and i actually dont like it.. my allready thin arms are getting like sticks and i hate it ... i dont wanna b fat but i dont wanna b thin at the same time.. its such a fine balance and it needs to b sorted rationally not in some sick twisted competitions of who can die of starvation first... i just read on one of the sites that someone was offline "for a bit" and everyone was wishing her well... yet nobody seemed to get that she is dying! and they all are... i mean we are all dying realy but so slowly its not really a big deal at all but an average human can live only 3 days without food or something and not eating will kill you.... personally i'd rather b a little bit overweight than dead. |
Iam2fly4u Geek ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 102 | Nicky and Cambria. Haha.: It's pretty horrible. I mean everyone's beautiful right? Whether it's inside or out or both. I know I'm not at the best weight right now, but I really don't care. Of course if I weighed 100 pounds overweight, then I'd care. I'm not even going to search. Who knows? I could get addicted to it. |
do_da_da Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 31 | These websites are just scary. I recently lost a bit of weight and my parents are freaking out. The doctor said the amount I lost was disturbing, which oh yah, that so makes me feel better. And than my parents basicly accused me of being anorexic. Yah, that really made me feel great. My BMI is fine and I haven't gone on any bizare diets so I don't really see whats wrong. |
Funky Platypus Idiot ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 570 ![]() | Goes to show you just how much outer image is valued in modern culture. I mean, who cares if girls (and some guys) are puking their meals out every day or starving themselves? As long as we meet society's expectations, then who cares about our means of gaining that "Ultimate Body"? And it varies, country to country, but as some other people said, it's the idea of how influential peer pressure can be. Because people can be cruel. I mean, people who aren't so attractive are treated differently compared to those who are. And many people are teased of it, I find that pretty sad. So it's no wonder that so many people are reducing to eating disorders to find a way to better themselves, because all they want is acceptance. Sometimes, I get like that too. I'm really worried about my apperance because I used to be teased a lot back in elementary school. It continued in sixth grade, in my new middle school, because I was breaking out and the person who cut my hair fucked it up, and I was in a new school with only ONE friend from my old one. My weight's 148 pounds, and even though it's muscle, as I've been told, I constantly worry about my image and constantly fret over whether people are judging me by the minute. So, in a way, I can relate to those type of people. For those who haven't been teased, it REALLY damages you in some way. I have trouble trusting people and getting to know new people now. Anorexics and bulemics... that's what happens when pressure gets to you. |
Misanthropist Post Whore ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 23279 | A really interesting book on Bulimia/Anorexia is Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia by Marya Hornbacher. She is bulimic from age 9 on, and discusses the influences around her and her state of mind at that time. It's a really intense book and is a well written account on her [eating] disorders. |
Plug In Baby. Addict ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 11334 | I think people find.. comfort in those kinds of websites. Obviously you all don't, but for people who are anorexic or bulimic, it.. I don't know. I think it makes them feel at ease a little bit. And I don't think there's anything wrong with saying "Okay, as long as you're not joining to tell us we're doing something wrong, that's fine." think of it this way, I know not all of you like Green Day anymore, but say you do, a lot. It's something you truly believe in with all your heart. And then someone comes and says "Eurgh that's wrong that's stupid, you're so stupid, go listen to better music", completly putting down your views, opinions, something you care so much about. It's basically the same thing. I even hate it when my friends goes "oh my god they're so skinny they're like anorexic". It's because she sees the word anorexic as a way to describe thin people, and it shits me right up the wall. She doesn't get it that people really suffer and it's a terrible thing o.o |
+_Pledged_+ Idiot ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 959 | the thin commandments 1.if you arent thin, you arent attractive 2.being tin is more important then being healthy must buy big clothes, cut your hair, take laxatives, starve yourself, do anything to make yourself look skinnier 4.thou shall not eat without feeling guilty 5.thou shall not eat fattening foods without punishing oneself afterwoods 6.thou shall count calories and restrict intake accordingly 7. what the scale says is the most important thing 8.losing weight is good/gaining weight is bad can never be too thin 10.being thin and not eating are signs of true will power and success ew. |
