Is being educated not cool?
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Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | Sruti:No, IB is the International Baccaulareate. It develops students as a whole and is the best external high school programme available today, in my opinion. |
peeingchicken Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 177 | ... |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | peeingchicken:Are you going to say anything at all? |
Mycophobia Basket Case ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581 ![]() | Anji: dosnt look like it ![]() |
Mycophobia Basket Case ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581 ![]() | one of the things cool people can do is outsmart people of higher ranks then them like teachers ![]() |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | God, I live off of correcting teachers. |
cactus. Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 6442 | I've stopped correcting my math teacher, cause she always yells at me first, then of course she doesn't appologise, just continues the lesson. It's "uncool" to be educated in some places indeed. People make fun of you for having straight A's and knowing everything. It's really absurd, but I don't really care. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | The only reason people say that being smart is for geeks and such is because of this weird inferiority compex. Like, if the majority or even a group of people can't do something that someone can (usually a not-famous skill or something), then the person gets made fun of. No one will make fun of you for being able to play guitar, because everyone looks up to rock stars. For the music, at least. Not the drug part. But if you can act, then people go "Oh look, it's Junior Shakespeare" and stuff really sarcastically. If you can swallow swords people will point at you and be like "What'd you have for lunch? A dagger with some blood?" And so it applies to brains. You become a nerd and geek because you are academically clever and they aren't or don't want to apply themselves. But I don't suppose this is true in all cases. |
Tom Blinks Me. Idiot ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 825 | Fuck people who make fun of you for being smart or for wanting a good education. I plan on graduating and going to college. It's better than being the tit who thinks it's lame. At least you won't be working in McDonalds like they'll be. ![]() |
Deernt. Rotting On Here ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 48258 ![]() ![]() | Education not being cool? The illiterate people say that because they don't want to do anything with their lives. I personally love being educated. Without education, where would you be in life? However, being educated is different from being intelligent. Mark Twain once said, "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." You can learn many things in the real world, not just the school education. However, the school education you recieve is in a rudimentary sense to prepare you for the real world. In school, I hate how there are groups and cliques like "Geeks" and "Nerds". I've noticed in my middle school years, the people who don't have that many friends and are a little immature are the ones with brains. There are only a few who don't fit that personality. I also plan on going to college and graduating; with getting a degree and become a doctor of music. The more you plan on it, the more likely it'll happen. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | Exactly. A while back on the old GSB journals, there were a lot of people going "School sucks, it's useless, pointless, I hate it, I want to drop out ASAP, etc" |
Deernt. Rotting On Here ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 48258 ![]() ![]() | lyrical_mess:Without education, you wouldn't have a job, you wouldn't have a house, you wouldn't live a great life. PERIOD. |
worn-out astronaut. Had A Life Before GSB ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 28177 ![]() ![]() | Colored Cartoon.:And thats true. I mean, you can say you hate school when a teacher pisses you off or whatever, but in the end schooling is necessary and we cant fight that. In the end, why would we? I love learning new things, and mostly I learn new things in school, so if that makes me a Geek then thats your opinion. I will consider myself a person with a bit more knowledge. |
rehabreject Jackass ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 1308 | ^ All very true. ^ I think there are so many people who complain about school/college/whatever - they just don't understand how goddamn lucky they are. (I'm sorta being a hypocrite here, cause even I complain...ah well) The point is, they've grown up in relatively wealthy societies and have probably never experienced life without food/water/shelter. It's a damn shame we're so ungrateful when there are thousands of kids over the world who would do anything to have the same opportunities... |
Deernt. Rotting On Here ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 48258 ![]() ![]() | rehabreject:Hey, I support education to the highest level, and I even complain sometimes. But that's alright, because I don't argue about it consistently like most people do. |
Plug In Baby. Addict ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 11334 | Okay, well I'll tell you all something. I'm actually really smart. But a week ago, I went to my parents begging them to let me drop out. Why? Because I just can't deal with school. I absolutly hate it. Like, you think you're sick of school, or whatever? I literally can't force myself out of my bed to go to school. The amount of days I take off is rediculous. And for a lot of other people "complaining", it could be the same situation. Don't say to me "School's shit for me and I stick it out" because that's completly ignorant. If you can stick it out and I can't, obviously my situation is a little different (not just the ..real situation, but the mental situation). Oh, and I'm one of those people working at McDonalds. I've been working there for a year, to save up money. I'm going to be working there until I get another job sorted out, and until I get my TAFE course sorted out. Working at McDonald's isn't the worst thing in the world, because at least I have a job. For some people, like me, school is not the way to go. I can be doing the tafe course that I want to do when I finish school, right now, no worries. I can save up money to fly to other states to see bands and my friends, to get better music equipment, recording software. Just because people drop out of school doesn't mean they're a complete failure. You guys are saying how you're teased about being smart, well you're putting down the people who can't cope with school and that's just as bad. |
worn-out astronaut. Had A Life Before GSB ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 28177 ![]() ![]() | Coff:I agree. I think we should put out that some kids [like you] just cant stick it out. And you probably have really good reason. But the thing is that a lot of kids complain and complain not because they cant face school, but because they are too damn lazy to do it. School is shit, school is crap, the teachers are stupid.......some kids are repeating that over and over everyday, but in fact they have nothing to complain about. I guess you really cant face it. How come? I mean you don't have to talk about it if you don't wont too, I respect that, but do you hate just your school or you cant deal with any school? And whats wrong with working in McDonalds? Its a job. You can have great education and a crappy job, that doesn't give anyone the right to judge someone cause he works in McDoanlds. Like you said, at least you have a job. |
PaNcAkEs Jackass ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 1808 ![]() | i believe that being smart is cool, because you can always snap back at mean things with something they dont understand. I believe its cool to not be broke or unemployed which would result in doing things one wouldnt normally do. I believe in simplicity, but i like complex words and phrases. I also believe that the more you know the better chances of survival you have in this world. Everyone earns their places in society by pure deeds, not words. I could phylosophise for hours without an end if one would let me but yeah. I think that if some babes or manwhores think its not okay to be smart, then the person should find him/herself a new social circle and ditch those people whose brain has devolved into some primitive structure. I believe that being educated is cool, sorry if i went off topic too much. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | Pressure Drop: We're not insulting people just for dropping out of school. The thing is, people who don't have it as bad as Coff act like school is for losers. Yes, a lot of dropouts become strong smart people. But there are kids who say they want to drop out just because. I mean the kids whose parents pay for everything (like mine) and they have friends in school and they do okay. Not great, but okay. These kids go "School sucks. I can't wait till I can dropout." And do what? You have no work experience. They really just enjoy being 'stupid' for the hell of it. Because they think it's what's cool. I realize that Green Day and other bands are really role models, but people go "They dropped out, so I should too so I can be like them." Do I want to be like Billie Joe? Fuck yes. But I don't think dropping out of school and neglecting my education is quite the way to acheive that. |
Dom Jackass ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Male Posts: 1691 | being clever isnt cool until you get to the age of about 15, 16 and people start realising its probably better to clever than stupid, and when you start sixth form the people there want to learn, and they value intelligence and praise you for it, well thats how ive found it. |
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