Dress codes

Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
April 13th, 2011 at 06:51pm
I've never had to wear a uniform, but tbh I wouldn't have minded during high school. I would have saved so much on clothing, and avoided those days where you try on a million outfits and everything looks bad.

But I would have wanted it to be comfortable. Around here, all the really hoity toity private schools have them wearing stiff shirts, ties, kilts Cheese. But If a public school has a uniform its usually just a polo, jumper and a skirt/pants. I could deal with that
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 27
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April 13th, 2011 at 07:21pm
I probably wouldn't be comfortable in a uniform,I dont know why,I just wouldn't
Basket Case
Age: 32
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April 14th, 2011 at 07:52am
I don't see how clothing can affect someone so much. As long as it's practical, does it really matter that much?
I had to wear a uniform at school and I looked bloody awful in it (the winter uniform, at least), but you get used to it.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 31
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May 10th, 2011 at 03:11pm
i think kids should wear what they want. putting them in uniforms isnt going to affect their behavior or make anything any easier. no matter what the kid is wearing they are still going to act the way they want to act. clothing is only a physical outward and obvious way of expressing ones self. they say unatural hair colors and piercings is "distracting" not really though... maybe for like 2 minutes when your like Hey! that kid has green hair! or somthing but not to the point where itll become extreme. if you cant pay attention in class cuz of some kids cloths or hair then thats your problem...
Post Whore
Age: 33
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May 10th, 2011 at 04:35pm
I don't see anything wrong with uniform. In school I complained about it, yes, but not about having to wear it. More about how strict it was. It is too strict in some schools, I would have much rather worn a sweatshirt and polo shirt than a shirt, tie and blazer. I would have much rather worn a white shirt than a nasty thick blue one.
But I don't think the idea of a uniform is that bad. For one thing, without it, I do believe there'd be more bullying (not that there's not already enough of it). I was one of the ones who got laughed at for not having 'cool' shoes, so imagine what it would be like for those who showed up to school in an entire outfit that wasn't 'cool' enough. Or those who can't afford nice clothes, or have to wear the same outfit twice a week.

You can still express yourself whilst wearing uniform. Wear jewelry, wear the wrong footwear, for however long you can get away from it (if it's the right colour, you may never get caught - I didn't until my very last day and by then it was too late - ME: 1, TEACHERS: 0). Accept that for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, you're going to have to wear it. I mean, 6 hours is nothing a day. It's not for the rest of your life. You can go home after the 6 hours and put on the wildest clothes you want.
Rainy Days
Rainy Days
Age: 27
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Posts: 1586
May 10th, 2011 at 09:44pm
I don't see anything wrong with uniform. In school I complained about it, yes, but not about having to wear it. More about how strict it was. It is too strict in some schools, I would have much rather worn a sweatshirt and polo shirt than a shirt, tie and blazer. I would have much rather worn a white shirt than a nasty thick blue one.
But I don't think the idea of a uniform is that bad. For one thing, without it, I do believe there'd be more bullying (not that there's not already enough of it). I was one of the ones who got laughed at for not having 'cool' shoes, so imagine what it would be like for those who showed up to school in an entire outfit that wasn't 'cool' enough. Or those who can't afford nice clothes, or have to wear the same outfit twice a week.

You can still express yourself whilst wearing uniform. Wear jewelry, wear the wrong footwear, for however long you can get away from it (if it's the right colour, you may never get caught - I didn't until my very last day and by then it was too late - ME: 1, TEACHERS: 0). Accept that for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, you're going to have to wear it. I mean, 6 hours is nothing a day. It's not for the rest of your life. You can go home after the 6 hours and put on the wildest clothes you want.

i agree with this 100%
i have to wear a uniform everyday.
i ALWAYS add my own style.
yeah, i've gotten in trouble, but i still don't complain about the uniform.
i actually kinda like my uniform....
Basket Case
Age: 32
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Posts: 19801

May 11th, 2011 at 03:29am
wear the wrong footwear, for however long you can get away from it (if it's the right colour, you may never get caught - I didn't until my very last day and by then it was too late - ME: 1, TEACHERS: 0)

Doc Martens most days for 2 years Cool I got complimented on them by several teachers even though technically I don't think they were allowed. Admittedly, that was by the time I was in sixth form, with variable uniform. but it was still supposed to be smart, no trainers/Converse/sandals allowed...
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 34
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May 11th, 2011 at 04:13am
From what I understand about it, in other counties the main reason why they enforce uniform in some schools is because in the ones with no uniform, some kids use clothing choice as a reason to start attacking and bullying other kids. So they bring in uniforms to stop it.
Post Whore
Age: 33
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May 11th, 2011 at 05:25am
Jarvis Cocker.:
wear the wrong footwear, for however long you can get away from it (if it's the right colour, you may never get caught - I didn't until my very last day and by then it was too late - ME: 1, TEACHERS: 0)

Doc Martens most days for 2 years Cool I got complimented on them by several teachers even though technically I don't think they were allowed. Admittedly, that was by the time I was in sixth form, with variable uniform. but it was still supposed to be smart, no trainers/Converse/sandals allowed...
We weren't allowed to wear Doc Martens with skirts, only with trousers. Mine were black though. My head of year used my footwear as a good example of 'suitable footwear' when telling off this girl I hate... I could see the hate in her eyes. She was probably thinking 'I WILL NEVER WEAR THAT HORRIBLE MANLY FOOTWEAR IN MY LIFE'.
Then I started wearing these black Converse-like shoes with purple lines and they never realised. HIGH FIVE FOR BEING NAUGHTY AND BREAKING THE DRESS CODE.
Basket Case
Age: 32
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Posts: 19801