+_Pledged_+ Idiot ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 959 | Reasons not to eat 1) You will be FAT if you eat today. Just put it off one more day 2)You don't NEED food! 3)You'll look prettier! 4)Fat people can't fit everywhere 5)Guys will be able to pick you up, without struggling 6)You'll be able to run faster, since you won't have all that extra fat! 7)People will remeber you as 'that beautiful thin girl' instead of 'that ugly bag o' fat' ![]() 9)If somone had to describe you, they'd say "oh, she weighs like 100 lbs" 10)Starving is an exllent example of will power 11)People will be able to see your beautiful bones 12) If you eat, you'll look like those discusting, fat trailer trash hookers on Jerry Springer 11)Which talk show would you rather be on? "Help me! my child is Anorexic!" or "Dear God! somebody please take food away from my obese cow of a child!" 12)Bones are clean and pure. Fat is dirty, and hangs on you like a discusting parasite 13)The models that every claims are beautiful, the spitting image of perfection, are any of them fat? NO 14)Only fat people are attracted to other fat people. Do you want pigs to like you because you're one of them??? 15)You'll be underweight aka the perfect body 16)Too many people in america are obese. Be independent! 17)People who eat are selfish and unrealistic 1 ![]() 19)Is food more important that happiness in life? i think not! 20)Anyone can have 'inner beauty' but few can earn real beauty inside as well as out 21)Only thin people are graceful 22)Eating is conforming to everyone elses expectations 23)Food is mean and sneaky. It tricks you into eating it and it works on you form the inside out, making you FAT, UGLY, BLOATED, and UNHAPPY! 24)If you slap a fat person, you can see shockwave ripples over their skin. Thats just nasty! 25)Do you want people to say "For the love of god! Get off me! You're crushing me! I can't Breathe!" or "Wow! You're so light" 26)Thin people look good in all clothes 27)Fat people die earlier 2 ![]() 29)Do you want to walk in the snow, and leave no footprints, or leave gigantic foot holes, small children can fall into and not get out? 30)Ana sounds so much nicer that fatso 31)'Starving Anorexic Girl' or 'Ugly mingling FAT girl'? 32)Starve off the parts you don't need. They're ugly and drag you down. 33)Nothing can't be fixed with hunger and weight loss 34)3 syllables Cell-U-Lite! 35)2 syllables Stretch - Marks 36)3 syllables Per-Fec-Tion 37)Saying "No thanks" to food is saying "Yes please" to thin 3 ![]() 39)Thin is in 40)Starving=Control! i like control! 41)When you're fat, its like your invisible. People pretend your not there! 42)Nothing tastes as good as thin feels! 43)When you start getting dizzy and weak, you're ALMOST there! 44)Everybody else will be envious 45)All the guys will want you! 46)You can become a supermodel or an actress! 47)Think as Anorexia as your secret weapon 4 ![]() 49)You won't look at pictures of models and celebs, wishing you were their size. You'll be thinner than them! 50)You will feel more confident and happy 51)You will look perfect on the outside 52)Fat is a lazy, slobby, greedy and unintellegent person. Thin is an intellegent, eager person, who is in control! 53)You'll save money on grocery bills 54)You'll have extra time that would have been wasted on food/cooking/eating/cleaning your plates 55)You'll feel more energenic! 56)You'll finally be able to wear that bikini and be proud 57)People will congradulate you on how much you've lost! 5 ![]() 59)You'll use less soap in the shower and save money 60)People won't think "what a fat cow" when they see you 61)People will stare in awe at you when your at the gym, instead of "eww, look at all her fat jiggle" 62)Skinny people get better jobs 63)Fat people don't get leads in plays 64)Starving WORKS! diets don't! 65)Do you want to be the fattest person when you walk into a store? Or do you want to be the person the fattest person in the store is looking at when they eat their donut? 66)Do you want to look like those people on the discovery channel that have morbid obesity? 67)Do you want your skin to look like its going to burst from all the fat its holding? !!!!!:@ |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | I only agree with numbers four and ten. |
Misanthropist Post Whore ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 23279 | ^ For the list thing, where did you find it? It sounded sarcastic, no offense. i've found a few sarcastic ana/mia sites where they just make fun of them. |
Magazine Sickness. Geek ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 443 ![]() ![]() | do_da_da: my parents always like to mention how overweight i am.[/spam] those thin commandments could be someone just joking but idk, where did you find them? a 'proper' ![]() |
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