
Hitchcock Starlet
Hitchcock Starlet
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 12622
December 21st, 2007 at 04:30pm
Anarchy would never work.
If everyone does whatever he wants,whenever he wants,you get riots and disorder. People would be going around stealing,fighting and killing with no consequences. The whole system would fall apart.

On the other hand,the idea of freedom is nice.

But like it or not,government is necessary.
The best you can do is go out and elect the right person to be your leader. That is,if you can vote Coolio
Micro Sheep
Falling In Love With The Board
Micro Sheep
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Posts: 7584
January 23rd, 2008 at 02:07pm
Anarchy would never work.
If everyone does whatever he wants,whenever he wants,you get riots and disorder. People would be going around stealing,fighting and killing with no consequences. The whole system would fall apart.

On the other hand,the idea of freedom is nice.

But like it or not,government is necessary.
The best you can do is go out and elect the right person to be your leader. That is,if you can vote Coolio

I kinda agree,because a society that lives in anarchy would only be working if all the people would not make abuse of the freedom they would have,but I don't think that's possible..

And besides,anarchy wasn't at first a chaotic system,as far as I know it was some form of liberalism?
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 1808

February 2nd, 2008 at 05:44am
my friend told me about this anarchist group, and he ended his story with this:
Well, if you're anarchist, why the f*** are you in a group with an obvious leader?
in short: it defeats the purpose of anarchy... in a way.

i totaly agree with Spirit of '77Very Happy
Just so it would be a mindjob, listen to this. If everyone was an anarchist, wouldn't then the politicians and government people, the feds, everyone in the business be anarchists too? They'd be free to do whatever they want. If they didn't like your face, and they had "their people", wouldn't that just scare you a teny tiny bit? And when you are that girl wanting the abortion, you're an anarchist, as everyone else is, and then, the doctor might not wanna do your bidding, cause she's anarchist, so she can just go and NOT do what she's paid to, oh wait, she doesnt have to be paid, because her boss might be greedy and not want to pay, but then again, he'd have to, otherwize the doctors would all leave. Get my point?
We all give and take and give and take. Anarchy is good, yes, healthy even, but to what degree? where is the line drawn? is there a line?

but i do think that there are WAY TOOO MANY politicians out there. There should be a law that any politician who is an utter d*psh*t could be torn down from their high offices , just cause they're no good. What point is there to overpay people who cant do their job? This reminds of so much of 17'th-18'th century France, with all the nobles just laying around, drinking expensive shampagne and not showering lmfao.

I might have gotten carried away, havent been ranting for a very long time XD