Dress codes

Plug In Baby.
Plug In Baby.
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May 6th, 2006 at 10:54am
-ahem- I said, "At my school we never get bullied for our clothes" MY being the keyword. I just dont like dress codes cause it really doesnt get rid of that stuff, so they dont have solid ideas for keeping dress code [like we dont for getting rid of it]. You said you get bullied everyday cause of what you wear, Im not saying that I want you to be bullied but if you had been in a school that had uniforms [like i am] You'd wanna fight for the freedom of wearing what you want. Showing you individuality through clothes not just bracelets and shoes. They try and prevent gang violence. And it helped gang violence has gone done about 36% since last year. But it does not stop kids from getting bullied, it doesnt help prevent drug use [statistics also said it had no effect on kids using drugs], kids still get in fights, kids still have emotional problems [cutting being the main one] Do you support the school being hypocritical by saying "Our nation has freedom, but Im going to tell you what to wear." Dont say it would be cheaper. Because I know kids who own more school uniforms than they do regular clothes cause they cant afford the outside clothes.

Yeah, I go to a school with uniforms, this all happened when we went on a week long camp.

And I know you said in your school, I even acknowledged that in my post o.O

Well, I don't think that it would affect drug use.

But I still think that a dress code, at least, or uniforms are a good idea. I don't agree with getting really fussy about it, like my school does though Rolling Eyes
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
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June 1st, 2006 at 04:14pm
I go to a Catholic school and we have uniforms. The dress code is pretty flexible though. The girls get a choice of a skirt or pants. Pants can be khaki, black, navy blue, or grey. And a button up shirt that is either white or powder blue. The guys have the same choice only without the shirt. Laughing
They have to wear ties too though, but they can have pretty much anything on them. Also we have to wear dress shoes.
But we can wear any kind of jewelry: dangle earrings, wristbands, studded belts. We can wear nail polish of any color also. And the girls can wear make up.

It's not that bad. Every once in a while we will have a tag day, where we can where jeans. I found out most people hate tag days. They would rather wear their uniforms. I could careless what we did, but wearing a uniform to school everyday makes getting dress in the morning 10 times faster.
Rotting On Here
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June 1st, 2006 at 04:17pm
my school has the strictest dress code in the state! I thinks it's ok because we all wear the same and people don't compete to wear all the "coolest" brand names and wory about having a new set of clothes every week =p
what do you have to wear?
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June 1st, 2006 at 04:29pm
I've heard people discuss this a million times.
I hate how some people said uniforms are stupid because they limit ones individuality. Do you have to dress a certain way to maintain or express your individuality? No.
School is there so you would get your education and to learn. It's your right. You should be happy for having that chance. For an example, India has a really high percentage of uneducated people. Now why do you think you go to school for? Hang out? Show off your new clothes? School has rules. Why object following them. I have absolutely nothing against uniforms, they make building stereotypes towards others harder. This way, we are all considered equal and we have a right to stand out with all our talents and qualities. Not our expensive clothes and whatnot.
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Mibba Blog
June 1st, 2006 at 06:00pm
I've heard people discuss this a million times.
I hate how some people said uniforms are stupid because they limit ones individuality. Do you have to dress a certain way to maintain or express your individuality? No.
School is there so you would get your education and to learn. It's your right. You should be happy for having that chance. For an example, India has a really high percentage of uneducated people. Now why do you think you go to school for? Hang out? Show off your new clothes? School has rules. Why object following them. I have absolutely nothing against uniforms, they make building stereotypes towards others harder. This way, we are all considered equal and we have a right to stand out with all our talents and qualities. Not our expensive clothes and whatnot.
I agree, clothes shouldn't be the only form of expression, because people shouldn't be defined by what they wear, but for alot of people they do help them express themselves. Some people don't even worry about brands, they worry about "How does this show my personailty?" People like to be individual and unique with their clothing. However, that is just some people, others don't even think twice about what they wear, if it fits, get it. Others like to stay on to the latest trends, ect. I think uniforms are really not needed, but if you school does have one, it isnt something to freak out about. Although, kids will always get teased and picked on, and I really don't think uniforms help that much.
Joke Me Something Awful
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Joke Me Something Awful
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June 2nd, 2006 at 05:12pm
I wish my school had uniforms. It would get rid of a lot of bitchiness.
And there are a lot of kids who get teased for what they wear. So I think they're good.
Age: 31
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June 2nd, 2006 at 07:41pm
I agree with the "basic uniforms". my school has a basic one for the first year ever, but several elementary schools and the 6th grade building has one. its tan pants with a collared shirt. they don't care what kind of shoes we wear as long as they're not flip flops, and we can wear jewelry and makeup if we want. I agree with it because the majority of workplaces in the US have a basic corporate casual dress code (no jeans and a band t-shirt) so they're preparing us for the "grown up world", which is very good (in my opinion).
King For A Couple Of Days
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June 2nd, 2006 at 08:12pm
My school doesnt have a dress code, we have a full out uniform and you get suspended if your dye your hair or if you have white shoe laces...and we are a public school!!!
Falling In Love With The Board
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June 3rd, 2006 at 01:53am
I've heard people discuss this a million times.
I hate how some people said uniforms are stupid because they limit ones individuality. Do you have to dress a certain way to maintain or express your individuality? No.
School is there so you would get your education and to learn. It's your right. You should be happy for having that chance. For an example, India has a really high percentage of uneducated people. Now why do you think you go to school for? Hang out? Show off your new clothes? School has rules. Why object following them. I have absolutely nothing against uniforms, they make building stereotypes towards others harder. This way, we are all considered equal and we have a right to stand out with all our talents and qualities. Not our expensive clothes and whatnot.
Id rather have people make fun of my clothes than my personality, frankly. If the school was to ask someone to do something against their religion your saying we shouldnt complain about it? When, God knows the teachers would shit if we disobeyed them. We go to different schools so I doubt you know where Im coming from =] I'll just leave it be.
Band Geek
Band Geek
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June 3rd, 2006 at 02:32am
My school has a uniform, and they're really strict about it too, as in you're only allowed a black hair tie, skirts have to be under the knee, only a single gold or silver stud in the lower lobe of the ear, blah blah blah... I think that uniforms are a good idea, because it means that some students don't feel so pressured to buy more expensive or fashionable clothes. However I don't think that they should be too strict about what you wear with the uniform, so that you can wear whatever jewlery you want, or change your uniform a bit.
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June 27th, 2006 at 02:40am
Uniforms are good in some ways bad in others
Uniforms keep you from showing your individuality but i guess i'd get bullied evn more if people seen some of the clothes i wear but you know i say keep uniforms and show your individuality through your personality and accesories for example i wear vans that are coloured in by myself so there one of a kind, i have a green crocodile monster umbrella with big eyes thats meant for toddlers and sometimes i bring farie dust into school and pour it on people i dont like (glitters very very hard to get off) and different weird my style make-up and my individuality can be seen a mile away through my weird personality
P.S i know most school wont let you wear makeup, certain shoes ect but come on make a stand my schools one of the strictist but i rather get in trouble than be a follower maybe try and explain this to the head and see what she/he thinks about it
xXx depressed_emo xXx
xXx depressed_emo xXx
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June 30th, 2006 at 12:01am
at our school the uniform (brown...ehhh) is just a shirt, tie and pants. They tried to be tough on stuff such as shirts underneath, wearing bands and necklaces and shoes like chux, but they gave up cuz everyone was doing it. As long as were given some freedom with stuff like accessories the whole school usually weras there uniform right. I think its wrong to make u look like a stiff, as this will cause ppl to rebel
Lucifers Angel
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June 30th, 2006 at 04:11am
i really dont think a uniform makes a school, has long as your going to school doing yur studies and getting good grades what should it matter? all because your dressed the same doesnt automaticaly give you good grades.
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June 30th, 2006 at 04:32am
i really don't think a uniform makes a school, has long as your going to school doing your studies and getting good grades what should it matter? all because your dressed the same doesn't automatically give you good grades.
Well it could in a way.
So image your one of those people who spend hours the nite before school picking out your clothes for the next day. That time could be used to study.

