Dress codes
Author | Message |
11th Street Kid King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3645 | Magne: What the hell? That's a pathetic excuse.. |
Megan. Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 6962 | I think uniforms are very neccesary [sp]. Cause, people come to school in flashy expensive shit while the poor kids are stuck in crappy clothing, which gives the rich snobs an excuse to insult them. The schools are just trying to prevent bullying. |
Cupid Stunt Geek ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 235 | I don't like uniforms. I like to wear what I want because it reflects my personality. Wearing a uniform makes me become one of the crowd which I'm not and it makes me feels so mediocre. I like being different. I like being an individual. Fuck uniforms! |
suzie_k Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 39 Gender: Female Posts: 8288 | Megan.: Exactaly. And you dont have to pick out what your gonna wear everyday either. |
Matt Smith Admin ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 31134 ![]() ![]() | I don't mind. Yeah, so the jumpers are itchy and the ties are a bit of a crap colour, but who the hell cares?. I'm not going to do the pathetic 'rebel' thing and complain. Deal. ![]() |
TragicCaseofMyReality King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 2350 | Megan.: Just because kids have to wear uniforms is not going to stop "bullying" the rich snobby kids are going to be rich and snobby with a uniform or without one. If they really want to prevent bullying then everyone should be home schooled. If they don't deal with rich, snobby people in school, how are they going to deal with the snobby rich people at work, or in life for that matter? |
Matt Smith Admin ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 31134 ![]() ![]() | PatronSaintofDenial: It prevents bullying in many cases. You aren't going to be picked on for wearing cheap, poor quality or unfashionable clothes if everyone is wearing the same thing now, are ye?. |
TragicCaseofMyReality King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 2350 | that may be but that also doesn't mean that just because you have all the "fashionable" "good quality" clothing that you aren't going to "picked on" sure it'll help but kids are more cruel than that-they go deeper than clothing they pick on your weaknesses. For example if you are really self concious about yourr braces or your height, weight-than they attack that. I'm not saying that they won't attack you for clothing but if you don't care or act self concious about it then they will stop-because they don't get a rise out of you. |
paper shoes This Board Is My Home ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 34269 | We don't have uniforms here, you can wear what the fuckever you want. There's a rule about short skirts and not showing shoulders or belly button but no one cares about it. |
Incubus Jackass ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 1820 | I hate my school jumper, its this wool thing that looks like its going to be warm but it isn't and it rain here alot and stupid thing soaks up all the water -_-; |
Lucifers Angel King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 4751 | *Blue Star* - Scattered: yeah it shouldnt matter what colour your hair is, it wouldnt stop you learning |
Incubus Jackass ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 1820 | Magne: Its probably got nothing to do with learning at all, more likely they don't want people to think they have "those sort of kids" in their lovely school |
Lucifers Angel King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 4751 | Incubus: what does it matter kids will always die they're hair, as long has they are learniing it shoudnt matter to anyone, and i woulod rather have kids with blue hair in school than mindless zombies. |
ColleenStarship Addict ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 11991 | i think that schools shouldn't have uniforms but should have a dress code abouthte length of skirts and low cut tops , but hte color of someone hair that ridiculous |
Incubus Jackass ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 1820 | Magne: I agree with you. But people think kids with dyed hair are probably trouble makers or "big rebels" and they don't want them associated with their school in case they get a bad reputation and no one wants to send their kids there. Our principal is always on about how we have to be "Ambassadors for the school" ![]() |
Lucifers Angel King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 4751 | Incubus: you can be an anbassador (SP) for the school with pink hair, it just means that your being yourself. |
ColleenStarship Addict ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 11991 | Magne: exactly |
kfk8e Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 95 | I don't really mind if my school has a uniform (which it does), but I'm not gonna go out of my way to make sure my shirt is tucked in and my shoe heels are less than 2 inches high. Your personality should speak for you, not your clothes anyway. I dye my hair only in school holidays cause I don't wanna deal with all the shit from the teachers (my school tends to overreact about stuff), and having blue hair (and pissing off the teachers in that way) isn't gonna make such a scene as other stuff you can do... |
ROSHAMBO Geek ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 480 | We have a strict uniform code. I like the idea of uniform because you don't have to figure out what to wear every morning and you can't judge others at how they are dressed; everyone is equal. Also, it shows that you belong to the school but who cares about that. I just hate how we get detentions for wearing the wrong coloured ankle socks for Phys Ed. |
waiting_a_long_time Idiot ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 540 | At my school the uniform standards are more like military school, the boys hair has to be a certain length the girls cant dye it (but i still have my black streaks) we cant wear anything around a wrists not even an elastic band, no jewellry at all, and the boys uniform is the same ALL year, they have thick woolen pants and long sleeve shirts even in the summer, its ridiculous, obviously, the uniform is there to stop bullying and what not and make everyone equal but the uniform is so DAMN EXPENSIVE and we pay something close to 3-400 dollars for the whole thing not including PE and now they are bringing in hats which cost around 60 dollars. your not allowed to do anything to your appearance that would attract "undue attention" i could rave on about this fpr hours but i wont. our school trys to squash individuality rather than bullying |
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