May 11th, 2011 at 05:48am
Jarvis Cocker.:
wear the wrong footwear, for however long you can get away from it (if it's the right colour, you may never get caught - I didn't until my very last day and by then it was too late - ME: 1, TEACHERS: 0)

Doc Martens most days for 2 years Cool I got complimented on them by several teachers even though technically I don't think they were allowed. Admittedly, that was by the time I was in sixth form, with variable uniform. but it was still supposed to be smart, no trainers/Converse/sandals allowed...
We weren't allowed to wear Doc Martens with skirts, only with trousers. Mine were black though. My head of year used my footwear as a good example of 'suitable footwear' when telling off this girl I hate... I could see the hate in her eyes. She was probably thinking 'I WILL NEVER WEAR THAT HORRIBLE MANLY FOOTWEAR IN MY LIFE'.
Then I started wearing these black Converse-like shoes with purple lines and they never realised. HIGH FIVE FOR BEING NAUGHTY AND BREAKING THE DRESS CODE.

Five: I always wore mine with skirts 'cause I didn't own any trousers in sixth form Laughing
Spelling Cunts
Spelling Cunts
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May 11th, 2011 at 11:21am
I always wore my black converse. Docs werent allowed either, but the rule was black polishable shoes, so when the vp finally did confront me I told her they didn't specify how much of the shoe you could polish. Didn't go down well, but I kept wearing them.

I never wore the right anything. I hated polyester so I wore black stretch jeans instead. Never wore the right shirts, wore long sleeved tshirts uner the shirts, never wore a tie, never wore a jumper when we were supposed to.
I was lucky though, my uniform was black, which I actually liked. I just hated the nitty gritty shit they put us through, so I never obeyed it.
Rainy Days
Rainy Days
Age: 27
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Posts: 1586
May 11th, 2011 at 07:26pm
in countries like Mexico they enforce uniforms because many of the children can't afford different clothes to wear everyday. so they wear a uniform.
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 14th, 2011 at 10:09pm
I can understand why schools have uniforms to an extent. I disagree with them however. A big part of being an individual is how you dress. People may argue that you can just wear whatever you want when you're outside of school, but 80% of your life as a kid is spent at school. People get their impressions of you at school. There should be regulations, though. At my school, you have to put your hands at your sides so that the monitors can tell if your shorts are long enough. Nobody needs to see excessive butts or boobs -- we all know you have them, you don't need to remind us.
Or maybe I should just be thankful that my school doesn't have uniforms Con
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 27
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Posts: 4387
May 23rd, 2011 at 04:07pm
i think kids should wear what they want. putting them in uniforms isnt going to affect their behavior or make anything any easier. no matter what the kid is wearing they are still going to act the way they want to act. clothing is only a physical outward and obvious way of expressing ones self. they say unatural hair colors and piercings is "distracting" not really though... maybe for like 2 minutes when your like Hey! that kid has green hair! or somthing but not to the point where itll become extreme. if you cant pay attention in class cuz of some kids cloths or hair then thats your problem...

I Agree
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
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May 24th, 2011 at 03:12pm
But then you can't be targeted based on what you are wearing. Which personaly I fined to be over rated and untrue. People target you based on how you present yourself, how you act and talk, personality. It's after they see that, that they will target you. I mean, blah blah, jocks and emos blah, jocks bully the emos, blah, and that's just two "real groups." that get picked on.

No matter how people dress, there are kids who get bullied for all things. Wether they're a "jock" or "emo" that's a bunch of bologna.

I've seen "normal" kids get bullied as well as "abnormal" kids.

Point blank, we're all humans.
Dressing us all the same, or letting us all dress ourselves, people will always be targeted.

However, I can see how it will take down the number of kids that dress....innapropriate. I mean, I've seen plenty of girls boobs, guys underdrawers, and some things people wear really are a little inapropriate and distracting.

A uniform really isn't that big a deal.
Do I want one, not really?
Would I start a revolution and complain I don't get to be mmyself?
Uhm, no, I don't have to wear it any other place then school. It wouldn't really change anything about my life.
As long as it was comfortable, then I'd be just fine, really. That is all.

People always seem to blow little things out of proportion and make a bigger deal about them then is really called for. Why don't people try to channel all that into something more serious...?

It's not like they are erasing who YOU are, they are just setting a REASONABLE regulation.

I might have ranted a bit and gone on more then I needed, but whatever. That's how I am looking at it. And I think I have some valid points.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 27
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Posts: 4387
May 28th, 2011 at 01:03pm
i get dress CODES but not uniforms
Basket Case
Age: 32
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Posts: 19801

May 28th, 2011 at 01:15pm
i get dress CODES but not uniforms
codes are incredibly difficult to enforce because loopholes are easier to find
uniforms not so much
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
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Posts: 2940

May 28th, 2011 at 02:33pm
^ True that.

I've picked apart dress codes from time to time.
I think every kid does.
Basket Case
Age: 32
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Posts: 19801

May 28th, 2011 at 04:12pm
yeah, we had a dress code in sixth form which was never properly enforced and as a result we were always getting moaned at and things would be banned every week, which meant that it was becoming increasingly difficult to choose clothes and remember all the rules. it was easier when we had a uniform
This Board Is My Home
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May 28th, 2011 at 06:28pm
My skirts were never long enough because my arms are so long, so I would wear leggings underneath to stay within the rules and people would just look at me like I was weird. I always wear bermuda shorts, which come down to the knee, so there was never any problem with them. Now that I'm in college, I'm trying to dress a different way.