I Dunno. Just a thought.
Lucifers Angel
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June 30th, 2006 at 04:34am
Dead Disco:
i really don't think a uniform makes a school, has long as your going to school doing your studies and getting good grades what should it matter? all because your dressed the same doesn't automatically give you good grades.
Well it could in a way.
So image your one of those people who spend hours the nite before school picking out your clothes for the next day. That time could be used to study.

I Dunno. Just a thought.

then get more organised.
King For A Couple Of Days
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July 2nd, 2006 at 12:18am
I attend a public school and we still have a uniform, our hair has to be natuarl, onely one st of earrings, the Correct uniform, and just everyting has to be perfect....but on "free dress" days our teachers comment on how nice we all look and how happy we are, the attitude seems to change in a good way from us all weariing free dress, but i think thatschools should have a polo shirt that we all wear and have wateva bottoms u want, also our school reckons we are being "rebels" wen we die our hair, i dnt se how having red and black or all blonde with a bit of brown in it makes us be rebels and have a bad atttude problem.
King For A Couple Of Days
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July 2nd, 2006 at 12:34am
I think it's too much... But people do abuse.
So it's needed.
My school doesn't have a uniform... Which is great.
But people still abuse.
Stupid people.
GD Addicts Anonymous
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July 2nd, 2006 at 12:48am
I know I'd be pissed if I had to wear a uniform. I don't see the need for uniforms. As long as nobody's wearing anything against a dress code, I think students should be able to wear what they want. Dress codes are enough for me without uniforms.
Basket Case
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July 2nd, 2006 at 02:13pm
i think you do need uniform at some extent.
at my school we have to wear shirts,ties etc
i would perfer if you could wear what you want but something saying you belong to that school
e.g wear what you want but wear a tie(i know alot of people ot there wear ties for normal wear)
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July 2nd, 2006 at 06:21pm
There are a few reasons as to why we have to wear a uniform in my school. Like for example, A lot of student's might not have that much money and that enable's them to keep up with the 'latest trends' which could result in bullying or something.
And also some kids can be mean and they could treat other people differantly because of what they wear.
So dress codes can be helpful sometimes but not when they're completely strict.