Is being educated not cool?

Age: 31
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Posts: 523

Mibba Blog
March 7th, 2007 at 11:11pm
Exactly. A while back on the old GSB journals, there were a lot of people going "School sucks, it's useless, pointless, I hate it, I want to drop out ASAP, etc"

I used to think that way, but when I saw I was failing Math by a long way (you need all grades 70% or above to go to UIL; I had a 55%), I picked up my Chucks (not literally), and went high speed into studying.

Now I know how important brains are, no matter how much of a hypocrite I act like.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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March 9th, 2007 at 11:27am
I wish i was smart.
When i was 12ish or 13 i though being smart was embarrassing.
Now its cool to be getting A's.
Not in all subjects. I used to be a music history wiz. I'd listen to classical and romantic music everyday. Infact, I still do, and I am now. Beethoven Piano Concerto in C minor. I think. No, my bad, it's in C# minor. And I still get picked on a lot as if it's not cool because I listen to old music. Just because some people don't like it whereas I do and I'm the weirdo. I never understood that.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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March 14th, 2007 at 04:26pm
Its great to be able to have an education
You know we take for granted being able to read and write
So im very gratefull i can have an education but i dont actually attend school alot not because i dont want an education but because of certain rules and certain people make it unbearable
and it kills me im throwing away my education
Pretty Like Drugs
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Pretty Like Drugs
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March 14th, 2007 at 06:56pm
What's 'cool' is just a matter of opinion, and varies person to person. Don't let others' standard dictate you.

I personally think it's good to be knowledgble. Especially since I'm addicted to debating.
King For A Couple Of Days
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Mibba Blog
March 15th, 2007 at 01:31am
Do the best you can, who cares if you get labelled a 'nerd' just think; in the future you could be their bosses. And it's true.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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March 16th, 2007 at 10:43am
I just found out I got a 7 for my Geography coursework!
Brendon Urie..
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Brendon Urie..
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March 16th, 2007 at 01:19pm
I think if being educated weren't cool then there wouldn't be a such an emphasis on secondary education.
Lucifers Angel
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Lucifers Angel
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March 21st, 2007 at 06:51pm
i wish i applied myself mroe at school, but instead i had to go and do night courses to get qualifications, and now i have, i realise that i missed out on so much
The Bears Are Coming
Basket Case
The Bears Are Coming
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March 22nd, 2007 at 12:49pm
I take a lot of classes, I get good grades and I talk with different words then the people here (cause I moved here and they talk like hillbilly's here)
people call me a nerd from time to time
but thats just cause their little brains dont understand what I'm talking about
whats not cool about being smart?

I used to suck at school cause I was lazy and never showed up but next year is my final year and it's time to get serious, so I can attend the school I want and make a living
if that's not cool then so be it =]
Basket Case
Age: 35
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March 25th, 2007 at 11:15am
I have no choice but to do well since it is hard to establish yourself in Thailand successfully. And in order to leave, I have to go to university. And to go to university, I have to do well. Which I am! Seven out of a mon-fucking-strosity seven!

Technically I already got in, but my parents keep scaring me by saying that they'll kick me out if I don't do well in IB.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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March 25th, 2007 at 11:16am
'They' as in the university.
Flaming Phalanges!
Basket Case
Flaming Phalanges!
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March 27th, 2007 at 08:24am
I got properly shit kicked at school because I was one of the smartest in our year. Well actually, not to be bigheaded but I was THE smartest in our year.

It wa sstrange because sometimes people would love me for it, and sometimes they'd hate me, so it was a serious headfuck.

I mean people always used to beg me to go on their teams in quizzes, but if we were working on our own then people would get annoyed because I was getting things right.

Interestingly though, I found out it was the kids who really struggled who never had a go at me, moreso the average ones would be constantly saying things. But the less academic kids would say "You're the only reason anybody likes our class" (cos our class was proper shit) and "You're the one who's gonna go somewhere in life."

And the mouthy ones would say "Yeah well when she's driving round in her porsche and you're picking through the bins, let's see who's laughing then shall we?"

It was difficult being the smart kid though, because people would hate you for doing well, and the thing that got me was that I never really had to try much, so it wasn't something I could really help (not that I would have chosen to be less intelligent than what I am) but it only really stopped when I got into year 10 and I became mouthy myself, and people realised I was funny as well.

And then in year 11 I stopped going to school so I didn't come out with a million A*s at GCSE as was predicted, but even so, I got into college...and dropped out of it.

I know this is a big rambling autobiography, and I apologise for that but still.

Even now, I'm getting called posh because I use long words, but that's just a big joke. It's not people going "Oh fucking hell, why can't she use words we all understand?"
I Am So Beautiful! FUCK!
I Am So Beautiful! FUCK!
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March 27th, 2007 at 04:51pm
I don't think it's uncool to be well-educated, because at the end of the day, the well-educated person is the one who knows what the hell is going on in the world. And, at least in the U.S., it's hard to get some jobs, or a well paying one anyways, without a school education. I like school. Probably helps if the teacher isn't an annoying prick. =]
Why would you wanna be stupid anyways?
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March 28th, 2007 at 02:43pm
Flaming Phalanges!:
Even now, I'm getting called posh because I use long words, but that's just a big joke. It's not people going "Oh fucking hell, why can't she use words we all understand?"
Ah ha, that happens to me.
I can't help talking in long complex sentences around people who probably don't understand half of what I'm saying Rolling Eyes
Flaming Phalanges!
Basket Case
Flaming Phalanges!
Age: 35
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March 28th, 2007 at 06:41pm
Flaming Phalanges!:
Even now, I'm getting called posh because I use long words, but that's just a big joke. It's not people going "Oh fucking hell, why can't she use words we all understand?"
Ah ha, that happens to me.
I can't help talking in long complex sentences around people who probably don't understand half of what I'm saying Rolling Eyes

It makes life more interesting does it not?

Russell Brand would be NOWHERE if it weren't for overly complex language.
christie road
christie road
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March 30th, 2007 at 10:43pm
In my school, if you are not educated well ... you are in SPED (speical education) and thoes people arent "cool"

But alot of people have minor disablities in some subjects, like math (i go into the core room for exams) but thoes people arent geeks or anything

But if you can balance grades and a soical life, i guess you would be considered "cool"
Peter Petrelli
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Peter Petrelli
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March 31st, 2007 at 10:56am
It does seem to be a belief when you're younger that being 'smart' isn't cool, which I've never really understood. I've always been reasonably clever. And out of the 10 people who were in the same year as me in primary school (it was a small school) I'm the only one who reached A Level. The rest either dropped out, didn't get the grades, and I know one girl is now a heroin addict.

So in my opinion, being educated is cool, because when it comes down to it you'll be able to achieve so much more when you're older.
I Am So Beautiful! FUCK!
I Am So Beautiful! FUCK!
Age: 32
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March 31st, 2007 at 01:49pm
Tabby Delany:
It does seem to be a belief when you're younger that being 'smart' isn't cool, which I've never really understood. I've always been reasonably clever. And out of the 10 people who were in the same year as me in primary school (it was a small school) I'm the only one who reached A Level. The rest either dropped out, didn't get the grades, and I know one girl is now a heroin addict.

So in my opinion, being educated is cool, because when it comes down to it you'll be able to achieve so much more when you're older.

Nicely put.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

April 5th, 2007 at 11:27am
Define 'cool'.
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April 9th, 2007 at 09:54am
The only reason being educated is seen as "not cool" is because a lot of people are stupid, and therefore jealous.