Billie Joe Dreams

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King For A Couple Of Days
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Age: 32
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July 17th, 2006 at 10:31pm
Cigarettes And Valentines:
I had a dream me and several other people were on a ship, and we were being attacked by terrorists who were bombing the ship. It was really scary. Then it was kind of like the Titanic. The ship all of a sudden stood up straight and I was hanging onto the front of the boat to keep from falling down. And then all of a sudden Billie appears out of nowhere next to me, hanging onto the boat, and he just kind of looks at me for a minute then he's like, "Don't I know you from somewhere?" And then I was like, "No, not really but I know you." And then he said, "Well I'm gonna jump ok?" and then I'm like, "No!" and he's like, "Fine, you jump with me." And then I was like, "Ok." So we both grabbed each other's hand and then he's like, "You ready? 1...2...3..let go!" and then we both let go and slowly fell....and fell...and slow motion. We just kind of disappeared into this mist. 0__0 And then I woke up.

Very Happy interesting.
Age: 31
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Posts: 14866
July 18th, 2006 at 09:07pm
~Im The Minority~:
Cigarettes And Valentines:
I had a dream me and several other people were on a ship, and we were being attacked by terrorists who were bombing the ship. It was really scary. Then it was kind of like the Titanic. The ship all of a sudden stood up straight and I was hanging onto the front of the boat to keep from falling down. And then all of a sudden Billie appears out of nowhere next to me, hanging onto the boat, and he just kind of looks at me for a minute then he's like, "Don't I know you from somewhere?" And then I was like, "No, not really but I know you." And then he said, "Well I'm gonna jump ok?" and then I'm like, "No!" and he's like, "Fine, you jump with me." And then I was like, "Ok." So we both grabbed each other's hand and then he's like, "You ready? 1...2...3..let go!" and then we both let go and slowly fell....and fell...and slow motion. We just kind of disappeared into this mist. 0__0 And then I woke up.

Very Happy interesting.
Yes. It is all very interesting. Fizz
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King For A Couple Of Days
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Age: 32
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Posts: 3867
July 18th, 2006 at 10:03pm
god im having this dream streak or something! ok in real life there is this
dude who lives across the street from me and he calls himself a green day fan. Hand its a long story. anyway,

so in my dream, i was at my middle school and billie was going to perform.
and the dude i mentioned above was there and he got to go up and play with billie.

one, he's hardly a fan and two, he doesnt even know how to play guitar.
it was weird. Confused
Age: 31
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Posts: 14866
July 18th, 2006 at 10:32pm
~Im The Minority~:
god im having this dream streak or something! ok in real life there is this
dude who lives across the street from me and he calls himself a green day fan. Hand its a long story. anyway,

so in my dream, i was at my middle school and billie was going to perform.
and the dude i mentioned above was there and he got to go up and play with billie.

one, he's hardly a fan and two, he doesnt even know how to play guitar.
it was weird. Confused
Snooty What an idiot. Billie should have pushed the guy out of the way and made you play with him. Retard
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
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Posts: 7305

July 19th, 2006 at 05:25pm
I had a weird dream last night.
I was at a cafe. And it was full everywhere except for a table where Billie and his family happens to sit, there's one chair left.
I'm like "Hello, can I sit down?" and they say I can, so I do and then I start dorking off. Like, stretching out my hand, saying "Do you greet like this in America too?" and I introduce myself to all of them one by one, "Hello, my name is Allis. Hello,, my name is Allis..." four times. Then they seemed a little more bothered, and dad wakes me up... O__o
anti-christ of suburbia
anti-christ of suburbia
Age: 32
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July 23rd, 2006 at 11:32am
i had this really evil dream that kinda involved Billie. i dreamed an angel told me that Billie, Mike, Tre and, for some reason, the Fall Out Boy guys, had all died in a horrible bus crash. then she hugged me. then all of a sudden i was dreaming about cats, but thats coz my little sis was screwin with my dreams.
Age: 36
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July 23rd, 2006 at 01:20pm
I had a dream last night that I had a baby and he looked just like BJ and I was calling him 'Billie'. Then he turned into a dog..
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 32
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Posts: 4469
July 23rd, 2006 at 01:23pm
I had a dream last night that I had a baby and he looked just like BJ and I was calling him 'Billie'. Then he turned into a dog..

Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
July 23rd, 2006 at 03:44pm
My friend had a Green Day dream a while ago. She said that she was talking to them or something and then they magically appeared in front of a big house and then Tre' started chasing her and Billie and Mike was in a hot dog suit. o_0 lmfao

I had some weird random dream last night that eventually evolved into a Green Day dream.
I was in cave or something with Green Day and a group of people who don't exist in real life and one of them named Jacob got killed and turned into a skeleton. Then this jackass named Chad lit the skeleton on fire and it came back to life and then cats started attacking us (it was like the movie The Birds, but with cats) and for some strange reason, if I...GOT INTIMATE with Mike, it was going to save everyone from the evil cats. o_0 And I think I remember Billie talking to Mike and saying something like, "How long is it gonna take you to bang her?" lmfao So I showed up at a house and the inside looked like my friend Ashley's living room and Mike and Billie were there. And then the cats all disappeared and Mike started making out with me on the staircase. I woke up happy but confused. Laughing
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 30
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Posts: 51
July 23rd, 2006 at 04:28pm
lmao reading the dreams i had a dream that Billie Joe was a vampire but he didnt want 2 suck r blood..........
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King For A Couple Of Days
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Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 3867
July 23rd, 2006 at 05:18pm
Cigarettes And Valentines:
~Im The Minority~:
god im having this dream streak or something! ok in real life there is this
dude who lives across the street from me and he calls himself a green day fan. Hand its a long story. anyway,

so in my dream, i was at my middle school and billie was going to perform.
and the dude i mentioned above was there and he got to go up and play with billie.

one, he's hardly a fan and two, he doesnt even know how to play guitar.
it was weird. Confused
Snooty What an idiot. Billie should have pushed the guy out of the way and made you play with him. Retard

i totally agree....cept i cant play guitar. BUT.....i know that if I had acctually
been taken up in my dream, i probably would have known how Very Happy
ive been trying to get my dad to let me take lessons but he's like no. hmph. oh well Cool
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July 23rd, 2006 at 06:36pm
I just remembered I dreamt about Billie Joe last night. He was at my house playing some sort of game where you're suppose to sing. I think some sort of intro game and one intro was so obvious to me cause it was the intro to Jesus of Suburbia. I just said "This is easy" and walked out of the room to fetch some water so I could sing but when I came back and started to sing Billie Joe was no where to be seen... Question Crying or Very sad
Feeling It Yet?
Feeling It Yet?
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July 23rd, 2006 at 08:23pm
harsh, he ran away....
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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July 24th, 2006 at 12:31pm
I had another one last night, though I only remember a little...

Me and Billie were in a bed just talking, then the only thing that I remember that he said is, "A little chubby, are we?" XD Then I think I put my head in the pillow...

I liked it though, (not the chubby part, but how we were just laying there) I thought it was sort of sweet! Smile
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 30
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Posts: 7305

July 24th, 2006 at 04:10pm
I keep having dreams where Billie knocks my door and rings the doorbell and when I open he's on fire. All of a sudden, he says 'Hej Allis, kan jag komma in?' in Swedish and then we have a teaparty, with him sporting a pink waitress-hat O_o
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July 26th, 2006 at 04:01pm
I have TONS!!! but then i forget what happened in them. I remember one where I was in California, coming off the plane, going through the terminal, and Billie, Mike, and Tre were walking toward me. Then Tre stole my brother. Me, my mom, Billie, and Mike were chasing after him. Then he tripped and we got my brother back. Then the airport caught on fire and me, my mom, my brother, Billie, Mike, and Tre were the only ones who survived. The end.
Age: 32
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Posts: 11756
July 27th, 2006 at 05:40am
I had a dream last night that I had a baby and he looked just like BJ and I was calling him 'Billie'. Then he turned into a dog..


lmfao That's sad...
Roshambo (natalie) [fink]
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Roshambo (natalie) [fink]
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July 29th, 2006 at 01:08am
I had a dream billie joe somehow took me to prom (back in like 1990) and we danced and had a great time.... h=Green Dya performend but oviesly were callled Sweet Children and yet tre was in the band

at the end i was really drunk but the alcohol wears of when we get to my door step and i turn to billie and said it was awsome then billie grabbed my arm and said 'Natalie...uhh...I ....I really..."

then my fucking brother cam and woke me to say there was no more cheereOs


i guess i'll never know what happend......

and i hate that
Age: 31
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Posts: 14866
July 29th, 2006 at 01:24am
I had a dream Billie Joe and I were just sitting there on two chairs.

In the middle of nowhere.

Then all of a sudden he turned to me and hugged me to death.

And then he walked away down this road.

Roshambo (natalie) [fink]
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Roshambo (natalie) [fink]
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July 29th, 2006 at 01:30am
hmmm that sounds weird